

essay hook写作技巧分享

2018-04-18 15:56:47 | 日記
对于熟悉essay写作的留学生来说,开头可能会写得非常随意,因为他们都不知道还有essay hook这一说法。essay hook就是指essay开头的前几句话,其作用是为了引起读者的注意力,吸引他们。下面就给大家分享一下essay hook的写作技巧。


在写一篇关于某个作者、故事、文学现象、书籍等的文章时,这时候在开头使用essay hook可以说是很大的加分项。使用引语会使你的文章读起来很新鲜,并确立你作为作者的权威。

例如:“So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. These words of Nick Carr away perfectly describe…”

“Not all those who wander are lost.” And yes, indeed, every person is so…”



例如“John Wooden once said, ‘Never mistake activity for achievement.’”

“Learn to laugh” were the first words from my kindergarten teacher after Ralph Thorsen spilled paint on my daffodil picture.


当然了,不用担心因为essay hook的引用影响你后面的写作,即使是有趣的轶事开头,也并不意味着你的整篇文章必须是有趣的。一点幽默可以帮助你抓住读者的注意力,激发他们对这个话题的兴趣。

例:“As my cousin and I pedaled our new bikes to the beach, 6 years old, suntanned and young, we met an old, shaggy-haired man weaving unsteadily on a battered old bike.”

“When I was a young boy, my father worked at a coal mine. For 27 years, he made it his occupation to scrape and claw and grunt his way into the bowels of the earth, searching for fuel. On April 19, 2004, the bowels of the earth clawed back.”

Keep in mind that most essay assignments will ask you to avoid using the first person. Be sure to check any requirements before using “I” in your writing.



“What would you do if you could play God for a day? That’s exactly what the leaders of the tiny island nation of Guam tried to answer.”

“Have you ever wondered, whether Anna Karenina still loved Alexei if she hadn’t decided to commit a suicide?”


人们对视觉线索的反应很好。花时间设定一个详细的场景可以帮助你的读者在脑海中清晰地描绘出一个清晰的画面,并创造一个有效essay hook。你可以描述一个事件或详细描述一个人或一个人物的特殊特征,帮助读者沉浸在你的写作中。

“The day of his birth began with Hurricane Charlie pounding at our door in Charleston, South Carolina.”

“Deciding to attend Hampton Roads Academy, a private school, was one of my most difficult decisions.”

以上就是关于essay hook的写作技巧分享,最重要的还是要同学们自己去琢磨essay hook的巧妙之处,学会运用。

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