We do the feeling check when the morning meeting at Imadomi.
The feeling check is to measure the member’s feeling level 1 to 5.
1 is the worst, 2 is a little bit bad, 3 is normal, 4 is good, and 5 is very good.
This feeling check is to notify others your feeling level, and good to know the feeling of the day oneself.
It is used at the party meeting for mental disorders that I attend, and the regional activity support center I sometimes visit.
I thought it is pretty useful to do it and we do it at Taiyo Kobou when the morning meeting right now.
Each morning tell about their feelings one by one.
Some said I’m super great as I would say level 7.
However, It’s difficult to maintain the great feeling for one day.
It might be about level 3 is the best to go.
They share their feelings and sometimes laugh at it.
The feeling depends on the weather, but bad situation won’t continue forever.
One day, I had a shocking thing and scored level 1. So I shared with my coworkers, then they encouraged me and said a joke for me to smile.
If we haven’t done the feeling check, it probably my feeling was kept worse, and there wasn’t a way to tell my feeling to anyone.
If you feel bad when you arrive, but you’ll be okay when you’re leaving, I thought that kind workplace is incredible.
It’s effective to do the feeling check in that mean.