

2,ガスライティング "とは?

2021-08-13 17:49:29 | 心理学

ナルシストのガスライティングは今やピークに達しており、彼らに理屈をこねることはできません。ナルシストの奇妙な行動に混乱した被害者は、安全だと感じていた最初の頃の関係に戻れることを期待して、加害者を喜ばせようとますます努力します。自己愛の薬」を奪われた被害者は、突然、強い禁断症状に襲われます。不安に駆られ、混乱に陥り、自分が持っていると思っていたソウルメイトを失ってしまうのです。見捨てられ、拒絶されたという深い傷の痛みに対処するために、彼らはさまざまな無意識の防衛メカニズム(否定、合理化、幼児期の退行パターン、認知的不協和、トラウマの結合などの組み合わせ)に逃避します。現実世界から孤立した孤独な状態で、これらの行動は、自己愛的な虐待や現在経験しているガスライティングを生き延びるための唯一の手段となります。何をしても、この他人に自己愛的な傷を負わせるだけのようで、そのたびに、(自分でも気づかないうちに)全能の怒りを自分に向けて放出しているのです。このようなサバイバル戦術をとるだけで、被害者は相手に過度に依存した人質となり(ストックホルム症候群)、予測不可能で不確実な状況が続くことになります。その結果、彼らはナルシストの病的な壮大な自己との不気味なダンスに巻き込まれ、そこでは地獄が支配し、彼らは幼児的な退行行動パターンへと退行していきます(退行した幼児性)。この段階では、ナルシスティック・ヴィクティム・シンドローム(NVS)の影響を受けている可能性が高く、以前の自分の影のようになってしまいます。最終的には、"操り人形 "の気まぐれや快楽に翻弄されることになります。ガスライティングからの回復は、被害者に最も大きなダメージを与えるため、最も長い時間を要します。

ナルシストは、自分の供給者となった人を軽蔑します。彼らは、彼らを無力で劣った価値のない犠牲者と見なしますが、同時に、その価値のない獲物は、彼らに豊富な量のナルシストの供給物を提供しているのです。被害者が苦痛を示せば示すほど、加害者にとっての自己愛の供給源となり、加害者はより重要で強力な存在であると感じるようになるのです。そして、加害者はより重要で強力な存在だと感じるようになります。加害者が重要で強力だと感じれば感じるほど、彼らの言葉や身体的な暴力はより露骨になります。この "プル・プッシュ "のシナリオにより、ナルシストは「あなたのことは嫌いだけど、私から離れないでね、さもないとあなたを殺すわよ」というような行動をとるようになる。彼らは、自分から離れていくと思われる動きを、自分のナルシスト的な供給に対する脅威として反応するので、被害者が自己決定を示すことは、確実に切り捨てられることになります。ナルシストは、被害者の価値を下げることには容赦がありません。被害者の切り捨ては、被害者自身の愛着欲求、知的能力、肉体、性欲、創造性など、様々な形やレベルの攻撃によって行われます。この時点で、被害者はパブロフの犬のように条件付けされ、外の世界ではナルシストの "複雑なダンス "のパートナーとして喜んでいるように見えます。仮にそのナルシストから逃れることができたとしても、他のナルシストに見破られてしまうため、将来的に再被害を受ける危険性が高くなります。

この段階では、ゲームは最終的な結論を迎えます。ナルシストによる被害者の理想化から始まったゲームは、被害者の過剰な依存によってナルシストの理想化で終わる運命にあります。これが起こると、ナルシストのゲームへの情熱は弱まり、彼らの目にはすでにコンテストに勝ったと映り、楽しい時間は終わります。この時点で、ナルシストは被害者のニーズや希望に全く無関心になっており、事実上、彼らの心の中にはもはや存在していません。被害者は混乱したまま、感情をむき出しにして、死にかけている関係を "修復 "するために解決策を見つけようとしています。しかし、ナルシストは、関係を修復しようとするすべての試みに抵抗し、沈黙でいじめたり、何か反応があったとしても、それは残酷なほど冷たいものになるでしょう。事実上、被害者は自分にとって「価値のない劣等生」になってしまっているのです。被害者を消耗させてしまったこと、自分の役目が終わったことを知っているので、ナルシストは次の供給源に移る時なのです。被害者が被害者を取り戻そうとすることは、ナルシストのエゴを満たすだけであり、さらにナルシストの一過性の供給源を提供することになります。

