Stop Patronizing Gaijins (外国人をバカにしないで)
Dali Hey Ina-chan! What do you think of gaijins? Do you like gaijins? ダリちゃん おい、イナちゃん! 外国...
Dogs and Americans(アメリカ人と犬)
Me Hey Dali! I saw on the Internet that you Americans think of pet dogs as members of th...
Washlets (Electronic Toilets)(ウォシュレット)
Me Hey Dali! What do you think about washlets? 私 ねえダリちゃん! ウォシュレットについてどう思う?Dali...
French Food Is Not Popular in the US(アメリカでは不人気なフレンチ)
Me I read on the Internet that the “big three” cuisines in the US are Italian, Mexican, ...
ATM Interface(ATMの画面)
Dali Many years ago, ATMs used to have actual mechanical buttons. Do you remember this? ...
My Favorite Food Is Rice(ごはんが好き)
Dali I have an interesting topic today. This is a story from many years ago, when I was ...
Cheetos and Doritos in Japan(日本のチートス・ドリトス)
Dali Doritos is a popular American brand, and is also popular in Japan. Another popular ...
What’s Your Favorite Cuisine?(何料理が好き?)
Me Hey Dali! What’s your favorite cuisine?私 ねえダリちゃん! 何料理が好き?Dali Well...
Disgustingly Sweet Japanese Corn(気持ち悪いほど甘すぎる日本のトウモロコシ)
Dali I have a shocking realization to impart―an example of where a Japanese food is swee...
Americans Love Soy and Miso(アメリカ人は醤油と味噌汁が大好き)
Dali I want to tell you about two Japanese foods that are very popular among gaijins.ダリち...