

The Reality vs the Innocence

2020-08-11 14:47:22 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- The Reality vs the Innocence,文章讲述人们都愿意建立一个没有阶级的完美世界,但是在莉莉安娜·海克(Liliana Heker)的故事“被盗的党”中,我们要提醒我们的是,现实世界的界限很细,并且界限将上层阶级与下层阶级区分开。富人或上层阶级永远不会平等地对待下层阶级或穷人。另一方面,穷人总是试图有意识地以各种方式保护自己免受上层阶级的伤害。也许只有年幼的孩子不了解规则并试图打破规则,但最终,他们将像故事中的女孩Rosaura一样,吸取教训并屈服于现实。

The Reality vs the Innocence
People are all willing to a perfect world where there is no class, but in the story “The Stolen Party” by Liliana Heker, we are reminded that the real world has a thin line and that line separates the upper class from the lower class. The rich, or the upper class, never treat the lower class, or the poor, equally. On the other hand, the poor always try to protect themselves in various ways from the upper class consciously. Maybe only the young children don’t know the rules and try to break the rules, but finally they will learn a lesson and submit to the reality, just like the girl Rosaura in the story.
In the story, Luciana and Sefiora Ines are typical characters of the upper class. Rosaura and her mother represent the lower class. Rosaura was happy to receive the invitation of a party from Luciana. However, Rosaura’s mother stated that she didn’t want her daughter to go to the party, although Rosaura thought she was a friend of Luciana. Rosaura’s mother tried to explain to her daughter the reason why she didn’t agree, but Rosaura was only nine years old and “the smartest in her class”, she would not hear a word from her mother. With no doubt, Rosaura went to the party and behaved well at the party. However, she was brought back to reality when Sefiora Ines only gave her and her mother money instead of the small gifts. Rosaura felt very sad and painful, but that was the reality and it could not be possible for her to struggle to overcome the class status, as she was born into with the many factors against her. As “The Stolen Party” reveals, the gap between the rich and poor exists and it is insurmountable, even in our real life
Although sometimes the upper class may treat the lower class well, but in fact in the mind of the upper class the lower class will still be lower class. In the story, Rosaura behaved well during the party, and Luciana, Sefiora Ines and boys all liked her. “When they split into two teams to play charades all the boys wanted her for their side.” However, when the party ended, the fat boy and the girl received the small gifts from Sefiora Ines, Rosaura only received the money. This suggested that although people liked Rosaura in the party and treated her well, they still thought she was just a daughter of a maid, she was at lower class. In our real life, there are situations like this. For example, in an office building, there are many big bosses, who are very rich and powerful. There are also many “lower class” people, such as the cleaner, the security guard. Sometimes, some arrogant bosses will be rude to the cleaner or the guard just because of some little mistakes they have made, or just because the bosses are not happy. Though it is not an obvious situation like the story of “The Stolen Party”, it is a reflection of the gap between the rich and poor.
People of innocence will submit to reality at last. According to the story “The Stolen Party”, the author Heker demonstrates that one’s experience inevitably lead to a loss of innocence. Before the party, Rosaura is an innocent and naïve girl, for the reason that she doesn’t know the limitations of her social class. By the end of the party, however, the innocent Rosaura is shattered when she sees the difference that exists as a result of her social class. As a matter of fact, innocence is a precious gift that we all have at some point. For instance, we all grow to adult from young children. As little kids, we all think everything is wonderful and beautiful, there is no unfair thing in the world, just like Rosaura. We can make friends with children either richer than us or poorer than us. But when we grow up, we may gradually look down upon the friends who are poorer than us and admire those friends who are richer than us. Our innocence is going to disappear, we will concentrate more on the reality.
The lower class people are always intended to serve the upper class people. In the story “The Stolen Party”, we can conclude from several details that the author shows this point through symbolism between Rosaura and the monkey. Although Rosaura doesn’t t realize it, she and the monkey are being used for the same basic purpose at Luciana s birthday party. At the party, the monkey is there only to entertain the upper class children whether it wants to or not. Rosaura, the magician and the monkey are there for the same basic reason which is to serve the upper class children by serving them when they need something. When being compared to a monkey at the party, Rosaura is very similar to it when dealing with social classes. The monkey is separated by a cage which it cannot break through, and all it can do is follow the orders given to it by the magician. Rosaura is also separated from the other children at the party by the barriers of social classes. The monkey is separated by a cage which it cannot break through, and all it can do is follow the orders given to it by the magician. Rosaura is also separated from the other children at the party by the barriers of social classes. Even though Rosaura thinks she is just a friend there she is only considered a servant by everyone else. This is one of the main points that separates her from the rest of the children at the party. This relates Rosaura to the monkey because the monkey also has to obey the magician s orders the same way she obeys the mother’s orders. An example of Rosaura being separated from the higher class children at the party is when Senora Ines had said, “You yes, but not the others, they’re much too boisterous, they might break something”. In the story only Rosaura is allowed into the kitchen which shows how she is being treated differently because of her social class. Even in our daily life, some rich people are accustomed to letting some poorer people to serve for themselves. For instance, a rich friend of mine usually asks a poor friend of mine to do things for him, such as buying tickets, booking hotels and dinners, etc.
In the modern life, the gap between the upper class and the lower class will still exist. Although we may not think it fair, but if the reality world exist for one day, the gap will exist for one day. The innocence was born with everyone at first, but gradually as we grow up, the experience will help us to submit to the reality and say goodbye to innocence. Just as the story “The Stolen Party” suggests, innocence and reality are both for everyone to face so that we will live a life.


