

あなたは立ち往生していない- あなたは学んでいる あなたは成長している あなたは開花する準備 をしている

2021-05-23 16:59:42 | 心理学

You're nor Stuck 
You're learnig 
You're growing
you're prepaing
to bloom

あなたは立ち往生していない- あなたは学んでいる あなたは成長している あなたは開花する準備 をしている



"私は実際に、あなたが想定しているような条件で癌が発生したケースを見たことがあります。" "人が個性化の本質的なポイントで止まってしまったり、障害を乗り越えられなかったりした場合です。" ~カール・ユング『書簡集』第二巻、297ページ




"もしあなたが不誠実であれば、あなたは個性化のプロセスから除外されます。あなたが不正直であれば、あなたは無意識にとって何の役にも立たない。偉い人はあなたに唾を吐きかけ、あなたは泥沼の中ではるかに取り残されてしまうでしょう。" ~カール・ユング『C.G.ユング、語る。インタビューと出会い』359~364ページ


"愚かになるのに芸術は必要ない。芸術とは、愚かさから知恵を引き出すことにある。愚かさは賢明な者の母であるが、賢さは決してそうではない。" ~CGユング、CW13、パラ222。


Jung said people that get stuck in their development can create cancer.
“I have in fact seen cases where the carcinoma broke out under the conditions you envisage, when a person comes to a halt at some essential point in his individuation or cannot get over an obstacle.” ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 297.

Just as carcinoma can develop for psychic reasons, it can also disappear for psychic reasons. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 297.

Hence the eternal doubt whether what appears to be the objective psyche is really objective, or whether it might not be imagination after all. But then the question at once arises: have I imagined such and such a thing on purpose, or has it been imagined by something in me? It is a similar problem to that of the neurotic who suffers from an imaginary carcinoma. He knows, and has been told a hundred times before, that it is all imagination, and yet he asks me brokenly, “But why do I imagine such a thing? I don’t want to do it!” To which the answer is: the idea of the carcinoma has imagined itself in him without his knowledge and without his consent. The reason is that a psychic growth, a “proliferation,” is taking place in his unconscious without his being able to make it conscious. In the face of this interior activity he feels afraid. But since he is entirely persuaded that there can be nothing in his own soul that he does not know about, he must relate his fear to a physical carcinoma which he knows does not exist. And if he should still be afraid of it, there are a hundred doctors to convince him that his fear is entirely groundless. The neurosis is thus a defence against the objective, inner activity of the psyche, or an attempt, somewhat dearly paid for, to escape from the inner voice and hence from the vocation. For this “growth” is the objective activity of the psyche, which, independently of conscious volition, is trying to speak to the conscious mind through the inner voice and lead him towards wholeness. Behind the neurotic perversion is concealed his vocation, his destiny: the growth of personality, the full realization of the life-will that is born with the individual. It is the man without amor fati who is the neurotic; he, truly, has missed his vocation, and never will he be able to say with Cromwell, “None climbeth so high as he who knoweth not whither his destiny leadeth him.”
~CG Jung, Collected Works 17, The Development of Personality, Para 313.


“If you are dishonest, you are excluded from the individuation process. If you are dishonest, you are nothing for your unconscious. The Great Man will spit on you, and you will be left far behind in your muddle—stuck, stupid, and idiotic.” ~Carl Jung, C.G. Jung Speaking: Interviews and Encounters, Pages 359-364

You can put the most marvellous things before the eyes of a stupid person and they will make no impression on him, for all impressions come from inside ourselves. ~CG Jung, ETH, Page 226.

"It requires no art to become stupid; the whole art lies in extracting wisdom from stupidity. Stupidity is the mother of the wise, but cleverness never." ~CG Jung, CW 13, Para 222.



The OP statement borders on spiritual bypassing. Most people are stuck in their development process and telling them that they’re not really stuck is aiding in that stuck-ness.






