北摂あらため 芦屋エレママのひとりごと    -エレガントなマダムの部屋へようこそ- 



2010年11月17日 | 日記
23:42 from web
It was fine. But quite cold day.
There is a lot of cold going around these days.
My daughter is still in bad condition.
23:46 from web
I don't want to be attacked by influenza.
Last year I had the flu three times !
Can you believe that??
To be surprised, <cont>
23:52 from web
I had gotten the vaccination.
When I lived in Singapore , we exposed to the germs so much.
The flu is going around in there<cont>
23:53 from web
...all through the year.
I would say I was lucky that I exoerienced every kinds of flu !! (haha)
23:55 from web
I'm sure I have enough immunity to the flu now !
23:58 from web
Every clouds has silver lining.
I think it's true.
I often forget about it although.
23:59 from web
Ok, good night !
by comadam on Twitter