
NGO ひろしま市民によるカザフスタン共和国旧ソ連核実験場周辺住民(核被害者)への支援・交流


2010-02-19 14:43:30 | Weblog
                    作詞  : U.Esdauletov
                    作曲  : T.Muhamedjanov
                    共訳詞 : 小畠 知恵子
                         : アケルケ・スルタノバ

1、愛(いと)しき 我が子(わ こ)は何処(どこ)(どこ)に
  優(やさ)しき 乙女(おとめ)は何処(どこ)(どこ)へ
  優(やさ)しさ失(うしな)う ザマナイ(その時(とき))、ザマナイ、ザマナイ
  清(きよ)き命(いのち)は 消(き)えた

* 還(かえ)らない あの大地(だいち)
  繰(く)り返(かえ)す 悪(あく)魔(ま)の 雄(お)叫(たけ)び
  爆風(ばくふう) 炎(ほのお)と閃光(ひかり)

2、誇(ほこ)りも 傷(きず)つけ 失(な)くし
  今(いま)なお 報(むく)えぬ 罪(つみ)に
  ふるさと 奪(うば)われ ザマナイ ザマナイ ザマナイ
  聖(せい)なる 我が地(わ ち)は どこへ
 *還(かえ)らない あの大地(だいち)
  繰(く)り返(かえ)す 悪(あく)魔(ま)の 雄(お)叫(たけ)び
  爆風(ばくふう) 炎(ほのお)と閃光(ひかり)

3、どうして 毒(どく)悪(あく) 流(なが)し
  どうして 誰(だれ)もを 引(ひ)き裂(さ)く
  ふるさと 苦(くる)しめ  ザマナイ ザマナイ ザマナイ
  落(お)ちるは 地(ち)の果(は)て 死(し)の海(うみ)
* 還(かえ)らない あの大地(だいち)
  繰(く)り返(かえ)す 悪(あく)魔(ま)の 雄(お)叫(たけ)び
  爆風(ばくふう) 炎(ほのお)と閃光(ひかり)

* 還(かえ)らない あの大地(だいち)
  繰(く)り返(かえ)す 悪(あく)魔(ま)の 雄(お)叫(たけ)び
  爆風(ばくふう) 炎(ほのお)と閃光(ひかり)

注: 国民的歌手ローザ・リムバエワによって歌われたカザフスタン被曝者のための鎮魂歌。1989年に旧ソ連の核実験場閉鎖の実現した市民運動・ネバダ・セミパラチンスク運動の拡大に大きな力となった。この歌をシンボルに閉鎖運動が盛り上がっていった。元歌はカザフ語で歌われている。この訳詞は直訳ではなく意訳されている(Ver.3)。

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2010-02-11 09:46:43 | Weblog