The narcissist gaslighting is now at its peak, and there is no reasoning with them. Confused by the narcissist’s bizarre behaviour, the victim works harder and harder to please their abuser in the hopes of getting the relationship back to where it was in the start, when it felt safe. Deprived of their “narcissistic drug”, the victim is suddenly thrown into strong withdrawal symptoms. They are distraught with anxiety, turned inside out with confusion, and bereft of what they thought they had, a soul-mate. In order to cope with the pain of this deep wound of abandonment and rejection, they escape into a range of unconscious defense mechanisms (a mix of denial, rationalization, infantile regressive patterns, cogntive dissonance, trauma bonding etc.). Alone and isolated from the real world, these behaviours become their only way of surviving the narcissistic abuse, and the gaslighting they are now experiencing. No matter what they do, they only seem to create narcissistic injury to this stranger, and each time they do that, they inadvertently release an almighty rage down upon themselves (without even knowing how they are doing it). By merely engaging in these survival tactics, the victim becomes the hostage that is overly dependent on their captive (Stockholm Syndrome), where unpredictability and uncertainty is the order of their day. As a result, they are now caught in the macabre dance with the narcissist’s pathological grandiose self, where hell reigns supreme, and they regress into infantile regressive patterns of behaviour (Regressed Infantilism). At this stage they are most likely suffering the effects of Narcissistic Victim Syndrome (NVS), where they are reduced to a shadow of their former self. Finally they are at the mercy of the whims and pleasures of their “puppet master”. Recovering from gaslighting takes the longest time, as it does the deepest damage to each victim.

The narcissist despises who their supply person has become; they view them as powerless, inferior and worthless victims, but at the same time, their worthless prey is providing them with a bountiful amount of narcissistic supply. Therein lays the paradox; the more the victim shows their distress, the more they become narcissistic supply for the abuser, and the more important and powerful the abuser gets to feel. The more important and powerful the abuser feels, the more blatant their verbal and physical violent becomes. This “pull-push” scenario leaves the narcissist acting in a way that says, “I hate you, but don’t you dare leave me or I will kill you”. They will react to any perceived movement away from them as a threat to their narcissistic supply, therefore, any show of self-determination by the victim will surely be devalued. The narcissist is merciless in the way they devalue the victim. Devaluation of the victim can be delivered through many different forms and levels of attack; through victims own attachment needs, their intellectual capabilities, physical body, sexuality, creativity etc. By this time, like Pavlov’s dogs, the victim has been conditioned, and appears to the outside world that they are willing partners in the narcissists “convoluted dance”. Even if they do manage to escape from that narcissistic individual, they are at high risk of future re-victimization and entrapment with other narcissists, because they are primed in a way that other narcissists can spot.

In this phase, the game comes to its final conclusion. What started out as the idealization of a victim by the narcissist, is doomed to end with the idealization of the narcissist by the victim’s over dependence. Once this happens, the narcissist ardor for the game has dampened, in their eyes they have already won the contest, and the fun is over. By this time, the narcissist is totally indifferent to any needs or wishes that the victim may have, in effect they no longer exist in their mind. Not so for the victim, they are left confused and raw with emotion, and are eager to find solutions in order to “fix” the dying relationship. However, the narcissist resists all attempts to rescue the relationship, they will bully with silence, or if there is any kind of response, it will be brutally cold. In effect, the victim has become “worthlessly inferior” to them; they know they have drained the victim dry, that they have now outlived their usefulness, and now it is time for the narcissist to move on to the next source of supply. Any undertaking to win them back by the victim will only feed the narcissists ego, and further provide them with a transient source of narcissistic supply.

