通常の日本国の運営においては、形式的には、従来の大日本帝国憲法(第一章 第四条)に定められた様に、天皇が元首の立ち振る舞いをすることが容認されていたが、実質的には、占領軍最高司令官のマッカーサーが元首であり、統治権を持っていた。
昭和27年のサンフランシスコ講和条約の発効によって、GHQによる日本占領が解かれた今日でも、 GHQ日本占領統治法(現在日本国憲法といわされているもの)が廃止され、日本帝国憲法に戻るか、新しい憲法が制定され、その条文で規定されなければ、日本の元首は、存在しないのである。
Chapter I. ①The Emperor
Article 1.The Emperor shall be the symbol of the State and of the unity of the people, deriving his position from the will of the people with whom resides sovereign power.
Article 2.The Imperial Throne shall be dynastic and succeeded to in accordance with the Imperial House Law passed by the Diet.
Article 3.The advice and ②approval of the Cabinet shall be required for all acts of the Emperor in matters of state, and the Cabinet shall be responsible therefor.
Article 4.The Emperor shall perform only such acts in matters of state as are provided for in this Constitution and he shall not have powers related to government.
(2) The Emperor may delegate the performance of his acts in matters of state as may be provided by law.
Article 5.When, in accordance with the Imperial House Law, a Regency is established, the Regent shall perform his acts in matters of state in the Emperor's name. In this case, paragraph one of the preceding article will be applicable.
Article 6.The Emperor shall appoint the Prime Minister as designated by the Diet.
(2) The Emperor shall appoint the Chief Judge of the Supreme Court as designated by the Cabinet.
Article 7.The Emperor, with the advice and approval of the Cabinet, shall perform the following acts in matters of state on behalf of the people:
1. Promulgation of amendments of the constitution, laws, cabinet orders and treaties.
2. Convocation of the Diet.
3. Dissolution of the House of Representatives.
4. Proclamation of general election of members of the Diet.
5. Attestation of the appointment and dismissal of Ministers of State and other officials as provided for by law, and of full powers and credentials of Ambassadors and Ministers.
6. Attestation of general and special amnesty, commutation of punishment, reprieve, and restoration of rights.
7. Awarding of honors.
8. Attestation of instruments of ratification and other diplomatic documents as provided for by law.
9. Receiving foreign ambassadors and ministers.
10. Performance of ceremonial functions.
Article 8.No property can be given to, or received by, the Imperial House, nor can any gifts be made therefrom, without the authorization of the Diet.
①The Tennoとすべきであった。
通常の日本国の運営においては、形式的には、従来の大日本帝国憲法(第一章 第四条)に定められた様に、天皇が元首の立ち振る舞いをすることが容認されていたが、実質的には、占領軍最高司令官のマッカーサーが元首であり、統治権を持っていた。
昭和27年のサンフランシスコ講和条約の発効によって、GHQによる日本占領が解かれた今日でも、 GHQ日本占領統治法(現在日本国憲法といわされているもの)が廃止され、日本帝国憲法に戻るか、新しい憲法が制定され、その条文で規定されなければ、日本の元首は、存在しないのである。
Chapter I. ①The Emperor
Article 1.The Emperor shall be the symbol of the State and of the unity of the people, deriving his position from the will of the people with whom resides sovereign power.
Article 2.The Imperial Throne shall be dynastic and succeeded to in accordance with the Imperial House Law passed by the Diet.
Article 3.The advice and ②approval of the Cabinet shall be required for all acts of the Emperor in matters of state, and the Cabinet shall be responsible therefor.
Article 4.The Emperor shall perform only such acts in matters of state as are provided for in this Constitution and he shall not have powers related to government.
(2) The Emperor may delegate the performance of his acts in matters of state as may be provided by law.
Article 5.When, in accordance with the Imperial House Law, a Regency is established, the Regent shall perform his acts in matters of state in the Emperor's name. In this case, paragraph one of the preceding article will be applicable.
Article 6.The Emperor shall appoint the Prime Minister as designated by the Diet.
(2) The Emperor shall appoint the Chief Judge of the Supreme Court as designated by the Cabinet.
Article 7.The Emperor, with the advice and approval of the Cabinet, shall perform the following acts in matters of state on behalf of the people:
1. Promulgation of amendments of the constitution, laws, cabinet orders and treaties.
2. Convocation of the Diet.
3. Dissolution of the House of Representatives.
4. Proclamation of general election of members of the Diet.
5. Attestation of the appointment and dismissal of Ministers of State and other officials as provided for by law, and of full powers and credentials of Ambassadors and Ministers.
6. Attestation of general and special amnesty, commutation of punishment, reprieve, and restoration of rights.
7. Awarding of honors.
8. Attestation of instruments of ratification and other diplomatic documents as provided for by law.
9. Receiving foreign ambassadors and ministers.
10. Performance of ceremonial functions.
Article 8.No property can be given to, or received by, the Imperial House, nor can any gifts be made therefrom, without the authorization of the Diet.
①The Tennoとすべきであった。