

祝福のより大きな目的 The Greater Purpose of Blessings

2025-01-01 21:26:27 | 日記
The Greater Purpose of Blessings

God blesses His children by giving them opportunities to help others know Him.

詩篇 67:1-7 1 神よ、われらをあわれみ、祝福し、われらの上に御顔を輝かせてください。セラ 2 あなたの道が地に知られ、あなたの救いがすべての国々に知れ渡るように。 3 神よ、諸国の民があなたをほめたたえますように。すべての国々があなたをほめたたえますように。 4 諸国の民が喜び歌い、喜び歌いますように。あなたは諸国の民を正義をもって裁き、地上の諸国の民を導かれるからです。セラ 5 神よ、諸国の民があなたをほめたたえますように。すべての国々があなたをほめたたえますように。 6 地は産物を産み出しました。神、われらの神はわれらを祝福してくださいます。 7 神はわれらを祝福してくださいます。地の果てまでも神を畏れるように。
Psalm 67:1-7 1 God be gracious to us and bless us, And cause His face to shine upon us-- Selah. 2 That Your way may be known on the earth, Your salvation among all nations. 3 Let the peoples praise You, O God; Let all the peoples praise You. 4 Let the nations be glad and sing for joy; For You will judge the peoples with uprightness And guide the nations on the earth. Selah. 5 Let the peoples praise You, O God; Let all the peoples praise You. 6 The earth has yielded its produce; God, our God, blesses us. 7 God blesses us, That all the ends of the earth may fear Him.

It is God’s nature to bless. However, His purpose for doing so is greater than we may realize. It’s never the Lord’s intention for His blessings to end with us. Rather, He wants them to flow to others.

As we see in today’s psalm, the Lord blesses us so that His salvation, His ways, and His justice may be known by every nation and people group around the globe (vv. 3-4, 7). He’s always acting with this larger picture in mind.

This should fill us with an awesome—yet humbling—sense of significance. Every believer has a part in helping others know and understand God. Each blessing that benefits us personally is also intended to help further His plans for the kingdom. On the other hand, we sometimes may not receive things we want because they don’t contribute to God’s higher purpose. But if we fit our requests into the Lord’s greater plans, we position ourselves to be used mightily by Him.

When the Lord blesses you, He’s not only doing something for you; He’s also doing something in and through you to affect the lives of others. Don’t let the pleasures and comforts of His blessings make you lose sight of their intended purpose. As we enter into this new year, ask God how you can use His kindnesses to point people to Him.

新しい日が始まりました It Is A New Day

2025-01-01 11:35:16 | 日記
イザヤ書 43:18-19 NIV [18] 「昔のことを忘れよ。過ぎ去ったことにとらわれてはならない。[19] 見よ、わたしは新しいことをする。今、それは芽生えている。あなたは気づかないのか。わたしは荒野に道を、荒れ地に川を造る。」
Isaiah 43:18-19 NIV [18] “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. [19] See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.

ピリピ人への手紙 3:12-16 NIV [12] わたしは、すでにすべてを得たとか、すでに目標に到達したとかいうのではありません。ただ、キリスト・イエスがわたしを捕らえてくださったように、捕らえようとして努力しているのです。[13] 兄弟たち、わたしは、まだ捕らえたとは思っていません。ただ、この一事に励んでいます。すなわち、後ろのものを忘れ、前のものに向かって努力し、[14] 神がキリスト・イエスにおいて天に召して下さった賞を得るために、目標を目指して一心に走っているのです。[15] ですから、成熟したわたしたちはみな、このような見方をすべきです。もしあなたがたが何かの点で違った考えを持っているなら、それも神があなたがたに明らかにしてくださいます。[16] ただ、すでに得たものにふさわしい生き方をしましょう。
Philippians 3:12-16 NIV [12] Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. [13] Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, [14] I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. [15] All of us, then, who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you. [16] Only let us live up to what we have already attained.

It Is A New Day

It is again the beginning of another January. Most of us have heard that scary ‘resolution’ word thrown around the conversation in our homes, offices, and friendship groups. It’s easy to make a resolution, but as we all know, sticking to the things we resolve to do is another story.

While exploring some incredible UK waterfalls, I was hit with the idea that water is determined to find its destination. I became fascinated by the small trickles eroding paths along the way in hopes of finding the river. Water has the ability to forge a new path, even though it could take years to do so.

Simply stated, a ‘resolution’ is a firm decision to do something. But the action of ‘resolve’ carries with it a deep determination to see that resolution played out. Like those small trickles of water, it may take numerous attempts, but it will find a way to the goal.

