


2009-12-19 13:41:36 | ハンガリー

Malév pilots will not go on strike
2009-12-18 13:28 -
Below you can read the official press release by MALÉV on 17 December 2009.

PRESS RELEASE - Malév pilots will not go on strike

At the strike negotiation this afternoon Malév and HUNALPA agreed that Malév’s pilots would not go on strike this year, which means they will not disturb the peace of either the approaching winter holidays or the flight schedule.

The trade union of pilots, however, maintains its wage increase demand, expecting the employer to formulate its proposal as to its extent. CEO Martin Gauss made it clear at the meeting that Malév would not grant a pay increase and that management would insist on this to the very last.

Malév’s management continue to regard the wage demand unrealistic as the Hungarian national carrier as well as the Hungarian economy are going through a critical period, struggling with immense difficulties.

Malév’s management will continue the consultations with representatives of the trade union and will try to convince pilots of the unrealistic nature of their demand.

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