


2021-05-20 09:46:24 | 心理学

C.G. Jung Foundation @cgjungny


It is a frightening thought that man also has a shadow side to him, consisting not just of little weaknesses & foibles, but of a positively demonic dynamism . . . let these harmless creatures form a mass, and there emerges a raging monster.-C.G.Jung




- ユング、CW9i、パラ478

“The so-called civilized man has forgotten the trickster. He remembers him only figuratively and metaphorically, when, irritated by his own ineptitude, he speaks of fate playing tricks on him or of things being bewitched. He never suspects that his own hidden and apparently harmless shadow has qualities whose dangerousness exceeds his wildest dreams. As soon as people get together in masses and submerge the individual, the shadow is mobilized, and, as history shows, may even be personified and incarnated.”
— Jung, CW 9i, Para 478




.... かつての時代に求められた「魂の平穏」、つまりキリスト教的な願望ほど、私たちにとって疎外感のあるものはありません。善良な良心の道徳的な牛と太った満足感ほど、私たちに羨望の念を抱かせないものはありません。

.... 戦争を放棄したとき、人は壮大な人生を放棄したことになる

.... 確かに多くの場合、「魂の平和」は単なる誤解であり、自分自身にもっと正直な名前をつける方法を知らない他の何かである。

ここでは、それらのいくつかを簡単に、そして偏見なく紹介する。魂の安らぎ」とは、例えば、豊かな生気が道徳的(または宗教的)領域に穏やかに放射されることである。あるいは、倦怠感の始まりであり、夕方、あらゆる種類の夕方が落とす影の最初のものである。あるいは、空気が湿り気を帯び、南風が吹いていることを示すサインでもある。~フリードリッヒ・ニーチェ(著書:『偶像の黄昏』 https://amzn.to/33TDj7Y)

Philo Thoughts
Full citation: "We adopt the same attitude towards the 'enemy within': there too we have spiritualized enmity, there too we have grasped its value. One is fruitful only at the cost of being rich in contradictions; one remains young only on condition the soul does not relax, does not long for peace.... Nothing has grown more alien to us than that desideratum of former times 'peace of soul', the Christian desideratum; nothing arouses less envy in us than the moral cow and the fat contentment of the good conscience.... One has renounced grand life when one renounces war.... In many cases, to be sure, 'peace of soul' is merely a misunderstanding —something else that simply does not know how to give itself a more honest name. Here, briefly and without prejudice, are a few of them. 'Peace of soul' can, for example, be the gentle radiation of a rich animality into the moral (or religious) domain. Or the beginning of weariness, the first of the shadows which evening, every sort of evening, casts. Or a sign that the air is damp, that south winds are on the way." ~Friedrich Nietzsche (Book: Twilight of the Idols https://amzn.to/33TDj7Y)
