


2023-03-28 11:02:12 | スピリチュアル・精神世界

人間にとって決定的な問題は、自分が無限の何かと関係があるのかないのか、ということである。それが彼の人生における決定的な問題である。本当に重要なものは無限であると知っていればこそ、私たちは自分の関心を無益なもの、そして本当に重要ではないあらゆる種類の目標に向けることを避けることができる。こうしてわれわれは、才能や美といった個人的な財産と見なした資質を世間に認めてもらうよう要求する。人が偽りの財産を強調すればするほど、また本質的なものに対する感受性が鈍れば鈍るほど、その人生は満足のいくものではなくなります。その結果、妬みと嫉妬が生まれるのです。もし私たちが、この人生ですでに無限とつながっていることを理解し、感じれば、欲望や態度は変化する。" ~CGユング『メモリーズ・ドリームス・リフレクションズ』。
“The decisive question for man is: Is he related to something infinite or not? That is the telling question of his life. Only if we know that the thing which truly matters is the infinite can we avoid fixing our interests upon futilities, and upon all kinds of goals which are not of real importance. Thus we demand that the world grant us recognition for qualities which we regard as personal possessions: our talent or our beauty. The more a man lays stress on false possessions, and the less sensitivity he has for what is essential, the less satisfying is his life. He feels limited because he has limited aims, and the result is envy and jealousy. If we understand and feel that here in this life we already have a link with the infinite, desires and attitudes change.” ~CG Jung, Memories Dreams Reflections.



人間は確実性を求めていて、疑いではなく、結果と経験を求めている.. ,

Ognuno desidera che la vita sia semplice, sicura e senza ostacoli;
Ecco perché i problemi sono Tabù...
L' Uomo vuole certezze e non dubbi, risultati e non esperienze.., 
Senza accorgersi che le certezze non possono provenire che da Dubbi* e i risultati dalle Esperienze*...
Il magico C.G. Jung...



私たちは、確実性があり、疑いがないことを望んでいます。結果があって、実験はありません。確実性は疑いによってのみ生じ、結果は実験によってのみ生じ得ることを理解することさえありません。 問題を巧みに否定しても、確信は生まれません。 それどころか、私たちが必要とする確実性と明快さを得るには、より広くより高い意識が必要です。 〜カール・ユング、CW 8、パラ751

We want to have certainties and no doubts—results and no experiments—without even seeing that certainties can arise only through doubt and results only through experiment. The artful denial of a problem will not produce conviction; on the contrary, a wider and higher consciousness is required to give us the certainty and clarity we need. ~Carl Jung, CW 8, Para 751




I make a distinction between belief and faith. If we understand the purpose or meaning of life, etc., and we can observe that playing out for others and perhaps for ourselves as well, then there’s no need to believe in it. So it’s more of a faith...
Belief and faith are not the same thing.
¨To have faith means to dare, to think the unthinkable, yet to act within the limits of the realistically possible; it is the paradoxical hope to expect the Messiah every day yet not to lose heart when he has not come at the appointed hour. This hope is not passive and it is not patient; on the contrary, it is impatient and active, looking for every possibility of action within the realm of real possibilities. Least of all is it passive as far as the growth and liberation of one's own person are concerned... Critical and radical thought will only bear fruit when it is blended with the most precious quality man is endowed with - the love of life.¨ ~Erich Fromm.
Faith is not just believing...
Faith is an inward experience of eternal values...
Faith is man’s internal strength…
~Manly P. Hall




"現代人にとって、自律した精神との意識的な出会いは、神の発見に等しい。そのような経験の後、彼はもはや自分の精神の中で孤独ではなく、彼の全体の世界観が変更されます。彼は、世俗的な目的や対象への自己の投影から大きく解放される。彼は、外界で対立するものを生き抜くように導くかもしれない、特定の党派に同調する傾向から解放されるのである。このような人は、意識的に個性化のプロセスに取り組んでいるのだ。- エドワード・エディンガー『自我と元型』

“For the modern man, a conscious encounter with the autonomous psyche is equivalent to the discovery of God. After such an experience he is no longer alone in his psyche and his whole world view is altered. He is freed to large extent from projections of the Self into secular aims and objects. He is released from the tendency to identify with any particular partisan faction which might lead him to live out the conflict of opposites in the outer world. Such a person is consciously committed to the process of individuation.” - Edward Edinger, Ego and Archetype 


すべての分析は、この経験、すなわち自己との出会いの前段階に過ぎない。ユングは1925年のセミナーでこのように言っています。「分析とは、私たちを引き裂くような、あるいは上から降ってくるような経験、つまり古代人に起こったような、実体と肉体を持った経験を解放することである。それを象徴するならば、"受胎告知 "を選びます。
All analysis is no more than a prelude to this experience, the Encounter with the Self. Here’s how Jung put it in his 1925 seminar. “Analysis should release an experience that rips us or falls upon us as from above, an experience that has substance and body, such as those experiences, which happened to the ancients. If I were going to symbolize it, I would choose “The Annunciation.”
~"Encounters with the Greater Personality" Lecture by Edward Edinger

