ユングの "個性化" または "全体性" の概念について。
例えば、『トマス福音書』を読めば、「個性化」について書かれています。オズの魔法使い』を観れば、ドロシーの「個性化」の過程を見ることができます。「虹の向こうのどこか "は、ドロシーの故郷であり、故郷の町であり、彼女の人生の特定の状況の中であることがわかります。虹の向こうのどこか」というのは、外側の事情に左右されない、内なる実感なのです。ジョン・ディード判事」シリーズを見ると、ほとんどの場合、個性的な人物が描かれているのがわかるでしょう。
... 個性化する人は、しばしば変えようのない運命に立ち向かうことがある。この苦境は個性化の糧となり、集団文化が何らかの形で欠陥や危険性があると判断した状況下で、個人が意味と目的を見出すための作業を提供する。文化に取り込まれている人は、個性化する相手の苦労を見下し、信条の基準で判断しがちである。個性化とは、時に厄介な仕事です。それは外側のプロセスではなく、内側のプロセスであるため、通常、他人には見えません。それは、本物の人生を生きるということなのです。
- ケイ・ガーシュ
アート|Anne Magill
On the Jungian concept of "Individuation" or "Wholeness."
All of us have, to some degree or other, the impulse towards individuation. Individuation was the core of Jung’s work. Yet individuation has nothing to do with Jung specifically. What I mean is that we find the notion of individuation portrayed in multiple areas.
For instance, if you read the Gospel of Thomas you will be reading about Individuation. If you watch the Wizard of Oz you will be going through Dorothy’s process of Individuation. “Somewhere over the rainbow” turns out to be in her own home, in her own home town, within the particular circumstances of her life. It is an inner realisation, not dependent upon outer circumstances. If you watch the series "Judge John Deed", you will see the portrayal of a person who is, for the most part, individuating.
The Hero’s Journey, whether the hero be Luke Skywalker or the Knights of the Round Table, is an archetype of Individuation. The hero’s quest is the cultural paradigm for the growth of society, through the making of meaning by individuals. The hero’s quest has three dynamics; leaving home, maybe being cast out of society, and thus departing the old ego-concept; being alone and enduring the personal enlargement of consciousness though suffering; achieving a new place, a new home, a new kingdom even, from which one also eventually departs.
Individuation requires a heroism, which cannot be seen from the outside. Remember, however, that a triumphant return is also part of the story. Patience, perseverance, devotion, self-sacrifice: these are demands of individuation which, if not fulfilled, are the cause of neurosis. Put another way, neurosis is an indication that we are resisting the Individuation process.
If we have a very smooth passage through life, and find an easy place within the culture, and accept the collective myths, then we will be very unlikely to Individuate. Most individuators suffer at least one terrible wounding in life, which opens them up to a larger potential, which is not available in the collective values - there is no legitimised place within collective values. Sometimes these wounds are suffered in childhood, sometimes later in life, or, of course, both.
... Often people who individuate are confronted with a fate that they cannot change. This predicament becomes the food for individuation, and provides the work of the individual to find meaning and purpose within circumstances, which the collective culture may judge as being deficient or risky in some way. It is easy for those who are enmeshed in the culture to look down on the travails of individuating persons, and judge them by credo standards. Sometimes individuating is a messy business. It is usually invisible to others, because it is an inner rather than outer process. It is about living an authentic life.
- Kaye Gersch
art | Anne Magill
The importance of Jung with Individuation is that he translated the mythological stories, allegories and parables into a scientific language used in depth psychology. He gave it a language and a ‘roadmap’ we all can use for our Individuation process.
"His story, as those of you who have been in the previous seminar know, is the process of individuation. This is, of course, always the object of analysis. The goal is the same but the way is exceedingly different."
~C.G. Jung, Dream Seminars, p.315
All psychotherapeutic methods are, by and large, useless.
I merely want to stress the fact that there are not a few cases where the doctor has to make up his mind to deal fundamentally with the unconscious,
to come to a real settlement with it.
