最終更新 2023/2/28 10:30 (公開開始 2023/2/10 13:00)
On February 6, 2023, a major earthquake of M7.8 occurred in southeastern Turkey, causing extensive damage in a wide area. This page presents the results of analyses conducted by researchers at the International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku University. This page will be updated regularly.
東北大学災害科学国際研究所(IRIDeS)による解析・調査・報告/Activities and results from IRIDeS
Building Damage Assessment using Remote Sensing Data and Machine Learning (Disaster Geo-informatics Laboratory)
・2023年トルコ地震 本震の応力変化による余震活動 遠田 晋次 教授(陸域地震学・火山学研究分野)
Stress change calculations provide clues to aftershocks in 2023 Turkey earthquakes Prof. Shinji Toda (Inland Earthquake and Volcano Lab)
<セミナー・報告会 / Seminars and sessions>
・Joint Seminar on the 2023 Earthquake in the Southern Turkey and Syria -Mechanism, damage and strategy for recovery, reconstruction, BBB, and resilient society (Feb. 27, 2023 10-12 am (UK), 1-3 pm (Turkey), 7-9 pm (Japan))
1. Opening remarks
Prof. Fumihiko Imamura, IRIDeS, Director
2. Welcome message
Minister Takaaki Iwasa, Embassy of Japan in Turkey
3. Mechanism and background of the earthquakes
Prof. Shinji Toda, IRIDeS (Inland Earthquake and Volcano Lab)
4. Characteristics of the earthquake ground motion and damage to buildings
Assoc. Prof. Susumu Ohno, Ryuta Enokida, and Prof. Kohju Ikago, IRIDeS (Earthquake Engineering Lab)
Dr. Yasemin Aktas, UCL (Recorded video)
Prof. Aysegul Askan, METU
5. Preliminary building damage assessment using remote sensing data
Prof. Shunichi Koshimura, IRIDeS (Disaster Geo-informatics Lab)
6. Lifesaving and health issues in the disaster areas
Prof. Shinichi Egawa and Assoc. Prof. Hiroyuki Sasaki, IRIDeS (International Cooperation for Disaster Medicine Lab)
Assist. Prof. Stephen Roberts, UCL-IRDR
7. Gender and other issues related to social vulnerabilities
Dr. Miwako Kitamura, IRIDeS (International Research Collaboration Office)
Ms. Deniz Demirag, University of London, SOAS
8. On the disaster mitigation system in Turkey and possibilities of future support
Prof. David E. Alexander, UCL-IRDR
Prof. Ahmet C. Yalciner, METU
9. Closing remarks
Prof. Shinichi Kuriyama, IRIDeS (Head of Disaster Medical Science Division/Disaster Public Health Lab)
Prof. Haruo Hayashi, Chair of JHoP (Recorded video)
Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Anawat Suppasri, IRIDeS (Tsunami Engineering Lab)
・2023年2月トルコ南東部を震源とする地震に関する調査速報会(2023年2月10日 16:00~17:00)
速報会動画(日本語)/Video of the debriefing session(in English)
Prof. Fumihiko Imamura, IRIDeS, Director
2. Welcome message
Minister Takaaki Iwasa, Embassy of Japan in Turkey
3. Mechanism and background of the earthquakes
Prof. Shinji Toda, IRIDeS (Inland Earthquake and Volcano Lab)
4. Characteristics of the earthquake ground motion and damage to buildings
Assoc. Prof. Susumu Ohno, Ryuta Enokida, and Prof. Kohju Ikago, IRIDeS (Earthquake Engineering Lab)
Dr. Yasemin Aktas, UCL (Recorded video)
Prof. Aysegul Askan, METU
5. Preliminary building damage assessment using remote sensing data
Prof. Shunichi Koshimura, IRIDeS (Disaster Geo-informatics Lab)
6. Lifesaving and health issues in the disaster areas
Prof. Shinichi Egawa and Assoc. Prof. Hiroyuki Sasaki, IRIDeS (International Cooperation for Disaster Medicine Lab)
Assist. Prof. Stephen Roberts, UCL-IRDR
7. Gender and other issues related to social vulnerabilities
Dr. Miwako Kitamura, IRIDeS (International Research Collaboration Office)
Ms. Deniz Demirag, University of London, SOAS
8. On the disaster mitigation system in Turkey and possibilities of future support
Prof. David E. Alexander, UCL-IRDR
Prof. Ahmet C. Yalciner, METU
9. Closing remarks
Prof. Shinichi Kuriyama, IRIDeS (Head of Disaster Medical Science Division/Disaster Public Health Lab)
Prof. Haruo Hayashi, Chair of JHoP (Recorded video)
Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Anawat Suppasri, IRIDeS (Tsunami Engineering Lab)
・2023年2月トルコ南東部を震源とする地震に関する調査速報会(2023年2月10日 16:00~17:00)
速報会動画(日本語)/Video of the debriefing session(in English)
1.開会挨拶/Opening remarks
今村 文彦 所長/Prof. Fumihiko Imamura, Director
2.地震発生のメカニズムと背景 <発表資料>
Mechanism and background of the earthquakes
遠田 晋次 教授(陸域地震学・火山学研究分野)/Prof. Shinji Toda (Inland Earthquake and Volcano Lab)
3.地震動特性と建物被害について <発表資料1> <発表資料2>
Characteristics of the earthquake ground motion and damage to buildings
大野 晋 准教授・榎田 竜太 准教授(地震工学研究分野)/Assoc. Prof. Susumu Ohno and Ryuta Enoda (Earthquake Engineering Lab)
4.リモートセンシングによる広域被害把握 <発表資料>
Preliminary Building Damage Assessment using Remote Sensing Data
越村 俊一 教授(災害ジオインフォマティクス研究分野)/Prof. Shunichi Koshimura (Disaster Geo-informatics Lab)
5.被災地における救命と健康問題について <発表資料>
Lifesaving and health issues in the disaster areas
佐々木 宏之 准教授(災害医療国際協力学分野)/Assoc. Prof. Hiroyuki Sasaki (International Cooperation for Disaster Medicine Lab)
6.トルコの防災体制及び今後の支援の方向性 <発表資料>
On the disaster mitigation system in Turkey and possibilities of future support
竹谷 公男 特任教授(客員)、独立行政法人国際協力機構(JICA)防災分野特別顧問/Visiting Prof. Kimio Takeya (Special Advisor for Disaster Management, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA))
7.質疑応答/Q&A Session
8.閉会挨拶/Closing remarks
栗山 進一 教授(災害医学研究部門長・災害公衆衛生学分野)/Prof. Shinichi Kuriyama (Head, Disaster Medical Science Division/Disaster Public Health Lab)