00:03 from web
I've just taken bath. I love this time before go to bed.Very happy and relaxed......
00:16 from web
I've been tried not to take carbohydrate at dinner time. I think it works quite well on a diet!夜のお食事に炭水化物を摂らないようにしているの。結構、ダイエットに効果あります!
00:23 from web
Maybe I should better to go straight to bed before I'll feel hungry. But I have half-finished book.お腹が空く前にベッドに直行した方がいいわよね。でも、読みかけの本があるのよね。
00:37 from web
As I'm not a morning person, I've decided to give up reading now. It's too late.朝型人間じゃないから、本を読むのはもうやめておこっと。もう遅すぎるし。
00:39 from web
Ok, sweet dreams.......それでは、おやすみなさい。
by comadam on Twitter
I've just taken bath. I love this time before go to bed.Very happy and relaxed......
00:16 from web
I've been tried not to take carbohydrate at dinner time. I think it works quite well on a diet!夜のお食事に炭水化物を摂らないようにしているの。結構、ダイエットに効果あります!
00:23 from web
Maybe I should better to go straight to bed before I'll feel hungry. But I have half-finished book.お腹が空く前にベッドに直行した方がいいわよね。でも、読みかけの本があるのよね。
00:37 from web
As I'm not a morning person, I've decided to give up reading now. It's too late.朝型人間じゃないから、本を読むのはもうやめておこっと。もう遅すぎるし。
00:39 from web
Ok, sweet dreams.......それでは、おやすみなさい。
by comadam on Twitter