The influence of bank education concept on Rodriguez

2020-08-11 14:46:22 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- The influence of bank education concept on Rodriguez,文章讲述如今,教育已成为一个重大问题。现在,许多国家/地区意识到教育不应该像银行的教育理念那样,在教师的课堂发言中占主导地位,而学生的参与程度则较低。在世界的新形势下,人们需要更多的创造力,而不是在现实生活中没有用的知识。教育现在应该集中在提高学生的信息素养和创造力上,这两者都是能力教育的关键。教育的银行概念将被问题解决方法所取代。弗雷雷(Freire)的关于银行业教育概念的文章描述了其弊端,并与问题解决方法进行了比较。

The influence of bank education concept on Rodriguez
Nowadays, education has become a significant problem. Many countries are now realizing that education should not be like the banking concept of education where teachers dominate the speak of the class, while students have less participation. In the new situation of the world, people need more creativity than the knowledge that is not useful in real life. Education should now focus on raising students’ information literacy and creativity, both of which are the keys of competence education. The banking concept of education will be replaced by the problem-posing method of education. Freire’s essay on banking concept of education described its disadvantages, as well as comparing with problem-posing method of education. However, Freire did not apply to his experiences in his essay. Nonetheless, Rodriguez’s essay based on his own experience includes his early schooling through he as a writer. Freire might disagree with Rodriguez on his typical “banking” concept of education where students are filled with knowledge but not understanding it. Rodriguez’s education focuses more on memorizing the knowledge, and never contacting with his parents. Consequently, he does not have any original thoughts; moreover, he cannot think critically.
In Rodriguez’s early schooling, when teacher was teaching in the class, all of his classmates were like “marionettes”. However, there were only two people paying attention to the class, Rodriguez and a little girl. He used this little girl to symbolize himself and how he studied hard. After Rodriguez finished his schooling, he realized that his home and school are two different worlds. Rodriguez started to ignore his parents and look down on them, because his parents only had went to night school when they were young. Therefore, he adored his teacher because his teacher was knowledgeable and had authority. Rodriguez recommends, “Their refrain [was] always the same: ‘Your parents must be very proud.’ Sometimes then they’d ask me how I managed it – my ‘success’ ”(Rodriguez 338). A large amount of people have been saying that his parents must be proud of him and what he did that made him successful. He did not admit it, because he thought that his success belonged to himself and was not related to his parents. His parents never helped him on his study, so they are not qualified to be proud of his success. After he thought his parents cannot help him with his academic study, he started to adore his teacher. “The teacher talks and students listen” (Freire 217). This quotes truly describes the relationship between students and teachers in Rodriguez school. He wanted to be a high-educated person just like his teacher, not his parents. He began to study hard and he did very well on the academic part. He memorized all the knowledge that his teacher had taught him, and never went against to his teacher. Therefore, his grades were solid. The method that Rodriguez applied in study is banking concept of education. He listened to his teacher and memorized all the knowledge without understanding.
Rodriguez chose to go to Stanford University instead of a local college, which his parents could not understand. His father said to him that he thought education was trivial, grades are inflated, diplomas are cheapened, and people were educated only because a higher degree could bring more money. Friere would be against his opinion. Friere believed that education is not about a higher degree which could get a better job, but that people could know themselves and the world better from education. Moreover, Rodriguez mentioned that his parents did not allow him to write on the books for the reason that his mother would sell the books at the end of the year. Actually his parents did not understand the value of those books. In their minds, books are only for fun and books’ value are only limited to their actual price. For Rodriguez, he thought books as his best friends and reading as his job. “The article was accompanied by a list of the ‘the hundred most important books of Western Civilization.’ ‘More than anything else in my life,’ the professor told the reporter with finality, ‘these books have made me all that I am’ That was the kind of remark I couldn’t ignore, I clipped out the list and kept it for the several months it took me to read all of the titles” (Rodriguez 350). Rodriguez read all the books on that lists, because he thought that reading more books would help him become a person with more knowledge. He did not become a person like his parents because he had already known that a person without knowledge is powerless. However, he did not realize that even if he has read those books, his not understanding of those books would still be an obstacle for him to become a knowledgeable person. Rodriguez wanted to become an academic man and reshape himself. Rodriguez said, “He used education to remake himself” (351). Moreover, “As a very young boy, regarding his parents, as he struggles with an early homework assignment, he knows this too well. That is why he lacks self-assurance. He does not forget that the classroom is responsible for remaking him” (Rodriguez 352). After Rodriguez went to grammar school, he was struggling with his homework while his parents did not help him, because they both graduated from night school and did not have so much knowledge to help him. He understood that classroom and knowledge can remake him to a person with full knowledge and keep him away from people like his parents.
Original thoughts are crucial to people; however, Rodriguez did not have creativity. “He lifts an opinion from Coledge, takes something else from Frye or Empson or Leavies. He even repeats exactly his professor’s earlier comment” (Rodriguez 352). He used countless opinions from different writers and his professors because he cannot come up with his own opinions. Rodriguez read tons of books and knew lots of knowledge, but he did not truly understand these books and knowledge. He said in his essay, “He becomes in every obvious way the worst student, a dummy mouthing the opinions of others” (Rodriguez 352). He just memorized them, which is a method of study related with banking concept of education. “He becomes in every obvious way the worst student, a dummy mouthing the opinions of others” (Rodriguez 352). Freire mentioned in the essay, “His task is to ‘fill’ the students with the contents of his narration – contents which are detached from reality, disconnected from the totality that engendered them and could give them significance” (Freire 216). Banking education is nearly like that people fill water in the jar. Teachers “fill” knowledge into students’ brain and made them memorize the information. Students coming from this form of education always have extreme memory, but if you asked them to use the information into daily life, they may not be able to do it. Rodriguez called himself as a “scholarship boy”, a boy with excellent grade and poor family financial circumstances. He had excellent grade when he was in grammar school and high school; however, he did poorly in his college instructive study. The reason for that is because college is different from grammar school and high school; college needs students to be inspired and imaginative. He recommends, “The scholarship boy is a very bad student. He is the great mimic; a collector of thoughts, not a thinker, the very last person in class who ever feels obliged to have an opinion of his own” (Rodriguez 352). He was successful in his theoretical learning and memorizing them; nevertheless, he had difficult time to create a new idea or think on his own. Both the method his early schooling teacher used to educate him and the technique he studied by his own, were typical banking concepts of education. As a result, he could not think critically. Different from his classmate, he is the last one to come up a new idea; nevertheless, unlike Rodriguez, his classmates were taught by problem posing method and they had ability to think individually because they were educated in problem posing. This information that they have learned before can be recalled and used with great flexibility.
Consequently, the banking concept of education stifles originality and murdered students’ ability to create new things. However, the problem-posing form of education utilizes examples from our modern life and relate them to the knowledge that the teacher has taught. Students who are respectively educated in these two forms of education are totally different. As for Rodriguez, he was good at memorizing and studying theories; however, his ability of creativity was poor, and he was always the last person in his class that came up with a new idea by himself. According to his early education, high school and the method that he studied by his own, have stifled originality and murdered his ability to create new things. He could not use the knowledge that he learned before. Moreover, because he was focusing on his academic study, he ignored his parents. His said he used 20 years to become a high-educated person; however, he needed more time to fix the relationship with his family. Education is one of the most important thing in every country. The banking concept of education is going to be challenged in the future. On one hand, the banking concept prevents students from thinking by their own, even though some students are suited to this method such as Rodriguez. On the other hand, governments should utilize the problem-posing method of education and put these two forms together to give students a better education.


