"自分の狂気を認識し、友好的に迎え入れようとは思わないのか。あなたはすべてを受け入れたかった。だから、狂気も受け入れなさい。あなたの狂気の光を輝かせれば、それは突然あなたの前に現れます。狂気は軽蔑されるべきものではなく、恐れられるべきものでもなく、むしろそれに命を与えるべきものなのです。もしあなたが道を見つけたいのであれば、あなたの性質の大部分を構成している狂気をも拒むべきではありません......狂気を認識できることを喜んでください。- カール・ユング
"精神病者は、神秘主義者が喜びをもって泳ぐのと同じ水域で溺れる。" - ジョセフ・キャンベル
"Do you not want to recognize your madness and welcome it in a friendly manner? You wanted to accept everything. So accept madness too. Let the light of your madness shine, and it will suddenly dawn on you. Madness is not to be despised and not to be feared, but instead you should give it life...If you want to find paths, you should also not spurn madness, since it makes up such a great part of your nature...Be glad that you can recognize it, for you will thus avoid becoming its victim." - Carl Jung
"The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight.” - Joseph Campbell
~カール・ユング『Liber Novus』253ページ。脚注211
狂気は精神の特殊な形態であり、すべての教えや哲学に付着しているが、日常生活にはなおさら付着している。なぜなら、人生そのものが狂気に満ちていて、まったく非論理的だからである。人間が理性に向かって努力するのは、自分のためのルールを作るためである。人生そのものにはルールがない。それが謎であり、未知の法則なのだ。あなた方が知識と呼んでいるものは、生命に何か理解できるものを押し付けようとする試みである」。~カール・ユング、赤い本、Nox Tertia、298ページ。
This is how madness begins, this is madness … You cannot get conscious of these unconscious facts without giving yourself to them. If you can overcome your fear of the unconscious and can let yourself go down, then these facts take on a life of their own.
~Carl Jung, Liber Novus, Page 253. Footnote 211.
"When a patient begins to feel the inescapable nature of his inner development, he may easily be overcome by a panic fear that he is slipping helplessly into some kind of madness he can no longer understand."
~Carl Jung, CW 13, Para 325
“My soul spoke to me in a whisper, urgently and alarmingly: "Words, words, do not make too many words. Be silent and listen: have you recognized your madness and do you admit it? Have you noticed that all your foundations are completely mired in madness? Do you not want to recognize your madness and welcome it in a friendly manner?
You wanted to accept everything. So accept madness too. Let the light of your madness shine, and it will suddenly dawn on you. Madness is not to be despised and not to be feared, but instead you should give it life...If you want to find paths, you should also not spurn madness, since it makes up such a great part of your nature...Be glad that you can recognize it, for you will thus avoid becoming its victim.
Madness is a special form of the spirit and clings to all teachings and philosophies, but even more to daily life, since life itself is full of craziness and at bottom utterly illogical. Man strives toward reason only so that he can make rules for himself. Life itself has no rules. That is its mystery and its unknown law. What you call knowledge is an attempt to impose something comprehensible on life.” ~Carl Jung; Red Book; Nox Tertia; Page 298.
When a patient begins to feel the inescapable nature of his inner development, he may easily be overcome by a panic fear that he is slipping helplessly into some kind of madness he can no longer understand. More than once I have had to reach for a book on my shelves, bring down an old alchemist, and show my patient his terrifying fantasy in the form in which it appeared four hundred years ago. This has a calming effect, because the patient then sees that he is not alone in a strange world which nobody understands, but is part of the great stream of human history, which has experienced countless times the very things that he regards as a pathological proof of his craziness. ~Carl Jung, CW 13, Para 325