夕食後 着信メールを確認していたら The CQ WW DX Contest Committee からのメールが一通!
曰く 2016年度のCQ WW DX CW CONTESTに参加いただきありがとうございます
Hello JH7BMF,
Thank you for your participation in the 2016 CQ WW DX CW Contest.
We look forward to seeing you on the bands this year too!
CQ WW DX CW Contest Dates: From 0000 Z November 25th 2017 through 2359 Z
November 26th 2017.
Contest rules are available in several languages at:
Even if you get on the air to chase some DX or give out points to
friends we would really appreciate the receipt of your Cabrillo Log.
Some useful guidelines for your CQ WW DX CW Contest log at:
There are several free Contest Logging programs that you can use which
will generate a Cabrillo file:
If you use a general logging software or if you log on paper we have
created a document to help you convert your log to Cabrillo:
Don't forget to invite your friends to join the fun!
Vy 73,
The CQ WW DX Contest Committee
Thank you for your participation in the 2016 CQ WW DX CW Contest.
We look forward to seeing you on the bands this year too!
CQ WW DX CW Contest Dates: From 0000 Z November 25th 2017 through 2359 Z
November 26th 2017.
Contest rules are available in several languages at:
Even if you get on the air to chase some DX or give out points to
friends we would really appreciate the receipt of your Cabrillo Log.
Some useful guidelines for your CQ WW DX CW Contest log at:
There are several free Contest Logging programs that you can use which
will generate a Cabrillo file:
If you use a general logging software or if you log on paper we have
created a document to help you convert your log to Cabrillo:
Don't forget to invite your friends to join the fun!
Vy 73,
The CQ WW DX Contest Committee
お誘いを頂くまでも無く 参加の予定ではありますが 25日の午後~夕方までは
地域の健全育成委員会主催の講演会+懇親会のため 毎年恒例の細切れ参戦の予定です