The Baroque

2020-08-11 14:45:23 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- The Baroque,文章讲述当今,高等艺术正在吸引越来越多的中国人。在学习方面,学习者可能会接触到许多杰出的钢琴家,包括巴洛克时期的巴赫和汉德尔。古典时期的海顿,莫扎特和贝多芬;还有浪漫时期的肖邦和李斯特。由于他们的时代和背景不同,风格也不同,这为学习者轻松地告诉相应的作曲家提供了可能性。在所有这些音乐中,巴洛克的伟大音乐家巴赫绝对值得一试,以其独特的音乐特色。

The Baroque

Abstract: High art is embracing more and more people in China today. In the way of learning, learners may have accessed to piles of outstanding pianist, including Bach and Handel from the Baroque period; Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven from the classical period; and Chopin and Liszt from the Romantic period. Since their eras and backgrounds differ and so do their styles, it create a possibility for learners to tell the corresponding composer easily. In all of them, the great musician Bach in Baroque definitely worth looking into for his unique music characteristics.
Keywords: Baroque; style; touch-typing; grace note

Piano was popularized in China after the May Fourth Movement. Nowadays high art is embracing more and more people in China. In the way of learning, learners may have accessed to piles of outstanding pianist, including Bach and Handel from the Baroque period; Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven from the classical period; and Chopin and Liszt from the Romantic period. Since their eras and backgrounds differ and so do their styles, it create a possibility for learners to tell the corresponding composer easily. In all of them, the great musician Bach in Baroque definitely worth looking into for his unique music characteristics
Bach’s life and his devotions to music
31 March 1685- on the day with a perfect setting of both music and religion, Johann Sebastian Bach was born in Eisenach, Saxe-Eisenach, into a great musical family. His father and uncles were all professional musicians, which exposed him a natural musical environment. Bach himself was more of hardworking than of talented, and finally became a respectable organist during his lifetime and a great composer after his death. He created a brand new German style using a combination of rhythms, forms and textures, especially from different music from Italy and France. The features of D major Prelude and Fugue from the Well-Tempered Clavier II, B flat major Prelude and Fugue from the Well-Tempered Clavier I, the cantata “Ein feste Burge ist unser Gott”, St. Matthew Passion, Clavierübung III, and” Musical Offering” will demonstrate his genius. Bach was described as the “forever master composer” and the "original father of harmony".1
Bach was somewhat a quiet people. He came to the world quietly and so did he leave. Through his whole life, poverty and disease constrained him, and wealth was never in his dictionary. However, he hasn’t abandoned music for this sake. In fact, he was encouraged to pursue music further because of his harmonious marriage. In the aspect of musical style, he was not actually create a new one but “developed an eclectic, energetic musical style in which foreign influences were injected into an intensified version of the pre-existing German musical language”.2 He also combined harmony and highly-developed counterpoint to present an elaborate structure and a virtuoso performance. According to Learn bach123:
Bach tends to exhaust all available possibilities within the piece. For example, D major Fugue from WTC II and Kyrie, Gott Vater in Ewigkeit Clavierübung III show that he used all available pitches of the scale for the beginning of the subject, time and pitch intervals, and form of the subject. If one particular possibility was unavailable, he would modify the subject in order to imply that one entrance of the subject. In addition, as is evident from the Fugue in D major and Kyrie, Gott Vater, he draws a piece from a short idea from which everything is constructed. Bach used his musical ideas so economically, that it seems at times there is hardly any other motive besides the theme and countersubject.
In case of D major and B flat major preludes and fugues from WTC, Bach seems to be very much concerned with the relationship between the pieces. Very often prelude foreshadows the fugue by having initial notes of the fugue subject. In addition, Bach’s interest in polyphonic devices (double invertible counterpoint) can be seen in the Fugue in B flat major from WTC I.3
The Baroque period was full of contradictions. On the one hand, rising religious fanaticism wakened the Gothic before the Renaissance, which presented an unbalanced rhythm in music. On the other hand, a sense of order was also being pursued. The combination of dynamic and order was actually the essence of Baroque, or in another saying, romanticism coated with rhythms. Bach absorbed the quintessence of Baroque and influenced the classic music profoundly. During the Baroque period, musicians were encouraged to present feelings through an implicit emotion, thus Bach’s music glowed with bright radiance at that time. His works focused on the people’s life, both logical and philosophical, stood the test of time. Apart from the malcontents with reality, he also expressed a pursuit of the happiness. In that Bach owned a strong belief in humanity and a consistent wish for the better future, we can experience a kind of positive feeling from his music. Like, St. John passsion, which was composed comparatively in the earlier years of Bach, was full of intense emotions and passions. As a young man, Bach himself was rather sensitive to the change of emotions and life, so we can see he shifted his inner passions onto the public in this music.
Bach’s works caught a lot of attentions and appreciations in that stage, which also stood for his most productive period. For example, the Brandenburg concertos, the Goldberg Variations, and the Well-Tempered Clavier were all unveiled. The famous “Chromatic Fantasia & Fuge” serves as a piano composition more often today. It’s full of colorful fantasies and has a surprising combination of emotions and plays with only a single instrument.
Baroque-music style
During the fight between absolute monarchy and the rising bourgeoisie, the Baroque art came out. This kind of art is known for its innovative performance, creativity and the strength for confrontation. When listening to the music of the Baroque, you can feel a sensible passion plus abundant energy. One of the most creations in the Baroque was contrast, which could be found on different levels, like noise vs gentle, high vs low and fast vs slow. The method of contrast played an irreplaceable role in the new Baroque music.
The Baroque music has a power of dynamism and romanticism. As a great representative of the Baroque, Bach blessed his music with beautiful tunes and exaggerating scenes. The composition is strictly formed with a clear theme and smooth rhythms, and it’s worth mentioning that the codetta is usually weaker.
