北摂あらため 芦屋エレママのひとりごと    -エレガントなマダムの部屋へようこそ- 



2010年11月04日 | 日記
00:32 from goo
エレママ 2010秋・冬 トレンド・ヘアカラー #goo_chau_0725 http://blog.goo.ne.jp/chau_0725/e/26a8b2b873266661e05d595c258f2396
22:32 from web
It was fine and ideal day to go out.
We went to KYOTO to visit whisky factory.
SANTORY is most famous brewing company in JAPAN.
22:38 from web
The tour of whisky factory was very interesting.
Nice aroma was filled with the place.
I loved it !
22:43 from web
Only staying in the room , without drinking , my children become cheerful. As if they got drunk.(haha)
Children are really funny.
22:52 from web
After the tour, we could enjoy SUNTORY whisky with free charge.
It was excellent. Whisky aroma maked me relax.
I've never felt like this!
22:57 from web
Ok, I'll drink sometimes.
Mostly I enjoy wine....but it's wonderful to try new thing.
I feel like matured.
23:07 from web
On the way home , I came across my friend Hirorin at Umeda station.
Wow ! She looked beautiful.
23:14 from web
She seemed to have a good time with her family. Same as us !
Actually we didn't have much time to chat with.
But I was really happy.
23:16 from web
We are having lunch soon.
Can't wait !!
23:27 from web
It was lovely holiday.
I hope everyone will have another good day tomorrow.
Sweet dreams.
23:52 from web
I found an excellent article about Japanese whisky, Suntory Yamazaki whisky !!
by comadam on Twitter