One more month to go before a new bride S-san has "Last Dance" with her father at her wedding
Sさん、何だかもう既にターンや姿勢が決まってる~ スッテキ~ お父様とのラストダンスの後は、もちろん大好きなご新郎のTさんとのファーストダンスが待っています。お父様もセンスが良くて、めきめき上達しているのだ!! このレッスン後、お父様が講師に「娘の結婚前に、一緒にこんな素晴らしい経験ができると思っていませんでした。ありがとうございました。」と感想を下さいました。講師にとって何よりも嬉しい言葉だったのです
Look at her turn and posture! Looking great Of course, after this last dance, she'll have the first dance with her sweet husband T-san Dad is also learning a lot of steps and getting perfectly ready for the big day! The father expressed his appreciation to our instructor, after this lesson, saying "I never thought that I could have such a wonderful experience with my daughter before the wedding. Thank you for giving us this opportunity". This is the moment when all JSDC staff feel that we are really fortunate to be part of the happiest event of most people.
さ~て 本番まで間近。最高のお式になるようにJSDC講師、スタッフ全員で応援しております!! 本番、とっても楽しみだね
The big day is coming very very soon! We are all looking forward to hearing from you about your beautiful dance
いつも応援ありがとう Thank you always for your support
One more month to go before a new bride S-san has "Last Dance" with her father at her wedding
Sさん、何だかもう既にターンや姿勢が決まってる~ スッテキ~ お父様とのラストダンスの後は、もちろん大好きなご新郎のTさんとのファーストダンスが待っています。お父様もセンスが良くて、めきめき上達しているのだ!! このレッスン後、お父様が講師に「娘の結婚前に、一緒にこんな素晴らしい経験ができると思っていませんでした。ありがとうございました。」と感想を下さいました。講師にとって何よりも嬉しい言葉だったのです
Look at her turn and posture! Looking great Of course, after this last dance, she'll have the first dance with her sweet husband T-san Dad is also learning a lot of steps and getting perfectly ready for the big day! The father expressed his appreciation to our instructor, after this lesson, saying "I never thought that I could have such a wonderful experience with my daughter before the wedding. Thank you for giving us this opportunity". This is the moment when all JSDC staff feel that we are really fortunate to be part of the happiest event of most people.
さ~て 本番まで間近。最高のお式になるようにJSDC講師、スタッフ全員で応援しております!! 本番、とっても楽しみだね
The big day is coming very very soon! We are all looking forward to hearing from you about your beautiful dance
いつも応援ありがとう Thank you always for your support