"ユングは、出口のない状況に置かれること、解決策のない葛藤に置かれることは、個性化のプロセスの古典的な始まりだと言っています。無意識が絶望的な葛藤を求めているのは、自我意識を壁にぶつけるためであり、その結果、人間は自分が何をしようと間違っていることを認識しなければならず、自分が決めた方法はいずれも間違っていることになる。これは、常に自分には決定の責任があると錯覚して行動するエゴの優越感を打ち破ることを意味しています。. . もし彼が人格の核心まで苦しむほどの倫理観を持っているならば、一般的には、意識的な状況の不可解さのために、自己が現れます。宗教的な言葉で言えば、問題のない状況は、人間が神の行為に頼らざるを得なくなることを意味していると言えるでしょう。"
~マリー=ルイーズ・フォン・フランツ(Marie-Louise von Franz)。


~ハズラト イナヤット カーン『宇宙のように考える』。目覚めのスーフィーの道。




If someone shows us our shadow and we fight them about it – that’s a clear indication that we’re stuck, and therefore, stupid.
“Jung said that everyone does their inner work and the only choice there is whether you’re going to do it intelligently or stupidly.
… you can live out your inner life and your inner work by your neurosis which is pure inner work on the stupidest possible level. If you don’t do your inner work it will do you and it will come up as anxiety, it will come up as phobias, as allergies, as accidents in your life, etc. and this is an incredibly stupid way of doing it.”
~Robert A. Johnson ~ inner work 01, you tube video.

Every person must live the inner life in one form or another. Consciously or unconsciously, voluntarily or involuntarily, the inner world will claim us and exact its dues. If we go to that realm consciously, it is by our inner world: our prayers, meditations, dream work, ceremonies, and Active Imagination. If we try to ignore the inner world, as most of us do, the unconscious will find its way into our lives through pathology: our psychosomatic symptoms, compulsions, depressions, and neuroses. ~Robert A. Johnson.

Before we can get unstuck we must get honest with ourselves and with others. But the ego is a powerful force and a sleepy bear and resists forward development because it knows that its fodder is being taken away. Therefore, great suffering is our only redemption.
“Jung said that to be in a situation where there is no way out or to be in a conflict where there is no solution is the classical beginning of the process of individuation. It is meant to be a situation without solution; the unconscious wants the hopeless conflict in order to put ego consciousness up against the wall, so that the man has to realize that whatever he does is wrong, whichever way he decides will be wrong. This is meant to knock out the superiority of the ego, which always acts from the illusion that it has the responsibility of decision. . . If he is ethical enough to suffer to the core of his personality, then generally, because of the insolubility of the conscious situation, the Self manifests. In religious language you could say that the situation without issue is meant to force the man to rely on an act of God.”
~Marie-Louise von Franz.

When the suffering has lasted long enough, so long that the ego and its strength are worn down and one begins to feel oneself to be "small and ugly", then at last comes that merciful moment when reflection is possible, when there is a reversal of the stream of energy, which now flows away from the outer world and towards the Self. ~Marie-Louise von Franz, Reflections of the Soul, pg.163.

“There can be no rebirth without a dark night of the soul, a total annihilation of all that you believed in and thought that you were.”
~Hazrat Inayat Khan, Thinking Like The Universe: The Sufi Path of awakening.

"The dark night of the soul comes just before revelation. When everything is lost, and all seems darkness, then comes the new life and all that is needed."
~Joseph Campbell, from A Joseph Campbell Companion: Reflections on the Art of Living


[Although all this sounds as if it were a sort of theological speculation, it is in reality modern man’s perplexity expressed in symbolic terms. It is the problem I so often had to deal with in treating the neuroses of intelligent patients. It can be expressed in a more scientific, psychological language; for instance, instead of using the term God you say “unconscious,” instead of Christ “self,” instead of incarnation “integration of the unconscious,” instead of salvation or redemption “individuation,” instead of crucifixion or sacrifice on the Cross “realization of the four functions or of “wholeness.” I think it is no disadvantage to religious tradition if we can see how far it coincides with psychological experience. On the contrary it seems to me a most welcome aid in understanding religious traditions.

A myth remains a myth even if certain people believe it to be the literal revelation of an eternal truth, but it becomes moribund if the living truth it contains ceases to be an object of belief. It is therefore necessary to renew its life from time to time through a new interpretation. This means re-adapting it to the changing spirit of the times.]