ガスライティングの過程で、被害者は感情的、心理的な心の状態を経験することになります。 ロビン・スターン博士は、その素晴らしい著書『The Gaslighting Effect』の中で、被害者が経験する3つの段階について語っています。また、ガスライティングを受けていることを認識するための警告サインについても言及しています。彼女の分析を少し紹介したいと思います。



この段階では、被害者はまだガスライティングの操作に対して戦い、自分自身を守るための十分な自己を持っています。しかし、ナルシストの "ガスライティング "は、それが意図した通りに機能し始めています。つまり、自責の念、怒り、混乱、罪悪感を生み出すことで、被害者のバランスを崩しているのです。この感情的なダメージにより、被害者は時間の経過とともに、現実感や自分自身の感覚を失っていきます。迷い、混乱し、自分の直感や記憶を信じることができなくなり、恥ずかしさのために孤立しがちになります。やがて、精神的なエネルギーが枯渇し、恐ろしいガスライティングから身を守ることができなくなります。この段階では、その人のシステム全体が消滅の危機に瀕しているように感じられます。


During the process of gaslighting, the victim will find themselves going through emotional and psychological states of mind. In her wonderful book, The Gaslighting Effect, Robin Stern, Ph.D. speaks of three stages the victim will go through: Disbelief, Defense, and Depression, she also goes on to flags down warning signs for recognizing when one is being gaslighted. I would like to expand a little on her analysis.

Gaslighting is an extreme form of emotional abuse used by the narcissistic gaslighter to manipulate the innocent victim (gaslightee). The effects of gaslighting are so insidious, that they can lead to the victim losing all trust in their own judgment and reality. The victim’s initial reaction to the gaslighting behaviour is one of utter disbelief; they cannot believe the sudden change towards them, or indeed the fact that they are being gaslighted in the first place. All they know is that something terribly odd seems to be happening in the relationship, but they cannot figure out what it is that is happening. Of course, this is precisely what the abuser wants, after all, it would not work if the victim knew what was happening. The methods used by the narcissist in the initial idealization stage of the relationship progresses in such a way that it virtually guarantees that the victim will become hooked utterly and completely to their narcissistic abuser. Blinded by their love after been totally seduced, the victim naturally, trusts genuinely that their love is reciprocated, but of course, this is untrue, a total fabrication. Where once the abuser’s communication with the victim had been accessible and stayed within the relationship, it has now become blocking and diverting. All they know is that where the narcissist had once held them in “good heart”, they have now become highly critical of them. The sympathy and support that had been available has now turned to disdain and antagonism. Whenever the victim (gaslightee) wants to reasonably discuss what is happening in the relationship, they are met with silence, or worse, they find that everything that is being said is twisted or trivialized.

It is important to realize that the gaslighting does not need to be severe in order to have severe consequences on the victim; it can be as subtle as being told that “you are so sensitive”, or that they should not do something because “you are not able to do it, leave it to me”. Even though the victim can rationalize that these statements are untrue, gradually their confidence is being eroded away to such an extent that they cannot trust themselves. Gaslighting strokes, such as moving items from place to place, and then the abuser denying that they had moved the item really creates huge confusion to the victim. Or saying something, then later denying that they had said such a thing. All of this psychological warfare has the effect of making the victim doubt their own memory or perception of events. Desperate for the gaslighter’s approval and reassurance that they are not going mad, the victim becomes very dependent on their narcissistic abuser for a sense of reality.

At this stage the victim still has enough of their self to fight and defend themselves against the gaslighting manipulation. However, the narcissist’s “gaslighting” is beginning to do what it is intended to do, that is, to throw the victim off balance by creating self-doubt, angst, turmoil, and guilt. This emotional damage causes the victim, over time, to lose their sense of reality, and sense of self. Becoming lost, confused, and unable to trust their own instincts and memory, they tend to isolate themselves somewhat because of the shame they feel. Before long their psychic energy becomes depleted, and they are left unable to defend themselves from the horrendous gaslighting effect. At this stage the person’s whole system may feel that it is in danger of annihilation.

From birth, nature builds in unconscious defense mechanisms and adaptive behaviours in order to protect the child from annihilation from early trauma, and these same defenses remain throughout life when ever we are vulnerable to highly stressful experiences that threaten us with annihilation. When the child starts life, they experience the world as a frightening place, so in order to reduce their fear they need to form an emotional bond with somebody in order to reduce their stress and anxiety. They identify and bond with their main caregiver (usually the Mother), and of course, they are very likely, at some time in the future, to experience her as their first aggressor. Mother can be experienced by the child as being both “threatening and kind”, and this seems to lead to the child turning to emotional bonding for survival.

1,ガスライティング "とは?

3,ガスライティング "とは?
