慶安元年(1648)松平右京大夫隆政の母、養源院殿妙荘日長大姉の発願により、荏原郡浜竹村にあった本成寺を松平家の所有地であった当地に移し、養源寺と改称、開山に本門寺18世 日耀聖人を迎えた。享保年間(1716〜1736)に二度、八代将軍吉宗が鷹狩りの際に当寺が御膳所になったという。文化元年(1804)火災で全焼し、以後智海院日勝尼を初代として、昭和20年(1945)まで尼僧寺であった。
慶安元年(1648)松平右京大夫隆政の母、養源院殿妙荘日長大姉の発願により、荏原郡浜竹村にあった本成寺を松平家の所有地であった当地に移し、養源寺と改称、開山に本門寺18世 日耀聖人を迎えた。享保年間(1716〜1736)に二度、八代将軍吉宗が鷹狩りの際に当寺が御膳所になったという。文化元年(1804)火災で全焼し、以後智海院日勝尼を初代として、昭和20年(1945)まで尼僧寺であった。
【Origins】It was founded in 1684, by the will of Yogen Inden Nitcho Taishi, who was the mother of the first lord of the Matsue domain, Matsudaira Takamasa, in western Honshu.
Honjoin Temple, which was on the land of the Matsudaira family, was moved here and was renamed Yogenji Temple. Nichiyo Shonin, the 18th Chief Abbot of Honmonji Temple founded it.
It is said that Tokugawa Yoshimune, the 8th Shogun, had stayed here twice to enjoy falconry. In 1804, the temple was destroyed in a fire. Afterwards, it was rebuilt and served as a temple for nuns until 1945. come to our events throughout the year, such as pounding steamed rice to make chewy rice cakes (Mochi-tsuki), a summer festival for children, and our Bon dance festival. https://temple.nichiren.or.jp/0031046-yogenji/
Honjoin Temple, which was on the land of the Matsudaira family, was moved here and was renamed Yogenji Temple. Nichiyo Shonin, the 18th Chief Abbot of Honmonji Temple founded it.
It is said that Tokugawa Yoshimune, the 8th Shogun, had stayed here twice to enjoy falconry. In 1804, the temple was destroyed in a fire. Afterwards, it was rebuilt and served as a temple for nuns until 1945. come to our events throughout the year, such as pounding steamed rice to make chewy rice cakes (Mochi-tsuki), a summer festival for children, and our Bon dance festival. https://temple.nichiren.or.jp/0031046-yogenji/
メールアドレス: yogenji@ebisujin.com