This is of course something very different from interpretation.
In the latter case it is taken for granted that the doctor knows beforehand, so as to be able to interpret.
But in the case of a real settlement it is not a question of interpretation: it is a question of releasing unconscious processes and letting them come into the conscious mind in the form of fantasies.
We can try our hand at interpreting these fantasies if we like.
In many cases it may be quite important for the patient to have some idea of the meaning of the fantasies produced.
But it is of vital importance that he should experience them to the full and,
in so far as intellectual understanding belongs to the totality of experience, also understand them.
Yet I would not give priority to understanding.
この個体化の自然なプロセスは、私の治療法のモデルであり、指導原理でもあったのです。~カール・ユング、CW 7、186-187項
[このような場合、ユング心理学を意識的に知っていることに非常に感謝する。彼はいわばロードマップを持っており、この経験が上から降ってきたときに方向性を定めるのに役立つのです] 。
そのような場合、ユング心理学を意識的に知っていることにとても感謝することになります。彼はいわばロードマップを持っており、この体験が上から降ってきたときに、自分の位置を把握するのに役立つのです。そのとき彼はヨブとともに、"以前は耳であなたのことを聞いていたが、今は目であなたを見る "と言うことができるのです。
それが、この体験が人の上に降り注ぐときに起こることなのです。また、このような体験は、分析によらずに起こることもあります。無意識に特別なこだわりを持つことなく、このような体験ができるのです。このような理由から、私は公の場で自己について語ることが極めて重要であると考えています。なぜなら、私が話しているような経験をしたことのある人、あるいはこれからしようとする人に向かって話しているかどうか、誰にもわからないからです。そのような人は、私が話したことを思い出して、必要なときに非常に役立つと思うかもしれません。そういうことが起こるということを、私は事実として知っています。" ~「大いなる相手との出会い」エドワード・エディングアによる講演。
Naturally the doctor must be able to assist the patient in his understanding, but, since he will not and indeed cannot understand everything, the doctor should assiduously guard against clever feats of interpretation.
The transcendent function does not proceed without aim and purpose, but leads to the revelation of the essential man.
It is in the first place a purely natural process, which may in some cases pursue its course without the knowledge or assistance of the individual, and can sometimes forcibly accomplish itself in the face of opposition.
The meaning and purpose of the process is the realization, in all its aspects, of the personality originally hidden away in the embryonic germplasm; the production and unfolding of the original, potential wholeness.
The symbols used by the unconscious to this end are the same as those which mankind has always used to express wholeness, completeness, and perfection: symbols, as a rule, of the quaternity and the circle.
For these reasons I have termed this the individuation process.
This natural process of individuation served me both as a model and guiding principle for my method of treatment. ~Carl Jung, CW 7, Paras 186-187
[In such a case, one is very grateful for his conscious knowledge of Jungian Psychology. He has a roadmap, so to speak, which helps him get his bearings when this experience falls on him from above.]
“Now it might very well happen that although this crucial experience, although it is prepared for by analysis, does not take place during the period of analysis at all. It may take place many years after termination of the analysis.
In such a case, one is very grateful for his conscious knowledge of Jungian Psychology. He has a roadmap, so to speak, which helps him get his bearings when this experience falls on him from above. He can say with Job then, “Previously I heard of Thee by the hearing of my ears, but now my eye sees Thee.”
That’s what happens when this experience falls on one. It can also occur without benefit of any analysis at all. It can happen without any particular preoccupation with the Unconscious. For these reasons I consider it vitally important to talk about the Self in public. Because one can never know whether he is speaking to an individual who has had or is going to have the experience I’m talking about. And such an individual may recall what has been spoken about, and find it immensely helpful in his time of need. I know that for a fact that such things do happen.” ~"Encounters with the Greater Personality", Lecture by Edward Edinger.
42:5 かつて、わたしは人から聞いたことしか知らなかったが、/今は自分の目であなたを見ている。
42:5 In the past I knew only what others had told me, /but now I have seen you with my own eyes.