A passage has stated that:
In the St Mathew Passion, Bach often uses the symbol of cross. In the # 71, when before death Christ shouts Eli, Eli, lama, lama a sabthani, no strings accompany Jesus voice. There is significant image of the tears in #18. Another significant example is in the # 12 on the word snake. This movement is also full of the sigh motives. Another significant example is Bach use of tonalities in the chorale “O sacred head now wounded”. It appears a few times in the Passion, every time in the different key: # 21-E sharp major, # 23-E flat major, # 53-D major, # 63 F major, and #72 in a minor. As we can see, the keys move chromatically down in # 21, 23 and 53. It goes up to the F major in # 63. This section is the highest point of tension in the entire Passion. In the # 72, it reaches the lowest point which is the A minor, and is concluded on dominant instead of tonic. This happens right after the death of Christ. The last chord of Passion incorporates dramatic dissonant.4
Bach focused on the polyphony, thus there is not only one melody in his works, two or more than two melodies may also exist at the same time. Those melodies usually stand out as sharing an equal position. So when we are playing it, one important thing is to give enough freedom to the stronger impulse of the melody and the phrases. Then each melody could have its own stronger impulse and harmonious accents. With clear contrast of rhythms and different begins and endings, every note seems jumping out of the music.
Another point is the basic method of performance to enhance the subject. When the soprano part is distinguished clearly from the other parts, it should be performed with the gentle tone; when there is a clear difference between soprano part and basso part, the alto part should be highlighted; when the basso part is extremely low and the soprano part is full of long-tones, the basso part should be highlighted; when the two parts lapped and interlaced, you should be sure to highlight the main part, i.e. the main motivation.5
The touch of keys in piano-playing
People usually find it very difficult to identify the harmonic progressions in the counterpoints. For example in Bach’s C Major Invention (2 part), measures 1-2 could be interpreted as C, G-G7. Mozart is much easier; the chords are usually quite clear and its pretty easy analysis. But the Baroque stuff is a different ball game, as the linear nature of the music makes the vertical aspects pretty ambiguous.
Lyrical style does exist in Bach’s works, but the music expression terminologies are rare. If there is any, the difference between staccato and legato is still too vague to find out. In piano-playing of Bach, the most important point is to make sure the different methods of touch playing. There are five main ones: leggiero, which means a lightly touch; staccto, which means a quick jump and lift of finger, usually only lasts for 1/2 of the note value; non legato, which means a longer period than staccto, usually lasts for 3/4 of the note value; portato, which means a whole arm movement in a half note or a quarter note, and a longer time than non-legato in a quaver. Legato, which is mostly concentrated in the Baroque, has no need to cut the head voice in every note.
The touch-key playing in Bach shouldn’t be either too long or too short. When Bach himself was playing, he would slightly bend his fingers and touch the keys directly. At the same time, the strength of the arm and the hand should be controlled. In this way, the non-legato note could be performed clearly and expressively. Apart from it, the selection of touch key should also be decided according to the type of compositions. If there are no clear directions, we could also design the touch keys according to the order of the notes. But the order of notes is unaccountable, and it’s impossible to categorize each one. So a more feasible way is to find the easiest order and change the playing method slightly based on it.
The touch of keys in Bach shouldn’t be too direct or too slow. If playing Chopin, things are different. You should touch the keys softly rather than directly, then the tone could present a gentle and smooth feeling. While when playing Beethoven, in order to give a bright and powerful sound, you should put more strength on your fingertips. As for Bach, you should control the strength and shift it mostly from the fingertips to the wrist. There is also no sharp leaps or skips, as for the skips, don’t touch the keys directly but do it in a staccto way. Thus the music will sound consistently and more memorable, like the feelings contained in the music is never interrupted.
The grace note in Bach’s music
The grace notes have many different kinds in piano works, including thrill, echo and so on. They are played in a different way, but some of them sound extremely alike.
There are many grace notes in Bach’s compositions, and some even developed into a complex sentence. Some people may recognize it as an unnecessary thing. Of course not. It’s an important way to express the inner passion. Thrill and the other kinds of grace notes are like the carvings on the Baroque palace. In that period, the grace note was usually on the long-tones, plus the structure of the piano at that time was not mature enough, thus the tones were very short. So the composers would prolong the sound by thrills. Though grace notes are not as important as other notes in learner’s view, they are actually a very important way to convey the composers’ feelings. We should value them and play them with all of our emotions.
In Bach’s works, some grace notes may seem different to others. Like echo sometimes may be replaced by short thrills in that they sound similar and can replace each other.6 “~~~”“~~~~”and “tr” are the same in his works. Bach has also mentioned that in quick music, appoggiatura can play the role as thrill.
The technique for grace note in Bach’s music includes:
(1) Thrill (2)Lower mordent (3)Thrill with lower mordent (4)Echo
Bach has a limitless creativity of music. His music is like a wide road which led the Baroque music to the highest level and also established the classical art. His work also encouraged Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven and many other musicians. Beethoven once said, “nicht Bach, sondern Meer" ("not a brook, but a sea").7 Bach was the creator of harmony. He looked into music and interpreted in his own way. Now all through the world, the name of “Bach” and his music can be heard anywhere. His music style and technique are like a magic key that opens a window to the new musical world.


