北摂あらため 芦屋エレママのひとりごと    -エレガントなマダムの部屋へようこそ- 


Today's tweets 12th May

2011年05月13日 | 日記
Hello, this is Maria Sakurai.
How was the weather today in your place??

A heavy rain warning was issued this morning in Kansai area
Because of that, my children's primary school was closed.

Ofcourse my children were glad
" Yahoo! Holiday "

It was so strange that we didn't have much rain despite of warning.
Yes, it was better than yesterday
Anyway we could spend very relaxing time.
We enjoyed watching our humstars for long time.
Listen !One of them seemes to be pregnant. Same as me
We are excited and thiriled about it

By the way , my children are having excursion tomorrow.
I hope it'll fine.
Oh, I have to remember to make packed lunch tomorrow morning
Better to go to bed earlier.

Thank you for reading my tweets
Talk to you soon. Bye.