ジョイス,コリン【著】〈Joyce,Colin〉 森田 浩之【訳】
NHK出版 (2012/06/10 出版)
1 中庸は国の心
2 侵略と分断
3 ときどき偉大な着想が…
4 もうひとつのエデン?
5 アイルランドという“問題”
6 英雄と悪役
7 外交か戦争か
8 イギリス族
コリン・ジョイス×森田浩之 イギリスと僕らと、ロンドン五輪
Keep Calm and Carry On
Richard III: unveiling day arrives for skeleton that would be king
Richard III's scarred skeleton becomes a battlefield for academics
Richard III? I dig his followers
It IS Richard III: Scientists reveal DNA results confirm 15th century king's body has been found under a car park in Leicester
The REAL face of Richard III: King who died in battle at 32 is brought back to life with reconstruction of 500-year-old skull found beneath council car park
One royal secret that won't be revealed... Richard III has been unearthed but the princes in the tower will stay buried
ジョイス,コリン【著】〈Joyce,Colin〉 森田 浩之【訳】
NHK出版 (2012/06/10 出版)
1 中庸は国の心
2 侵略と分断
3 ときどき偉大な着想が…
4 もうひとつのエデン?
5 アイルランドという“問題”
6 英雄と悪役
7 外交か戦争か
8 イギリス族
コリン・ジョイス×森田浩之 イギリスと僕らと、ロンドン五輪
Keep Calm and Carry On
Richard III: unveiling day arrives for skeleton that would be king
Richard III's scarred skeleton becomes a battlefield for academics
Richard III? I dig his followers
It IS Richard III: Scientists reveal DNA results confirm 15th century king's body has been found under a car park in Leicester
The REAL face of Richard III: King who died in battle at 32 is brought back to life with reconstruction of 500-year-old skull found beneath council car park
One royal secret that won't be revealed... Richard III has been unearthed but the princes in the tower will stay buried