1. Xu Zhongrong, Four Hundred Years of Classical Music—Baroque (Shi Jjiazhuang: He Bei Education, 2004): 13

2. “An Introduction to: John Sebastian Bach”, accessed Dec. 30, 2014,

3. “Daniel Barenboim: I Was Reared On Bach”, accessed Dec. 30, 2014,

4. “The Guide to Learning the Music of Bach”, accessed Nov.2, 2014

5. “The Guide to Learning the Music of Bach”

6. Lin Hua, I Love Bach: Piano-playing (Shanghai: Shanghai Musical Publication, 2004): 69

7. Lin Hua, I Love Bach: Piano-playing: 1


Xu Zhongrong, Four Hundred Years of Classical Music—Baroque (Shi Jjiazhuang: He Bei Education, 2004)

“An Introduction to: John Sebastian Bach”, accessed Dec. 30, 2014,

“Daniel Barenboim: I Was Reared On Bach”, accessed Dec. 30, 2014,

“The Guide to Learning the Music of Bach”, accessed Nov.2, 2014

Lin Hua, I Love Bach: Piano-playing (Shanghai: Shanghai Musical Publication, 2004)


Paul's mission and his deeds

2020-08-11 14:44:22 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Paul's mission and his deeds,文章讲述公元50年见证了耶路撒冷的使徒会议,这对基督徒来说是一个令人难忘的案例,其中的一个争议主要是讨论是否应对信奉基督的非犹太人进行特别的犹太人的礼节,割礼,安息日和安息日。正如《使徒行传》第十五章所记录的那样,犹太人和外邦人对于遵守犹太信徒所遵循的每条规则,法规,制度和习俗的不同意见引起了冲突。

Paul's mission and his deeds
50 AD witnessed the Apostolic Council in Jerusalem, a memorable case for Christians, where a controversy was mainly discusses whether such distinctively Jewish observances as circumcision, food laws and Sabbath should be conducted for non-Jewish people who believed in Christ. As was recorded in the fifteenth chapter in Acts, conflicts were aroused by different opinions by Jewish and gentiles on the obedience of every rules, regulations, institutions and customs which Jewish believers adhered to.

Referring to the Apostolic Council in Jerusalem, Paul, who presided over the council and played a vital role in the ensuing changes of early Christianity could not be avoided or neglected. Paul himself has a very intriguing and winding life experience. Born and brought up in Greek cultural environment, Paul is actually a Jewish with Roman citizen identity. He is able to write in Greek fluently, which has been proven by his employment of the language of κοινωνία in the description of Jerusalem collection. The diversity in his individual identity to a great extent accounts for the complexity and contradiction of his ideas as well as exerts influence on his choices and decisions in his mission. This council stands as a monument for Paul’s efforts to distinguish Christianity from the rabbinic Judaism. However, what is to be emphasized is not the opposite state between early Christianity and Judaism, but the internal development and external extension of Christianity as an emerging and independent religion which, however, cannot be cut off from Judaism. As is universally known, Paul is a Jewish. Contrary to some interpretations, he is far from disdaining or despising this racial attribution. In fact, it seems that he is glad to accept and then underline an accepted perspective of Jewish Christians that “we who are Jews” many times, indicating he maybe appeals to this kind of Jewish sensibilities.

