world-renowned physicist dr. michio kaku
made a shocking confession on live TV
when he admitted that HAARP is
responsible for the recent spat of
hurricanes in an interview aired by CBS
dr. Kaku admitted that recent man-made
hurricanes have been the result of
government weather modification program
in which the skies were sprayed with
nano particles and storms then activated
through the use of lasers in an
interview Michio Kaku discusses the
history of weather modification before
the CBS crew stopped him in his tracks
you know they were talking about climate
change yesterday and now we're learning
that scientists and researchers are
looking at how to change the weather on
purpose that's right lasers now could
one day manipulate rain and lightning
CBS this morning contributor Michio Kaku
is a physics professor at City College
of New York professor nice to see you
extraordinary seeing Al Gore and Bill
Clinton there together with Charlie
wasn't it that's right yeah they did not
get into this discussion but it is
fascinating I mean lasers really to
change the weather that's right well as
Mark Twain once famously said everyone
complains about the weather but no one
ever does anything about it well instead
of doing a rain dance we physicists are
firing trillion want lasers into the sky
to actually precipitate rain clouds and
actually bring down lightning bolts this
is potentially a game-changer but this
is experimental it's experimental
however in the laboratory so far it
works when you have water vapor and you
have dust particles or ice crystals you
can precipitate rain it condenses around
the seeds these seeds can also be
created by laser beams by firing
trillion watt laser you rip apart the
electrons creating what I call ions and
these ions act like seeds like dust
particles bringing down rain and even
lightning any good well I
this is fascinates me in part because
too I remember reading the stories that
China had used this during the Olympics
that the USSR had used this after
Chernobyl to create rain clouds I mean
did those really work them we have some
of these capabilities now inconclusive
even in the the CIA used this to
bring down monsoons during the
war - I shot the Vietcong governments
have been alleged to allege - right yeah
now we realize that for decades now
these governments have been alleged to
have experimented with weather control
but not being conclusive this time we're
begging in the laws of physics rather
than simply waving our hands and Adri
mumbo jumbo we're actually using
trillion watt lasers now and in the
laboratory sure enough they precipitate
rain out of water vapor sure enough you
can actually bring down electricity down
look down the beam so what does it mean
for drought areas that need to have rain
for crops and if they don't have him
there's the consequences of famine well
the bad news is if it's a clear blue sky
it's not going to do anything at all
because it only takes water vapor that's
already in the air and condenses it
however for floods for agriculture
farmers for people planning waiting
parties football games you name it
outdoor events in agriculture and
flooding and even hurricanes all of them
could be subject to weather modification
incredibly interesting professor Michio
Kaku thank you so much the high
frequency active auroral research
program or better known as harp was
created in the early s as part of an
ionosphere research program jointly
funded by the US Air Force the US Navy
the University of Alaska Fairbanks and
the Defense Advanced Research Project
agency better known as DARPA according
to government officials HAARP allows the
military to modify and weaponize the
weather by triggering earthquakes floods
in Eric Ames what do you think is HAARP
causing all of these powerful hurricanes
that has developed this year to form or
is it just a natural phenomenon leave
your comments below this video thanks
for watching
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