2006年4月2日(日)池袋アカデミーホールにて、JSDCアニュアルパーティ2006が開催されたよ。雨の中、たくさんの方のご参加を頂き、ありがとうございました 追って、デモ、ミニレッスン、などの様子をご報告するぞ~☆お楽しみに
JSDC had Annual Dance Party 2006 on Sun Apr.2 at Academy Hall in Ikebukuro It was rainy afternoon, but a lot of people came and had a great time. Thank you to all the guests & staff members I'm reporting on the performance, mini lessons, etc.... very soon
Thanks to you all for supporting JSDC
JSDC had Annual Dance Party 2006 on Sun Apr.2 at Academy Hall in Ikebukuro It was rainy afternoon, but a lot of people came and had a great time. Thank you to all the guests & staff members I'm reporting on the performance, mini lessons, etc.... very soon
Thanks to you all for supporting JSDC