"キリスト教の神話では、自己である神は、目に見える力や威信の喪失なしに、ほとんど完全に意識を貫いています。しかしやがて、受肉によって最高権力者の間に損失が生じたことが明らかになる。必要不可欠な暗黒面が取り残されたり、剥ぎ取られたり、女性的な側面が欠けたりしているのだ。そのため、さらなる受肉行為が必要となります。無神論、唯物論、不可知論によって、Summum Bonum(最高善)の強力かつ一方的な側面が弱められ、暗黒面、ついでに女性的な要素をこれ以上排除することができなくなる。"反キリスト」と「悪魔」が支配的になる。神は、その暗黒と破壊性を明らかにすることで、自らの力を主張する。人間は、神の計画を遂行するための道具に過ぎない。明らかに人間は自分の破壊を望んでいないが、自分の発明によって破壊を余儀なくされている。彼は、自分が破壊的な優れた意志の単なる道具であることをまだ理解していないので、自分の行動に全く自由がない。このパラドックスから、彼は自分が最高の力に仕えていること、そして彼が否定しているにもかかわらず最高の力が存在していることを学ぶことができる。神が自己の断片の形ですべての人の中に住んでいるように、人間は自分の中にある自分の「デーモン的」な、すなわち両義的な性質を見ることができ、それによって自分がどのように神に貫かれているのか、あるいは神がどのように人間の中に受肉しているのかを理解することができるのです。
神のさらなる受肉によって、神は人間にとって恐るべき課題となり、人間は神の相反するものを自分の中で統合する方法と手段を見つけなければならない。人間は召喚され、もはや自分の悲しみを誰かに託すことはできず、キリストにさえ託すことはできません。キリストは、誰もが自分の運命の上に、つまり自分自身の上に、どのようにして十字架にかけられるのかを示しました。キリストは、私たちが逃れるために十字架を背負い、磔にされたのではない。それは、上から下まで真っ二つに割れた世界に生きていること、水爆に直面していること、自分の影と向き合わなければならないことです。明らかに神は、私たちが自分の仕事をしてくれる親を探している小さな子供のままでいることを望んでいません。私たちは、受肉した意志という最高の力に追い詰められているのです。神は、たとえ人間を引き裂いてでも、本当に人間になりたいのです。これは何を言ってもそうなのである。水爆や共産主義を語ることはできない。私たちは、発明したと主張してもしなくても、私たちのために調理されるスープの中にいるのです。キリストは弟子たちに "汝らは神である "と言った。この言葉は痛いほど真実味を帯びてくる。神が経験的な人間に受肉した場合、人間は神の問題に直面することになる。人間であり、人間であり続けるために、彼は答えを見つけなければならない。それは、神が善のみであると宣言された瞬間に提起された、相反するものの問題である。では、神の暗黒面はどこにあるのか?キリストは人間の答えのモデルであり、そのシンボルは十字架であり、相反するものの結合である。これが人間の運命であり、生き延びるためにはこのことを理解しなければなりません。象徴的な死によって救いの道を切り開くことができなければ、我々は普遍的な大虐殺に脅かされる。
人間は、自分の課題を達成するために、聖霊に触発されて、自分の心と聖霊を同一視してしまいがちです。自分にはメシアの使命があると信じて、同胞に専制的な教義を強要するという重大な危険を冒すことさえあります。彼は自分の心を、内なる小さな声や、神の霊が姿を現す夢や空想から切り離した方がいいだろう。内なる声を注意深く、知的に、そして批判的に聞かなければならない(Probate spiritus!)。なぜなら、人が聞いている声は、ヨハネの使徒言行録が適切に述べているように、「右」と「左」の流れ、つまり相反するものからなる神の流入物だからである。