NHKが2009年8月7日に放送した、ノーモア・ヒバクシャ 「核のない世界を目指して」




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2010-02-05 10:22:34 | Weblog
【期日】平成22年3月5日(金) 9:15 -
【オーガナイザー】星 正治、大瀧 慈(広島大学原爆放射線医科学研究所)
9:15 開会の挨拶  大瀧慈(広島大学原爆放射線医科学研究所)
Morning session
9:25 ナイラ・チャイジュヌソバ、アプサリコフ・カズベック(カザフスタン放射線医学環境研究所)
“Female reproductive system malignant tumors features in Semey region”
9:40 カシム・ズマジーロフ(広島大学原爆放射線医科学研究所)
“Electron spin resonance dosimetry study of population around Kurchatov city”
9:55 モハメッド・ロージー・アリ
“Influence of storage time and condition on mitotic index for chromosome analysis on residents at Semipalatinsk nuclear test site“
10:10 山本政儀(金沢大学環日本海域環境研究センター)
“Soil contamination along the plume trajectories around Semipalatinsk nuclear test site”
10:25 休憩(Coffee break)
座長:大瀧 慈 (広島大学原爆放射線医科学研究所)
10:35 シンカレフ・セルゲイ(ロシア放射線生物物理学研究所)
“Individual dose assessment for the subjects of the Semipalatinsk historical cohort”
10:50 稲葉次郎 (放射線影響協会)
“Dose reconstruction for residents near the former Semipalatinsk nuclear test site; focused on the epidemiological study of radiation health effects”
11:05 荻生俊昭 (放射線影響協会)
“Study on health effects of radiation in residents near the former Semipalatinsk nuclear test site”
11:20 カジンベット・ポラット(アスタナメディカルアカデミー)
“ Study of radiologic situation and radiation safety ensuring for population of uranium-mining region”
11:35 Discussion
12:00 休憩(Lunch)
Afternoon session
13:30 タクハウオフ・ラヴィール(セベルスク生物物理学研究センター)
“The main directions of investigations of the Seversk Biophysical Research Center”
13:45 カルポフ・アンドレイ(セベルスク生物物理学研究センター)
“The effects of long-term radiation exposure in low doses”
14:00 サヴァ・ナタリア(ベラルーシ小児白血病研究センター)
“Long-term follow-up of leukemia incidence in Belarus after Chernobyl accident: progress report of epidemiological and molecular studies”
14:15 ホワイトヘッド・ニール(ホワイトヘッドアソシエーツ)
“Attempts to use Be-10 at Dolon to detect the fallout plume”
14:30 休憩(Coffee break)
14:40 振津かつみ(兵庫医科大学)
“Background and current status of research on the issue of depleted uranium)”
14:55 大瀧慈(広島大学原爆放射線医科学研究所)
“Estimation of spatial-time distribution of black rain based on questionnaire survey”
15:10 松尾雅嗣(広島大学)
“How People Fled at the time of Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima: Rivers and Bridges as First Place of Refuge”
15:25 今中哲二(京都大学原子炉実験所)
“Radiation exposure and disease records of early entrants after the Hiroshima bombing”
15:40 総合討論(Discussion)
16:50 閉会の挨拶  星 正治(広島大学原爆放射線医科学研究所)
   広島大学 原爆放射線医科学研究所 線量測定・評価研究分野
〒734-8553 広島市南区霞1-2-3
     TEL: 082-257-5890
     FAX: 082-257-5873
Programs of 3-4 March workshop at Hiroshima University and 5 March Semipalatinsk symposium
15th Hiroshima international symposium: Semipalatinsk and other radiation studies.
5 March, 2009
9:15 Greetings: Megu Ohtaki
(Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine, Hiroshima University, Japan)
Mornig session
Chair: Masayoshi Yamamoto, Kiyoshi Shizuma
(Low Level Radioactivity Laboratory, Kanazawa University, Japan)
(Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University)
9:25 Kazbek Apsalikov and Nailya Chaizhunusova:
“Female reproductive system malignant tumors features in Semey region”
(Research Institute of Radiation Medicine and Ecology, Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan)
9:40 Kassym Zhumadilov:
“Electron spin resonance dosimetry study of population around Kurchatov city”
(Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine, Hiroshima University, Japan)
9:55 Mohd Rodzi Ali
“Influence of storage time and condition on mitotic index for chromosome analysis on residents at Semipalatinsk nuclear test site“
(Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine, Hiroshima University, Japan)
10:10 Masayoshi Yamamoto:
“Soil contamination along the plume trajectories around Semipalatinsk nuclear test site”
(Low Level Radioactivity Laboratory, Kanazawa University, Japan)
10:25 Coffee break
Chair: Megu Ohtaki, Nailya Chaizhunusova
(Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine, Hiroshima University, Japan)
(Research Institute of Radiation Medicine and Ecology, Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan)
10:35 Shinkarev Sergey:
“Individual dose assessment for the subjects of the Semipalatinsk historical cohort”
(Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center, Moscow, Russia)
10:50 Jiro Inaba:
“Dose reconstruction for residents near the former Semipalatinsk nuclear test site; focused on the epidemiological study of radiation health effects”
(Radiation Effects Association)
11:05 Toshiaki Ogiu:
“Study on health effects of radiation in residents near the former Semipalatinsk nuclear test site”
(Radiation Effects Association)
11:20 Polat Kazymbet:
“Study of radiologic situation and radiation safety ensuring for population of uranium-mining region”
(Radiobiological Scientific Center, Astana Medical University JSC, Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana)
11:35 Discussion
12:00 Lunch
Afternoon session
Chair: Masatsugu Matsuo, Tetsuji Imanaka
(Professor Emeritus, Hiroshima University)
(Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University, Japan)
13:30 Ravil Takhauov:
“The main directions of investigations of the Seversk Biophysical Research Center”
(Seversk Biophysical Research Center of the Russian Federal Medical and Biological Agency, Seversk, Russia)
13:45 Andrey B. Karpov :
“The effects of long-term radiation exposure in low doses”
(Seversk Biophysical Research Center of the Russian Federal Medical and Biological Agency, Seversk, Russia)
14:00 Natalia Savva:
“Long-term follow-up of leukemia incidence in Belarus after Chernobyl accident: progress report of epidemiological and molecular studies”
(Belarusian Research Center for Pediatric Oncology and Hematology, Minsk, Belarus)
14:15 Neil Whitehead:
“Attempts to use Be-10 at Dolon to detect the fallout plume”
(Whitehead Associates, Lower Hutt, New Zealand)
14:30 Coffee break
Chair: Akiro Kimura, Polat Kazymbet
(Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine, Hiroshima University, Japan)
(Radiobiological Scientific Center, Astana Medical University JSC, Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana)
14:40 Katsumi Furitsu
“Background and current status of research on the issue of depleted uranium)”
(Hyogo College of Medicine)
14:55 Megu Ohtaki
“Estimation of spatial-rime distribution of black rain based on questionnaire survey”
(Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine, Hiroshima University, Japan)
15:10 Masatsugu Matsuo
“How People Fled at the time of Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima: Rivers and Bridges as First Place of Refuge”
(Hiroshima University, Japan)
15:25 Imanaka Tetsuji
“Radiation exposure and disease records of early entrants after the Hiroshima bombing”
(Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University, Japan)
15:40 Discussion
Chair: Sergey Shinkarev, Noriyuki Kawano, Tetuji Imanaka
(Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center, Moscow, Russia)
(Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University, Japan)
(Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University, Japan)
16:50 Closing remarks: Masaharu Hoshi

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