What tells Paul from other apostles may lie in his persistent insist and emphasis on the faith of God. In accordance with many eschatological theories, people will be judged by God through their behaviors and performance to decide the destination after their death. Then, a question occurs that how could one be selected by God. The answer given by Judaism is to demonstrate one’s loyalty to God by strictly observing works of laws as a fulfilment of an eschatological event. Apart from Jews, the Gentiles should even more strictly comply with these laws as an expression of their moral and social obligation towards the Jews. It is this view that Paul objects to. He proposes that the justification by God is carried out by criterion of faith alone. These works of law prescribed and advocate by Jews can never be regarded as a measurement. Thus it is not imperative to impose them on gentiles. At the same time, he denies the peculiarity and superiority of Jews who, being the first and most loyal group of people, observe works of law, ritual and customs consider themselves the initial acceptor of God’s will but turns to an direction that only faith is the standard of God’s justification. In explaining justification by God in faith, he stresses the uniqueness that faith is in sole possession of by enumerating that faith serves as not only the judging method but also the source. To have faith in God can be the primary condition for a qualified believer. This view, with no doubt, elevates the position of faith from an abstract notion or spiritual covenant to something with actual power and mighty. It is probable that this proposal paves way for gentiles’ conversion to Christianity because the rigid and restricted observations will pose no obstacles for them from an objective perspective. As is written in Acts that “For in him we have life and motion and existence; as certain of your verse writers have said, For we are his offspring”, God will never abandon his believers as long as their faith in God always remains from the beginning to the end. In his eyes, these numerous works of law or observances are to some degree a kind of representatives or symbol of a people community so that there is no need to turn them into some universal doctrines to be followed by all.

Holding this opinion in mind, Paul exceedingly promotes the expansion and spread of Christianity. The Apostolic Council in Jerusalem and a series of activities as whole speed up the separation of early Christianity from Judaism. The newly-established Christian principles such as the abolishment of some observances which originate from Judaism on one hand conduce to forming a relatively fresh image of Christianity and on the other hand encourage more and more gentiles to believe in God and become a Christian. In generally, this council and Paul’s activities contribute a great deal to the independence and further development of early Christianity.

The Corinthian Incident is recorded to take place in Paul’s absence from Corinth when the Christian church is undergoing a chaotic and instable period of time. Intruders mainly the Judaizers who preach the gospel of circumcision storm in Corinthian church and attack people who pose opposition to circumcision. They attacks Paul’s gospel, apostleship and even carries out personal attack, for example, they scold Paul for his lack of oratory skills, individual charms and wisdom. These attacks are gradually escalated and culminated in the Corinthian Incident where Paul’s gospel and apostleship faces a denial from his opponents and he also suffers from ad Hominem. Paul hears about the Corinthian Incident while in Ephesus. Intriguingly, instead of keeping silent, Paul fights back bravely with those insane intruders and criticizes them that they are completely stupid and used by others and they never deserves trust because they acts as representatives of Satan. These could be seen as really severe comment. When the disturbance ends and peach returns, Paul begins to introspect and reflect on the incidents. Still staying in Macedonia, Paul decides to resume the collection for Jerusalem and undertakes to write his letters to Corinth. These letters are exactly two Corinthians.

There are some differences in the emphasis of the Two Corinthians. The former one tells about the challenges and pains the Christian churches are confronted with in a perverting gentile society and straight puts forward the standard of God’s judgment and the authority as well as authenticity of this judgment. His ideas about church conflicts, moral disorder, marriage, sacrifice and worship are revealed. While in the latter one, Paul concentrates more on the relationship between himself and his disciples.

These Corinthians have a deep and long-term impact on Paul’s mission and his theology. Corinthians can be considered a proclamation of his battle with Jews who disagree with his mission, for in Jews’ eyes, he is the traitor of God’s will as well as his Jewish identity with his proposal to abolish some Jewish observances such as circumcision for gentiles. They perceive this behavior as a sinful and unforgivable obstruction of God’s mission. However, Paul’s intention of writing those letters is to illustrate that the whole ambition and church’s business are based on the conviction that the advent of the eschatological kingdom of God has brought about a new socio-economic order. The appropriate towards the changing world is to conform to the new rules where God’s will and preference presents. If old-fashioned habits and customs cannot be abandoned, how could it be guaranteed that people do certain things in accordance with God’s design? One of the most apparent examples is that it is dependent on nothing more than faith itself with the hypothesis that god’s verdict in favor of an individual comes to effect through his faith. He repeats in his letters that a man is not justified by works of law except through faith in Jesus Christ. We are justified not only through faith in Christ but from faith in Christ. Faith in Christ is the only sufficient and necessary response that God looks for in justifying anyone. With the gospel, God does not abandon people to their destined and certain death, which he must conduct in the last judgment, but intervenes creatively in the history. Once old rules are broken or breached, new ones should be founded. This serves as a ground for Paul to point out his novel ideas on economic, moral and ethical aspects in terms of principles of Christian churches and followers.

