仁木田株式会社 Nikita Co., Ltd.

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WRAPについて About WRAP

2015-04-28 11:30:32 | 仁木田株式会社
ラップというものをご存知でしょうか。台所で使うラップ…ではなく、WRAP(Wellness Recovery Action Plan)という、アメリカでうつ病のかたが生みだした技法です。これは、日本では元気回復行動プランと訳され、元気であるために、あるいは元気であり続けるためのプランを考えておき、必要なときにそのプランを実行するという技法です。誰でも作っていいのですが、日本では精神障害のかたを中心に広まっています。








Do you know about WRAP? It’s not the wrap that to be used in the kitchen, it’s the technique that produced by an American who suffered from depression called WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan). In Japan, it’s the technique that to be used to think to keep being cheerful, and to be done when needed. It’s for anyone, but in Japan it spreads among mainly people who have mental disorders.
Talking about WRAP, there are six plans those are a plan that manages daily life, a plan addresses events that can be triggered a bad event, a plan addresses a sign of an alert, a plan that is for when you feel getting worse, a plan addresses an emergency state, a plan that is when you are gotten out of a crisis. There are some more in these plans. For example, about a plan that manages daily life, raise things that you need to do every day and you should do sometimes.
I only can do some of the plan of WRAP, about a plan that manages daily life, have a good sleep, talk about our dreams with my friends, go on a date with my partner sometimes, read books, and so on…
Intensive classes to make WRAP are held in various regions. Facilitators and attendants talk friendly about how to find out to be cheerful.
Making plans by sharing opinions with your friends, you can make good supporters for when needed, and you can receive other people’s ideas, so you can make better WRAP.
In fact, there is a person who has the certificate of facilitator at Taiyo Koubou. Now, we are thinking to talk with the facilitator to make WRAP here too.
If it’s possible, you want to live cheerfully every day, don’t you?

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