The ‘New Year’s Resolution’ fosters this idea of waiting until tomorrow to change something we could push through difficulty to change today. We often put more weight on creating new goals than stirring up a fresh determination to finish what we set out to do the year before.

In Philippians 3:12-16, Paul encourages us saying (my paraphrase), ‘Hey friends, even I have not yet arrived at the place Jesus wants us to go, but I see the goal! Keep pressing on. Stay resolute. Don’t give up!’

The point of resolution: keep going.

今年の 1 月、2 月、3 月、皆さんが過去に立てた決意を振り返ってみてください。失敗したのではないかと心配しているものや、達成するには難しすぎると思うものについては、もう一度挑戦する決意をしてください。神は私たちが毎日決意を実行することを望んでおられます。目標までの小さな一歩は、まったく一歩も踏み出さないよりはましです。
This January, this February, this March, I encourage you to look back on the resolutions you made in the past. For the ones that you fear you’ve failed in, or think are too difficult to finish, resolve to try again. God wants us to practice resolution daily. Smaller steps to the goal are better than no steps at all.

Which person have you given up praying for? Start praying again. What relationship do you know you need to mend? Choose to forgive today. Let this new year be the year you resolve to keep going. Yes, each new year is a new opportunity to start over. But more than that, each new day is a new opportunity to continue.

A Prayer for Newness

神様、あなたは道がなかったところに道を作ってくださいました! あなたはあなたの息子、イエスを遣わし、あなたの中に新しい命への道を作ってくださいました。 ありがとう。 この真実はすべてを変えます。 それは私を変えます。 私は私の人生をあなたに捧げます。 私は新しくなりたいです。 道を作ってくださってありがとうございます! イエスの御名によって、アーメン。
God, You made a way when there was no way! You sent Your Son, Jesus, to make a way to new life in You. Thank You. This truth changes everything. It changes me. I surrender my life to You. I want to be made new. Thank You for making a way! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

新年の抱負 New Year's Resolutions

2025-01-01 01:30:07 | 日記
New Year's Resolutions

私はスカッシュ クラブに所属していますが、このクラブはジムも兼ねています。毎年 1 月 1 日には、ジムの備品が余分に持ち込まれます。クラブは満員になります。1 月 7 日頃になると、ほとんどの人が新年の抱負をあきらめているため、余分な備品はすべて撤去され、クラブは平常通りに戻ります。 -
I belong to a squash club that is also a gym. Each year on 1 January they bring in extra gym equipment. The place is packed out. By about 7 January, they move out all the extra equipment, as most people have given up their New Year’s resolutions, and the club returns to normal! -

もっと運動する - 健康的な食事をする - ソーシャルメディアに費やす時間を減らす - 喫煙をやめる - 出費を減らす こうしたよくある新年の決意をすることは何も悪いことではありません。もちろん、私たちは皆、守れない決意をします。良いニュースは、毎年が新たなスタートの*機会*であるということです。しかし、毎週も同じです。毎週日曜日は週の最初の日であり、新たな始まりです。実際、毎日が新たな始まりの機会なのです。
Exercise more - Eat healthy - Spend less time on social media - Stop smoking - Spend less money There is nothing wrong with making these common New Year’s resolutions. Of course, all of us make resolutions that we fail to keep. The good news is that each year is an *opportunity* for a fresh start. But then so is each week. Every Sunday is the first day of the week – a new beginning. Actually, every day is an opportunity for a new beginning.

聖書の最初の 3 つの単語は、「初めに…」です (創世記 1:1)。今日の各聖句は、新しい始まりと新しい機会について教えてくれ、新年の抱負をいくつか提案しています。
The first three words in the Bible are, ‘In *the beginning*…’ (Genesis 1:1). Each of the passages for today tells us something about new beginnings and new opportunities, and suggests some possible New Year’s resolutions.

詩篇 1:1-6 NIV [1] 悪者と歩まず、罪人の道に立たず、あざける者たちと交わらない人は幸いである。[2] 主の教えを喜びとし、昼も夜もその教えを口ずさむ人は幸いである。[3] そのような人は水の流れのほとりに植えられた木のようで、季節が来ると実を結び、葉は枯れることがない。その人のすることはすべて栄える。[4] 悪人はそうではない。彼らは風に吹き飛ばされるもみ殻のようだ。[5] それゆえ、悪人は裁きを受けることができず、罪人は正しい者の集まりに立つことができない。[6] 主は正しい者の道を見守られるが、悪者の道は滅びに至る。
Psalms 1:1-6 NIV [1] Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, [2] but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. [3] That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers. [4] Not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away. [5] Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous. [6] For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked leads to destruction.

