I am Ag-agria come to you again, to tell you more about time aboard our ships. As members of the Galactic Federation we do not have jobs such as you would understand them. Of course we do occupy ourselves by doing what we are best at, and are members of teams that have a full understanding of their individual responsibilities. Unlike you, we do not have to work for a living as all of our needs are totally catered for on board our craft. However, like some of you on Earth we see our time as freely given in service to others. We do specialize in our particular field of interest, and it is our choice as to what we do. We spend a comparatively short time reaching the standards required to fulfill our tasks, as our educational systems are far advanced. We are effectively programmed in whatever it is we wish to learn, very much like your computers. You spend many years studying and taking exams, but that is unnecessary the way that we operate. Our methods will also be yours at some stage in the future, and we can tell you that life is wonderful and very rewarding.
We follow our personal choices and it is very fulfilling, and we are not hard worked as you often are, as robots and computer programs carry out our menial tasks. In fact, our ships are living computers that interact with us. We have leisure time to follow our own pursuits, and art in its various forms is very popular amongst us, although we have the creative abilities to create by sheer thought. You too will reach those levels in good time. Because we are Space Beings our interests are somewhat different to yours, although subjects such as Biology and Science are simply expanded to a Cosmic level. Some of our Mother Ships contain all that a small city would have, and special areas where you can carry out research and experiments. You can also tap into a pool of knowledge on any subject you can imagine, as “live” records exist in the holographic form. Talking books are available and printed ones are no longer necessary, as micro-chipped information has taken their place.
Ag-agria Sirian Update June 12/09