A shot from April Practice Party on Sun Apr 23rd in Yoyogi.
このプラクティスパーティは季節の大きなパーティやサロンdeパーティとは別に、毎月一回、気軽にステップを練習することが出来る「練習会」だよ。4月のプラクティスパーティでは渋谷や大塚、世田谷区などそれぞれのJSDCクラスから約20人の皆さんが集まってくれました。「パーティダンス」って呼ばれるからには、初めて会ったひととも踊れるようにするって言うのがアメリカンスタイルの目標だよね。もちろん初心者の方も練習会でどんどん実践練習して欲しいぞ これからどんどん規模も大きく大きくして、皆さんが、より多くの人と踊れるチャンスを作っていきます
This monthly practice party offers you a chance to practice what you've learn in class, and also get you ready for big seasonal parties or Salon de parties. At this April practice party, about 20 JSDC students from different studios in Shibuya, Otsuka, Setagaya etc.. gathered and practice their favorite steps. As it is called "pary dance", at an American style dance party, you are expected to be able to dance with other dancers who you never danced with before. So, joining practice parties means a lot Beginners, as well as experienced dancers, are expecially welcome to join this practice party We'd like to expand the size of this party in the future, and hope to offer you opputunites to dance with more and more people
来月の練習会は5月27日(土)原宿にて 気軽に遊びに来ていただければ、しっかり踊れちゃいます
The next practice party is on Sat May 27th in Harajuku. Please come & dance with us
いつも応援ありがと~Thank you for reading JSDC blog