マタイ18:20 NIV
[20] 二人または三人がわたしの名において集まるところには、わたしもその中にいるのである。」
Matthew 18:20 NIV
[20] For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”
This Teaching Clip made me think of you. Watch Matthew 18:20 by Bethel Music:
There's power in kingdom community
神がそこにいるとすぐにわかりました。それがこの聖書の言葉です。たった二人か三人で集まると、何か重要なことが起こります。 もちろん、あなたには個人的な祈りの時間があります。それはあなたと主の間の時間です。
Thank you. Hi, today's scripture reading is Matthew chapter 18 and verse 20, and it says, for where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there in the midst of them. I love the scripture so much, but I've got to tell you, the first time I read it, I thought to myself, isn't God everywhere?
You might be asking yourself that right now, and you're correct. God is here, God is there, God is everywhere. And some refer to this as God's common presence. But what this scripture is talking about is something so significant and special.
Have you ever sat with other believers, just two or three, and you broke open the scriptures together and begin to read the word together, pray together, worship together, and you sensed the tangible presence of God?
You just knew that he was there. That's what this scripture is talking about. Something significant happens when we gather with just two or three. Of course, you have your personal devotion time, and that's between you and the Lord.
So important. Then you have corporate worship where we gather with other believers, maybe on the weekend or throughout the week, and we gather with hundreds, maybe even thousands of people. Corporate worship is a beautiful expression.
But this is talking about just two or three people gathered in the name of Jesus. And he's promised to be in your midst. If you need joy, you need peace, you need encouragement, you need to be lifted in your spirit, I encourage you to gather with other believers, break open the word, talk about Jesus.
He shows up in a significant way.
A Prayer for Unity
God, I am so thankful that You have united me to a community of believers who love You! Please help us to remain united in times of disruption and difficulty. Continue to unite believers all around the world so that we can share Your good works and faithfulness with others. In Jesus’ name, Amen.