Kool-Aid Man(クールエイドマン)
Dali Hey, Ina-chan! Do you know the Kool-Aid Man?ダリちゃん おい、イナちゃん! クールエイドマンって知ってる?Me...
Old Car Repairing on YouTube Videos(ユーチューブで見た古い車の修理の動画)
Dali I like to watch YouTube.ダリちゃん わしはユーチューブを見るのが好き。Me Me too!私...
Dali Chili is a food made from ground meat, usually beef, beans, tomato sauce, and many ...
Tartar sauce(タルタルソース)
Dali Ina-chan, do you like tartar sauce? In Japan, what is tartar sauce made of?ダリちゃん 稲ち...
Should I Write My Name in English or in Japanese?(名前は英語で書くんですか、それとも日本語で書くんですか?)
Dali Let me tell you a story that happened to me last week at a University at Setagaya-k...
I Hate Receipts(わしはレシートが嫌い)
At the izakaya counter, Dali seems to be irritated while crumpling up a receipt…居酒屋のカウンターで...
Do You Have Four Seasons in Your Country? (あなたの国には四季がありますか?)
Dali Hey, Ina-chan. What season do you like best?ダリちゃん おい稲ちゃん。一番好きな季節はいつ?Me...
Japanese Think Gaijins are Stupid?(日本人は外国人を馬鹿だと思ってる?)
Dali When we ride a train―especially in my case, a subway―we hear announcements. The mai...
A Torn Bill Repaired with Tape(テープで貼り合わせたお札)
Dali Oh, I will return the money that I borrowed from you last month. Here, 1,000 yen. (...
Japanese Paper Money(日本のお札)
Dali Today I want to talk to you about Japanese paper currency.ダリちゃん 今日は日本の紙幣について話すね。Me...