ガラテヤ人への手紙 4:4-5 NIV
[4] しかし、定められた時が満ちると、神は御子を遣わされました。御子は女から生まれ、律法の下に生まれました。[5] 律法の下にある者たちを贖い、わたしたちを神の子として受け入れるためです。
Galatians 4:4-5 NIV
[4] But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, [5] to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship.
ガラテヤ人への手紙 4:4-5 には、「しかし、定められた時が満ちると、神は御子を女から生れ、律法の下に生れさせて、律法の下にある者たちを贖い、私たちが神の子として受け入れられるようにするため、遣わされました」とあります。
最後の部分をもう一度読んでください。「神の子として養子とされるため」。私たちが神の家族になるためです。私たちはもう稼いでいないので「受け取る」のです。神が私たちを連れて来てくださるので「養子とされる」のです。私たちは神のものであるので「神の子である」のです。 しかし、3 番目の単語「かもしれない」をもう一度見てください。
神の家族に養子縁組される準備ができていますか? イエスがあなたのためにすべてを与えてくださった正義を受け取る準備ができていますか? それはあなたが受け取るものです。もう 1 分も待つ必要はありません。あなたの養子縁組は 3 つの単語で終わります:
Receiving Adoption
Galatians 4:4-5 says, “But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship.”
“But when the set time had fully come…”
Meticulously crafted and precisely prepared for, God’s plan was carried out to the final detail. When the moment came for the Messiah to be born, it wasn’t a surprise or an accident. It was right on time. It was one holy moment where all of creation could at last exhale, “Finally.”
“God sent his Son, born of a woman…”
The Son of God left heaven to be born. What could be a more humble act of sacrifice? He took on human form and lived His life here on earth.
“Born under the law, to redeem those under the law…”
God's law includes standards that men and women could never have lived up to on their own. Jesus, born under the law, lived a life no one else ever had—a perfect one. And in living a perfect life, He not only fulfilled the requirements of the law, He bore our burden of righteousness and gave it to us freely. He redeemed us. From under the law to being in Christ, we know what redemption is because the one perfect person came to redeem us.
“... that we might receive adoption to sonship…”
Read that last part again: ”that we might receive adoption to sonship.” That we might become the family of God. We “receive” because we are no longer earning. We receive “adoption” because He is bringing us in. We have “sonship” because we are His own. But take one more look at that third word: “Might."
This adoption isn’t forced. It isn’t required, it isn’t demanded, and it isn’t a result of coercion or pressure. It’s an invitation. It’s a choice. It’s not conditional based on who you are, where you’re from, or the things you’ve done. It’s simply a chance to receive. Just receive.
Are you ready to be adopted into the family of God? Are you ready to receive the righteousness Jesus gave everything for you to have? It’s yours to receive. You don’t have to wait a minute longer. Your adoption is three words away:
“Jesus, I believe.”
A Prayer of Thanks
Jesus, thank You! Thank You for giving everything so that I could be adopted into the family of God. I have been made right with You. You were the perfect sacrifice. There is no greater act of love than what You did for me. Now I get to have a relationship with You. Thank You. In Your name, Amen.