‘Delight’ in the Bible

If you are just beginning this challenge to read the whole Bible this year, this psalm has encouraging words for you.

The promise is that if you ‘delight’ in God’s Word and ‘meditate’ on Scripture ‘day and night’ (v.2, MSG), your life will be blessed. Happiness comes from what happens to you. Blessing is what happens to you through knowing God and meditating on his words.

God promises you fruitfulness (‘which yields its fruit in season’, v.3b), vitality (‘whose leaves do not wither’, v.3c) and prosperity ('whatever they do prospers', v.3d), though not necessarily material prosperity!

このメッセージは、「悪人」の最終的な運命を一瞥することによって裏付けられます。詩編作者は、悪人が繁栄することはないなどと偽ろうとはしません。彼は単に、彼らの繁栄ははかないものだと私たちに思い起こさせているのです。「彼らは風に吹き飛ばされるもみ殻のようで、… [彼らは] 滅びるのです」(4、6節)。
This message is backed up by a glance across at the ultimate fate of ‘the wicked’. The psalmist does not try to pretend that the wicked don’t sometimes prosper. He simply reminds us of the transitory nature of their prosperity – ‘they are like chaff that the wind blows away… [they] will perish’ (vv.4,6).

The key to lasting – and ultimately eternal – fruitfulness and vitality lies in your relationship with God. As you seek to follow ‘the way of the righteous’, you are assured that the Lord himself will watch over you (v.6).

Lord, thank you for your wonderful promises as I resolve to make a regular habit of delighting in your word and meditating on it.

Focus on Jesus

Resolve to focus your life on Jesus. The Bible is all about Jesus. The New Testament opens with his family tree.

As we read the list of Jesus’ ancestors, it is encouraging to see that they include Tamar (the adulteress), Rahab (who is described as a prostitute), Ruth (the non-Jewish Moabite), Solomon (who was conceived after King David’s adulterous affair with Bathsheba), as well as many others. Thankfully, God uses sinful human beings and, therefore, can use us. Whatever your past, however broken your life may seem right now, God can use you to do something great with your life.

The very name ‘Jesus’ means, ‘he will save his people from their sins’ (v.21). Every time we use the name Jesus it reminds us that our greatest need is not for happiness or contentment (although these may both be by-products). Our greatest need, as with Jesus’ ancestors, is for forgiveness. Therefore, we need a Saviour.

The beginning of Matthew shows us that Jesus is the completion of all that is recorded in the Old Testament:


マタイは福音書の冒頭で、旧約聖書の物語をイエスの祖先の観点から要約しています (1-17 節)。旧約聖書はイエスが完成させる物語を語っています。マタイは神の民の歴史を 3 つの等しい期間に分けて説明しています。アブラハムからダビデまでの 14 世代、ダビデから亡命までの 14 世代、亡命からキリストまでの 14 世代です (17 節)。

系図では、生物学的世代は省略されています (旧約聖書の系図ではよくあることです)。マタイは、旧約聖書の歴史は、重要な出来事の間にほぼ等しい 3 つの期間に分かれていることを指摘していました。旧約聖書の物語に関して言えば、イエスは終わりであり、クライマックスに到達したのです。
Jesus is the climax of history

Matthew opens his Gospel by summarising the Old Testament story in terms of Jesus’ ancestry (vv.1–17). The Old Testament tells the story that Jesus completes. Matthew sets out the history of the people of God in terms of three equal periods: fourteen generations from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the exile and fourteen from the exile to Christ (v.17).

In the genealogy, biological generations are skipped over (as was quite common in Old Testament family trees). Matthew was pointing out that Old Testament history falls into three approximately equal spans of time between crucial events. Jesus is the end of the line as far as the Old Testament story goes – the climax has been reached.



マタイは、イエスの受胎、誕生、幼少期の5つの場面のそれぞれを、記述された出来事によって「成就」したヘブライ語聖書を引用して締めくくっている(マタイ1:22–23; 2:5–6,17,23; 4:14–16)。

In Jesus, all the promises of God are fulfilled

Jesus is not only the completion of the Old Testament story at a historical level, he is also the fulfilment of the Old Testament prophecies and all of God’s promises.

Matthew concludes each of five scenes from the conception, birth and early childhood of Jesus by quoting the Hebrew Scriptures that have been ‘fulfilled’ by the events described (Matthew 1:22–23; 2:5–6,17,23; 4:14–16).

