コロサイ 3:1 NIV
[1] ですから、あなたがたはキリストとともによみがえらされたのですから、上にあるものを慕いなさい。そこにはキリストが神の右に座しておられます。
Colossians 3:1 NIV
[1] Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.
コロサイ人への手紙 3:1 NLT
そのことを考えてみてください。天の現実です。パウロの言葉について考えるとき、考慮すべき 4 つのことがあります。
1. 天は漠然とした夢のような状態ではありません。それは現実の場所で、現実の人々がいて、神が真の王です。
2. 私たち全員が神と直接会う日が来ます。私たちが望んでいたすべてがついに明らかになります。
3. 私たちの悩みや悲しみ(そして死そのものさえも)は一時的なものです! 聖書は、神が痛みや死や病気や苦しみを永遠に取り除く時が来ると教えています。
4. 神は今も王座に座し、イエスは神の隣で栄誉ある地位にいます。 世界がどんなに狂気で、無分別で、悲痛に見えても、神の至高の計画から外れるものは何もないことを知っているので、私たちは自信を持つことができます。
ですから、周りを見回したり、自分の内面を見ようと誘惑されたら、代わりに上を見上げてください。 天国は神がいるところであり、それが最も真実な現実です。
Look Up
It’s so normal to spend our time, energy, and attention focusing on the here and now. We’re busy, after all. Sometimes we're preoccupied. And when we stop to really think about it, it’s difficult to perceive something beyond our five senses.
But in his letter to the Colossians, Paul encourages his fellow believers to look up:
“Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God’s right hand.”
Colossians 3:1 NLT
Think about that. The realities of heaven. As you think about Paul’s words, here are four things to consider:
1. Heaven isn’t some vague, dream-like state. It’s a real place, with real people, where God is the true King.
2. There will come a day when we will all meet God face to face. Everything we’ve hoped for will finally be revealed.
3. Our troubles and our heartbreaks (and even death itself) are temporary! Scripture tells us that a time is coming when God will do away with pain and death and sickness and suffering—forever.
4. God is still on His throne, with Jesus beside Him in the place of honor. No matter how crazy, senseless, or heartbreaking the world can seem, we can have confidence knowing that nothing is outside of God’s sovereign plan.
So when you’re tempted to look around at others or look inward at yourself, look up instead. Heaven is wherever God is, and that’s the truest reality of all.
A Prayer of Thanks for Eternal Life
God, eternal life begins the moment I choose a relationship with You. As I follow You, please help me to have an eternal mindset. When I'm tempted to only focus on what's right in front of me, help me to look up and consider the realities of heaven. Give me the wisdom to know how to prepare for eternity in my daily life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.