"In the Christian myth the Deity, the self, penetrates consciousness almost completely, without any visible loss of power and prestige. But in time it becomes obvious that the Incarnation has caused a loss among the supreme powers: the indispensable dark side has been left behind or stripped off, and the feminine aspect is missing. Thus a further act of incarnation becomes necessary. Through atheism, materialism, and agnosticism, the powerful yet one-sided aspect of the Summum Bonum(最高善) is weakened, so that it cannot keep out the dark side, and incidentally the feminine factor, any more. “Antichrist” and “Devil” gain the ascendancy: God asserts his power through the revelation of his darkness and destructiveness. Man is merely instrumental in carrying out the divine plan. Obviously he does not want his own destruction but is forced to it by his own inventions. He is entirely unfree in his actions because he does not yet understand that he is a mere instrument of a destructive superior will. From this paradox he could learn that—nolens volens—he serves a supreme power, and that supreme powers exist in spite of his denial. As God lives in everybody in the form of the scintilla of the self, man could see his “daemonic,” i.e., ambivalent, nature in himself and thus he could understand how he is penetrated by God or how God incarnates in man.
Through his further incarnation God becomes a fearful task for man, who must now find ways and means to unite the divine opposites in himself. He is summoned and can no longer leave his sorrows to somebody else, not even to Christ, because it was Christ that has left him the almost impossible task of his cross. Christ has shown how everybody will be crucified upon his destiny, i.e., upon his self, as he was. He did not carry his cross and suffer crucifixion so that we could escape. The bill of the Christian era is presented to us: we are living in a world rent in two from top to bottom; we are confronted with the H-bomb and we have to face our own shadows. Obviously God does not want us to remain little children looking out for a parent who will do their job for them. We are cornered by the supreme power of the incarnating Will. God really wants to become man, even if he rends him asunder. This is so no matter what we say. One cannot talk the H-bomb or Communism out of the world. We are in the soup that is going to be cooked for us, whether we claim to have invented it or not. Christ said to his disciples “Ye are gods.” This word becomes painfully true. If God incarnates in the empirical man, man is confronted with the divine problem. Being and remaining man he has to find an answer. It is the question of the opposites, raised at the moment when God was declared to be good only. Where then is his dark side? Christ is the model for the human answers and his symbol is the cross, the union of the opposites. This will be the fate of man, and this he must understand if he is to survive at all. We are threatened with universal genocide if we cannot work out the way of salvation by a symbolic death.
In order to accomplish his task, man is inspired by the Holy Ghost in such a way that he is apt to identify him with his own mind. He even runs the grave risk of believing he has a Messianic mission, and forces tyrannous doctrines upon his fellow-beings. He would do better to disidentify his mind from the small voice within, from dreams and fantasies through which the divine spirit manifests itself. One should listen to the inner voice attentively, intelligently and critically (Probate spiritus!), because the voice one hears is the influxus divinus consisting, as the Acts of John aptly state, of “right” and “left” streams, i.e., of opposites.
They have to be clearly separated so that their positive and negative aspects become visible. Only thus can we take up a middle position and discover a middle way. That is the task left to man, and that is the reason why man is so important to God that he decided to become a man himself.
I must apologize for the length of this exposition. Please do not think that I am stating a truth. I am merely trying to present a hypothesis which might explain the bewildering conclusions resulting from the clash of traditional symbols and psychological experiences. I thought it best to put my cards on the table, so that you get a clear picture of my ideas.




~C.G.ユング、『哲学の木』、パラグラフ364。364, Alchemical Studies

神聖な愛の象徴としての十字架の解釈は、記号論的なものである。なぜなら、「神聖な愛」は、他の多くの意味を持ちうる十字架よりも、表現されるべき事実をより良く、より適切に表しているからである。一方、十字架の解釈が象徴的なものであるのは、十字架をあらゆる考えられる説明を超えたものとし、神秘的あるいは超越的な、つまり心理的な性質を持つ、まだ知られていない理解できない事実を表現していると考える場合である。~CGユング, Ibid., par. 815.

キリストの十字架上での贖罪の死は "洗礼 "として理解されていました。つまり、死の木に象徴される第二の母を介した再生として理解されていたのです...二重の母のモチーフは、二重の誕生の考えを示唆しています。二人の母親のモチーフは、二重の誕生のアイデアを示唆しています。~カール・ユング、CW 5、パラグラフ 494-495。




人生の真昼の秘密の時間に起こることは、放物線の反転であり、死の誕生であるから、...生きたいと思わないことは、死にたいと思わないことと同じである。生きたいと思わないことは、死にたいと思わないことと同じであり、なることと去ることは同じ曲線である。~カール・ユング『Liber Novus』274ページ、脚注75。


