The latest "FRau"(Kodan-sha), a monthly beauty magazine, features a variety of dance and says "Beauty comes from dancing!"
この特集はヒップホップ、バレエ、ジャズダンスなど色んなダンスの基本ステップ紹介からスタート ペアダンス代表ではサルサが登場だよ
The speacial column starts with instruction for basic steps of hip-hop, ballet, jazz, salsa, etc.... and, you'll soon find out that world famous celebrities, such as Angelina Jolie, Che Jee-woo, Nicole Kidman, as well as Japanese talents, Hitomi Kuroki, Yu Yamada, wouldn't be who they are now without dancing experiences
In the section called "Beautiful body & Soul from Dancing", ballroom dancing is mentioned as sexy and cool dance
Don't miss the last section introducing dancing movies, catoon, music, and of course, dance clubs
"Power of dancing for beauty and sexiness"....... well, it might not be new to you at all, to a lot of readers of this blog, though
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