- ジェフ・ブラウン 
[アート - "Star Thread" by Natalya Saloshmat ]。

“People spend so much time protecting the unreal, defending the meaningless, fighting for realities that don't actually serve them. Sometimes they devote their entire lives to these distractions and diversions. Meanwhile, that which is real waits for them with bateless breath, not remotely interested in anything inauthentic. We are only here for a moment. Make every second real.”
— Jeff Brown 



この観点から、ラーマクリシュナとシュリ ラマナは現代の預言者と見なすことができます。彼らはイスラエルの「不誠実な」子供たちとの関係で旧約聖書の預言者と同じ役割を彼らの人々との関係で果たしています。彼らは同胞に千年の精神文化を思い出すように勧めるだけでなく、実際にそれを具現化し、その物質主義的技術と商業的技術を備えた西洋文明の新しさの中で魂の要求が忘れられないように、印象的な警告として役立ちます.


文化の外在化は、その除去が最も望ましく有益と思われる非常に多くの悪を取り除くかもしれませんが、経験が示すように、この一歩前進は、精神的な文化の喪失によってあまりにも高く支払われています.よく計画され、衛生的に設備が整った家に住む方がはるかに快適であることは否定できませんが、それでもなお、この家に誰が住んでいるのか、そしてその人の魂が奉仕する家と同じ秩序と清潔さで喜ぶかどうかという問題には答えていません。彼の外側の生活に。興味がすべて外にある人は、必要なものに満足することは決してなく、より多くのより良いものを絶えず切望しており、彼の偏見に忠実であり、常に自分の外にそれを求めています。彼は、外見上は成功しても、内心は変わらないことを完全に忘れており、したがって、大部分の人が 2 台持っている自動車を 1 台しか持っていないとしたら、自分の貧しさを嘆きます。明らかに、人間の外面的な生活は、より多くの改善と美化を行うことができます。 「必需品」に満足することは、間違いなく幸福の計り知れない源ですが、内なる人は自分の要求を高め続けており、これは外的な所有物によって満たすことはできません.そして、この世界の輝かしいものを追い求めてこの声が聞こえなくなるほど、内なる人間は、結果がまったく異なると予想されていた生活条件の真っ只中で、説明のつかない不幸と理解できない不幸の源になります.

— カール・グスタフ・ユング、心理学と宗教: 西と東、インドの聖人、P. 584-585、par. 962
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“The Eastern peoples are threatened with a rapid collapse of their spiritual values, and what replaces them cannot always be counted among the best that Western civilization has produced. 
From this point of view, one could regard Ramakrishna and Shri Ramana as modern prophets, who play the same compensatory role in relation to their people as that of the Old Testament prophets in relation to the “unfaithful” children of Israel. Not only do they exhort their compatriots to remember their thousand-year-old spiritual culture, they actually embody it and thus serve as an impressive warning, lest the demands of the soul be forgotten amid the novelties of Western civilization with its materialistic technology and commercial acquisitiveness. 

The breathless drive for power and aggrandizement in the political, social, and intellectual sphere, gnawing at the soul of the Westerner with apparently insatiable greed, is spreading irresistibly in the East and threatens to have incalculable consequences. Not only in India but in China, too, much has already perished where once the soul lived and throve. 

The externalization of culture may do away with a great many evils whose removal seems most desirable and beneficial, yet this step forward, as experience shows, is all too dearly paid for with a loss of spiritual culture. It is undeniably much more comfortable to live in a well-planned and hygienically equipped house, but this still does not answer the question of who is the dweller in this house and whether his soul rejoices in the same order and cleanliness as the house which ministers to his outer life. The man whose interests are all outside is never satisfied with what is necessary, but is perpetually hankering after something more and better which, true to his bias, he always seeks outside himself. He forgets completely that, for all his outward successes, he himself remains the same inwardly, and he therefore laments his poverty if he possesses only one automobile when the majority have two. Obviously the outward lives of men could do with a lot more bettering and beautifying, but these things lose their meaning when the inner man does not keep pace with them. To be satiated with “necessities” is no doubt an inestimable source of happiness, yet the inner man continues to raise his claim, and this can be satisfied by no outward possessions. And the less this voice is heard in the chase after the brilliant things of this world, the more the inner man becomes the source of inexplicable misfortune and uncomprehended unhappiness in the midst of living conditions whose outcome was expected to be entirely different. 

The externalization of life turns to incurable suffering, because no one can understand why he should suffer from himself. No one wonders at his insatiability, but regards it as his lawful right, never thinking that the one-sidedness of this psychic diet leads in the end to the gravest disturbances of equilibrium. That is the sickness of Western man, and he will not rest until he has infected the whole world with his own greedy restlessness.”
— Carl Gustav Jung, Psychology and religion: West and East, The Holy men of India, P. 584-585, par. 962
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