In contrast with the traditional picture of Paul as a dichotomy supporter who introduces religious innovations to Judaism and leads to early Christianity’s breaking with Judaism, a new perspective can be accepted that Paul is not a Christian critiquing Judaism who seems hold plenty of hostility and dissatisfaction towards Judaism and make it his own responsibility of Christianity’s completely remove from Judaism. Rather, he addresses issues of social, ethnic, and cultural difference and group identity and solidarity from his Jewish perspective. For example, he lays emphasis on the absolute purity and innocence of the morals in Cristian churches. In this frame, Paul’s thinking about faith, the Law, Gentile salvation, and Christology has its home in Jewish thought. The value and innovation in light of ethics and morality as well as the interpersonal communications and social operation to some extent are deliberately ignored or outshined by its religious meaning. With this kind of new and fresh thoughts, Paul speeds up his mission of attracting more and more gentiles to converse to Christianity. His winding and abundant experiences and the inner complicity in his identities which has further shaped his characteristics as well as thinking method enabled him to stand as a leading figure under unstable and disturbing social circumstances to publicize his doctrines and to make Christianity popular and charming. In another word, the heaviness and toughness of Paul’s mission has determined his life fraught of controversies and battles.



2020-08-11 14:43:55 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Nanook,文章讲述北方的纳诺克(Nanook)开创了纪录片的新纪元,因此被公认为电影业历史上的杰出杰作。在这部电影中,罗伯特·弗莱厄蒂(Robert Flaherty)在屏幕上展示了因纽特人(爱斯基摩人)的传统生活,向观众展示了因纽特人在日常生活中如何建造冰屋,狩猎和其他场景。然而,关于是否将其纳入“纪录片”范围的讨论一直在引起争议。在本文中,我将通过分析这部电影并解释我对纪录片中“真相”的理解,来解释支持将其视为纪录片的原因。
Nanook of the North is widely recognized as a remarkable masterpiece in the history of the movie industry, since it opened a new era of documentary. In this movie, Robert Flaherty presented the traditional life of the Inuit (Eskimo) people on the screen, showing the audience how the Inuit build their igloos, hunt and other scenes in their daily life. Yet, controversy has continually arisen from discussions over whether to include it in the range of “documentary” or not. In this article, I will explain my reasons of supporting to see it as a documentary by analyzing this movie and explaining my perception of the “truth” in documentaries.
Most of the disagreements comes from the falsehood of this movie. We can see examples from a critics’ article, saying that the clothes were “a nostalgic hybrid”, the Inuit family came into being specially for the movie, and the famous walrus hunt was also arranged by Flaherty purely to represent “the old way” of Inuit’s conventional life when the culture was absolutely arriving at “a harbinger of its obliteration” at that time(Net. 1.). Just as the article suggested, clues of a “man-made” life could be find everywhere in this so-called “documentary”.
However, we have to understand the following point before rushing to this thought. First, the definition of “documentary” didn’t appear until the impact brought by Nanook of the North. It is this movie that unfolds a new way of scene shooting and organizing, which later developed to what we now know as documentaries.
Second, documentaries are not constricted to the simple rule of the 100% truth of the production process. To bear a long-lasting value, it has to excel the loyalty to a true appearance by means of a mere duplication of daily lives. I think the notion of “documentary” should be a truth of multiple dimensions, including social, cultural, psychology ones. etc., through which the embedded value would be perceived, appreciated and embraced through close interpretations for decades and even for centuries. There’s no doubt that documentaries have to turn to unique techniques of shooting, narrating and editing before entering the sight of the audience, which means there definitely exists a skillful post-processing to the rough truth. Due to the above reasons, it’s not fair to deny the “truth” in Nanook of the North. As far as I can see, Flaherty endeavored to display a precious true society of the Inuit which was fading away in the far north. He should be considered as a genuine recorder of the difficulties and conventions in the Inuit society.
Just as Dean W. Duncan said in his movie review, “in making this film, Flaherty was telling a story, and from first to last he never claimed differently” (Net. 1.). Since Flaherty didn’t have any of the “documentary” idea in his mind, it is an extremely precious material not only to give us a chance to go back to that disappeared culture again, but also to be a good resource for social studies on that nation.

[1]Net. 1. Nanook of the North. (Retrieved October 28, 2014 from