北摂あらため 芦屋エレママのひとりごと    -エレガントなマダムの部屋へようこそ- 



2011年05月17日 | 日記
23:45 from web
Hello ! It 's getting really hot in Japan.
Nice weather !!
23:49 from web
I went to see an obsterics today.
Now I'm 7 months pregnancy. I couldn't believe it.
Time flies.
23:52 from web
I started to feel my body was heavy. I'm getting too fat ?? Oh, horrible !
23:54 from web
I still have a long way to go.....3 months left.
I'm trying my best !
23:57 from web
Control your destiny, or someone else will.
I think so too....!
23:57 from web
Good night !
by comadam on Twitter