黒いカブトムシは再生に必要な死であり、その後、新しい太陽が輝いた。そして、春の日の出が死んだ大地を蘇らせるように、深淵の太陽が死者を蘇らせ、こうして光と闇の恐ろしい戦いが始まった。~カール・ユング、Liber Novus、238ページ。

Although all this sounds as if it were a sort of theological speculation, it is in reality modern man’s perplexity expressed in symbolic terms. It is the problem I so often had to deal with in treating the neuroses of intelligent patients. It can be expressed in a more scientific, psychological language; for instance, instead of using the term God you say “unconscious,” instead of Christ “self,” instead of incarnation “integration of the unconscious,” instead of salvation or redemption “individuation,” instead of crucifixion or sacrifice on the Cross “realization of the four functions or of “wholeness.” I think it is no disadvantage to religious tradition if we can see how far it coincides with psychological experience. On the contrary it seems to me a most welcome aid in understanding religious traditions.
A myth remains a myth even if certain people believe it to be the literal revelation of an eternal truth, but it becomes moribund if the living truth it contains ceases to be an object of belief. It is therefore necessary to renew its life from time to time through a new interpretation. This means re-adapting it to the changing spirit of the times." ~CG Jung, CW 18: The Symbolic Life, Para 1660-1665


The division into four is a principium individuationis; it means to become one or a whole in the face of the many figures that carry the danger of destruction in them. It is what overcomes death and can bring about rebirth. ~Carl Jung, Children’s Dreams Seminar, Page 372.

"In the spontaneous symbolism of the unconscious the cross as quaternity refers to the Self, to man’s wholeness. The sign of the cross is thus an indication of the healing effect of wholeness, or of becoming whole."
~C.G. Jung, The Philosophical Tree, para. 364, Alchemical Studies

The interpretation of the cross as a symbol of divine love is semiotic, because “divine love” describes the fact to be expressed better and more aptly than a cross, which can have many other meanings. On the other hand, an interpretation of the cross is symbolic when it puts the cross beyond all conceivable explanations, regarding it as expressing an as yet unknown and incomprehensible fact of a mystical or transcendent, i.e., psychological, nature, which simply finds itself most appropriately represented in the cross. ~CG Jung, Ibid., par. 815.

Christ’s redemptive death on the cross was understood as a “baptism,” that is to say, as rebirth through the second mother, symbolized by the tree of death… The dual-mother motif suggests the idea of a dual birth. One of the mothers is the real, human mother, the other is the symbolical mother. ~Carl Jung, CW 5, para 494-495.

Psychology is a preparation for death. We have an urge to leave life at a higher level than the one at which we entered. ~Carl Jung; Conversations with C.G. Jung, Psychotherapy, Page 16.

Death is a drawing together of two worlds, not an end. We are the bridge. ~Carl Jung, J.E.T., Page 95.

As a doctor I am convinced that it is hygienic—if I may use the word—to discover in death a goal towards which one can strive, and that shrinking away from it is something unhealthy and abnormal which robs the second half of life of its purpose. ~Carl Jung, CW 8, Para 792

Since what takes place in the secret hour of life's midday is the reversal of the parabola, the birth of death …Not wanting to live is identical with not wanting to die. Becoming and passing away is the same curve. ~Carl Jung, Liber Novus, Page 274, Footnote 75.

But when you die, nobody else will die for you or instead of you.
It will be entirely and exclusively your own affair.
That has been expected of you through your whole life, that you live it as if you were dying.
So it will happen to you as it happens to most people.
They die in exactly the same ways as they should have lived. ~Carl Jung to J. Allen Gilbert, Letters Volume 1, Pages 422-423.

The black beetle is the death that is necessary for renewal; and so thereafter, a new sun glowed, the sun of the depths, full of riddles, a sun of the night. And as the rising sun of spring quickens the dead earth, so the sun of the depths quickened the dead, and thus began the terrible struggle between light and darkness. ~Carl Jung, Liber Novus, Page 238.

最高善summum bonum

最高善(さいこうぜん、τὸ ἄριστονsummum bonumsupreme good, highest good)とは、アリストテレスを嚆矢とする、ギリシア哲学倫理哲学における究極目的としての最高の「」のこと。