The first one is the fulfilment in the conception of Jesus: ‘All this took place to fulfil what the Lord had said through the prophet: “The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”)’ (1:22–23).

All of history, prophecy and promise, is completed in Jesus. Your whole life is completed in Jesus. Every part of your life: your work, family, relationships, friends, memories and dreams are completed in Jesus.

Lord, thank you for this promise for the new year – that, in Jesus, you are with me. Help me to focus my life on you in the year ahead.

創世記 1:1-2:17
Genesis 1:1-2:17
創世記 1:1 新共同訳 [1] 初めに、神は天地を創造された。

Enjoy God’s creation

You are not here by chance. This universe is God’s creation. You are made in his image.

Genesis gives an account of the beginning of the universe. It goes way beyond the scientific theories of ‘how?’ and ‘when?’ It answers the questions of ‘who’ and ‘why?’ Scientific theories do not prove or disprove this explanation. Rather, they are complementary.

Reading this passage through the lens of the New Testament we see the whole Trinity involved in creation. The Hebrew noun for God (Elohim) is a plural noun. The Holy Spirit was involved in creation (1:2). It was through Jesus that creation came into being: ‘And God said…’ (v.3a). Jesus is God’s Word and through him the universe was created (see John 1:1–3).

この創造の記述の真ん中に、神の計り知れない力を示す驚くべき一言があります。「神はまた星を造られた」(創世記 1:16)。今では、私たちの銀河系だけでも 1,000 億から 4,000 億の星があることがわかっています。そして、私たちの銀河系は 1,000 億の銀河系のうちの 1 つにすぎません。神は、そのようにして、すべてを造られたのです。
In the midst of this account of the creation, there is an amazing throwaway line showing the immense power of God: ‘He also made the stars’ (Genesis 1:16). We now know there are probably between 100 and 400 billion stars in our galaxy alone, and our galaxy is but one of around 100 billion galaxies. He made them all, just like that!

The pinnacle of his creation was human beings. You are made in the image of God (v.27). If we want to know what God is like, it is men and women together (‘male and female’, v.27b) who reflect his image.

Every human being is created in his image and should be treated with dignity, respect and love. Your ability to communicate with God is a reflection of the fact that you are made in his image.

God approves of all that he created. He said, ‘It is good’. Many people feel worthless, insecure and of no value. But God did not create rubbish. God created you. He loves you and approves of you. He may not approve of everything you do, but he loves you unconditionally, wholeheartedly and continually.

We see in this passage that work is a blessing: ‘The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it’ (2:15). Work is part of God’s good creation – not a result of the fall. This passage also reminds us that taking care of the environment is right at the heart of God’s plan for human beings.

Rest is not an optional extra. It is what God did (‘he rested’, v.2). These days of rest (days off, holidays) are days of special blessing: ‘God blessed the seventh day and made it holy’ (v.3). Holidays are holy days. They point to the fact that life is primarily about being rather than doing. Don’t feel guilty about taking time off. Holidays are good in themselves. They are also a time to recharge spiritually.

Don’t work too hard. God took time to rest and enjoy what he had made. You are not supposed to work constantly. You are created with a need for relaxation and rest – taking the time to enjoy your work and the fruit of your work.

創世記 2:16-17 では、神がアダムとエバに広範囲にわたる許可 (「園のどの木からでも自由に食べてよい」、16 ​​節) を与えた一方で、1 つの禁止事項として「善悪を知る木からは食べてはならない」 (17a 節) を与えたことが分かります。神は、彼らが従わなかった場合の罰について警告しました (「それを食べると、あなたは必ず死ぬ」、17b 節)。あなたは悪を知ったり経験したりする必要はありません。神はあなたが善だけを知ることを望んでいました。
In Genesis 2:16–17 we see that God gave Adam and Eve far-reaching permission (‘you are free to eat from any tree in the garden’, v.16), with one prohibition – ‘but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’ (v.17a). He warned them of the penalty if they disobeyed (‘when you eat of it you will surely die’, v.17b). You do not need to know and experience evil. God wanted you to know only good.

Lord, thank you for this universe that you have made. Help me to keep well away from evil and to enjoy all the good things you have given us to enjoy.

Pippa Adds
In Matthew 1:18-19, we see how difficult this must have been for Mary, her parents and Joseph. They must have felt embarrassed and ashamed. We see why Joseph was chosen to be Mary’s husband – he was very impressive. The girl he was about to marry was pregnant; he would have been justified in being furious. Yet, he didn’t want to humiliate her – and had planned to ‘divorce her quietly’. We see how he acts after the angel appeared in a dream and told him to marry Mary (v.24). It must have taken great faith to put aside what people thought and to raise a child that was not his own.

新年のテーマ Themes for a New Year 

2025-01-01 00:11:49 | 日記
ヨハネ 15:5 NIV [5] 「わたしはぶどうの木、あなたがたはその枝です。あなたがたがわたしにつながっており、わたしもあなたがたにつながっているなら、あなたがたは豊かに実を結ぶでしょう。わたしを離れては、あなたがたは何一つできないのです。」
John 15:5 NIV [5] “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

ピリピ人への手紙 4:13 NIV [13] わたしに力を与えてくださる方によって、わたしはこれらすべてを行うことができます。
Philippians 4:13 NIV [13] I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

Themes for a New Year

For many of us, the New Year is a strategic time – a time when we are more willing than ever to change our outlook and approach to life.

新年の始まりを利用して、クリスチャン生活に適切な焦点を再び定めてみませんか。ヨハネ 15:5 とピリピ 4:13 以上に心に留めておくべき 2 つの重要な原則は思いつきません。これらを今年と私たちの人生全体の「ブックエンド」として考えてみましょう。
Why not use the beginning of a new year to re-establish a proper focus in your Christian life? I can’t think of two more important principles to keep in mind than John 15:5 and Philippians 4:13. Let’s consider them “bookends” for this year and all our life.

Jesus said, "Without Me you can do nothing." Jesus is the vine, and we are the branches. He is our source of life and nourishment. What other things do you gain strength from? Here, the secret is abiding: a close, intimate walk with Jesus; living with Him. Such a walk is forever built upon the basics of the Christian life: prayer, Bible reading and study, fellowship with believers, and service to God’s church and a needy world. When we do this, we naturally bear much fruit for God.

Many sense they have borne little fruit for God – but fruit will come naturally as we abide. This can be a year when you bear much fruit for God – leading others to Jesus Christ; serving God’s people in new capacities; seeing the work of God’s kingdom grow.

「わたしを離れては、あなたがたは何事もすることができない」というのは重要な原則です。しかし、ピリピ人への手紙 4 章 13 節の真理も、新年に覚えておくべき重要な真理です。「わたしを強くして下さるキリストによって、わたしは何事もできる。」これはヨハネによる福音書 15 章 5 節の裏表です。イエス様なしでは、わたしたちは何事もできませんが、イエス様と共にいれば、何事もできるのです。「何事も」というのはかなり大きなことですが、ピリピ人への手紙 4 章 13 節の約束は、わたしたちが最初に考えるよりもさらに強力です。
"Without Me you can do nothing" is an important principle. But the truth of Philippians 4:13 is just as important to remember for the New Year: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." This is the other side of the coin of John 15:5 – without Jesus, we can do nothing; with Him, we can do all things. "All things" is pretty big – yet the promise of Philippians 4:13 is even more powerful than we might first think.

ピリピ人への手紙 4:13 の文脈を見ると、パウロがイエスの力によって成し遂げた「すべてのこと」の力の一部がわかります。それは、卑しめられ、飢え、窮乏に苦しみ、苦悩する力であり、そのすべてを通して、あらゆる困難な状況を乗り越える喜びと満足感を持つ力でした。イエスを通して、パウロは豊かになり、満たされ、大きなことを成し遂げる力を得たのです。
If we look at the context of Philippians 4:13, we understand the power of some of the “all things” Paul could do through the strength of Jesus. It was the strength to be abased, to be hungry, to suffer need, to be in distress – and through it all to have a joy and contentment that rises above every difficult circumstance. Through Jesus, Paul had the strength to abound, to be full, and to accomplish big things.

過去 1 年間の皆さんの平安と喜びは、この 2 つの原則に従って生活した割合と直接結びついています。試練や人生の仕事に対してイエスに完全に頼り、イエスの力を受けている人々を見つけるとき、その人々が平安と喜びに満ちていることに気づくでしょう。
Your peace and joy throughout the past year were directly tied to the proportion that you lived within these two principles. When you find people thoroughly dependent on Jesus and receiving His strength for the trials and work of life, you will find them full of peace and joy.

昨年がこれらの分野でどれほど素晴らしい年であったとしても、来たる新年に向けてこれら 2 つの素晴らしいテーマにますます依存するにつれて、さらに良くならない理由はありません。
No matter how great last year was in these areas, there is no reason why it can’t be even better as you depend more and more upon these two great themes for the coming New Year.

David Guzik が Enduring Word のために執筆しました。
Written by David Guzik for Enduring Word.