
NGO ひろしま市民によるカザフスタン共和国旧ソ連核実験場周辺住民(核被害者)への支援・交流


2012-06-18 14:07:41 | Weblog
カザフTV局 ヒロシマ取材 核被害の番組制作







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広報誌 2012 Summer No.25

2012-06-07 23:55:17 | Weblog
広報誌 2012 Summer No.25(20120607)
〒 733-0012 広島市西区草津東3-6-11-2(橋村宅)
TEL/FAX :082-274-1634 
E-Mail: mashenka@fancy.ocn.ne.jp
Blog: http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kazakhstan

 きっかけとなったのは、昨年の10月のNHKBSプレミアム番組「驚異の歌声 『女たちの地平線~カザフスタン~』」の中での、3・11を受けての、ローザの福島に対する発言だった。
 セミパラチンスク核実験場閉鎖から20数年を経た11年3月、日本は東電福島第一原発の事故による悲惨な核被害を経験することになった。核廃絶を真剣に考えなければならない今、「ザマナイ」の歌を通して核被害のない平和な社会を目指す機運を高めたい。ローザは95年、04年についで3度目の来日。7月26日から8月2日までの滞在中にコンサートや市民との交流も行う。なお、音楽CD「Zamanーai ザマナイ~時代よ!~」のローザさんのカザフ語版、歌手TOMOKOの日本語・英語歌詞版は2010年当会が自主制作した。[写真 コンサートチラシ]
 いま、核兵器廃絶の機運は高まりつつあります。皆様方のご尽力により 一人でも多くの方に広島から、遠く離れたカザフの地でのヒバクシャの実態を知っていただき地球上の核兵器廃絶への連帯を広げて行きたいと思っております。

●旧ソ連の核実験を止めた歌 ザマナイ~時代よ!~ローザと時代を歌うコンサート
日時:2012年7月30日(月)18:00開場 18:30開演
場所:広島県民文化センター大ホール(広島市中区大手町一丁目5-1 tel.082-245-2311)
入場料:前売り3000円 当日3500円 

● 若者たちとの交流会 日時 7月28日(土) 内容 原爆資料館、宮島見学 主催 国際交流グループ CANVaS その他
● 第2回 東日本大震災復興支援チャリティコンサート 
日時 7月29日(日) 午後18:30~20:30 場所 広島リーガロイヤルホテル 4F クリスタルホール
内容 ローザのミニコンサートと会食  主催 安芸コスモスゾンタクラブ

◆場所は 旧日本銀行広島支店(広島市中区袋町5-16)で、入場無料です。8月1日(水)の午後1時~2時のイベントには、カザフスタンから来日中のローザ・リムバエワさんが「ザマナイ」を歌い、留学生のスマイルカノワ・マディナさんが民族舞踊を披露します。今年の取り組みを紹介しますので、ぜひご来場ください。
●2012年7月18日(水)~7月30日(月) 午前10時~午後6時
●2012年8月 1日(水)~8月 7日(火) 午前10時~午後6時
 一階と地階の全体で、「こども」と「平和」にふさわしい一般公募作品、委嘱作家作品などを集めて展 示します。ワークショップ作品やインスタレーション作品も展示します。ヒロセミは、フォト・ジャーナリストの森住卓さんの「フクシマ」をテーマにした「ヒロセミ写真展」を開催します。

Tokyo, April 23: Batyrkhan Kurmanseit, Counsellor of Embassy of Kazakhstan in Japan, on April 22 won a Cup of Foreign Minister of Japan, the top prize in the annual Japanese language speech contest among foreign diplomats accredited in Tokyo.In 2009 he already won the same prize and this time it was his second experience.During the contest B.Kurmanseit demonstrated his excellent knowledge of Japanese language, comprehension of Japanese culture and psychology.                 (写真クルマンセイト参事官)

【2011年カザフスタン訪問報告書が作成されました。「日本とカザフスタン若者たちの絆」】「次世代からの発信2011年カザフスタン訪問を終えて ヒロシマに集う若者たち」
内容:2011年9月19日広島市平和資料館 地下1階 メモリアルホールで開催した報告会をまとめたものです。
    1、記念講演 「ヒロシマ、セミパラチンスク、フクシマから何を学ぶか」 
平岡 敬(元広島市長、ヒロシマ・セミパラチンスク・プロジェクト名誉会長)
    4、留学生 平和スピーチコンテスト 優勝スピーチ アイダナ・アシックパエワ

ヒロシマ平和の灯(ともしび)のつどい7月31日(月) 平和記念公園(中区中島町)

ローザ・リムバエワさんの語り---- 歌の背景を語る---
ゆいぽーと 2012年度連続学習講座「ヒロシマを語りつぐ」第4回
旧ソ連の核実験を止めた歌 ザマナイ(時代よ!)ー歌の背景を語るー
問い合わせ:ゆいぽーと 082-248-3320
場所 ゆいぽーと5階研修室(広島市男女共同参画推進センター)






 7期留学生マディナがパネリストとして参加します。大分サミット7月17日(火) 東京サミット8月5日(日)
①専門家グループ 星教授、武市先生、野宗先生、セメイ大学主催の国際会議後、医学生を対象とした集中講義を行います。
・留学生送別会 2月19日(日)14:00~16:00  広島市留学生会館2Fホール  39名の参加
・星先生の最後の講義  3月15日(木) 17:00~17:50  広大医学部 第5講義室
・『星先生を囲むつどい』の開催  3月15日(木) 18:30~ 
・留学生(アイダナ)の帰国  3月26日(月) 広島空港→ソウル→アルマトイ 8:30広島空港集合、9:40フライト
・次期留学生(マジーナ)  4月2日(月) 20:00~20:30 広島空港着
 4月3日(火) 入寮、4月4日(水) 制服合わせ、4月5日(木) 入学式+外国人登録  
・広島フラワーフェスティバル 5月3日~5日 ユーラシアの広場 NHKシクラメンステージ
・真亀1丁目自治会『竹の子まつり』  4月29日(日) 10:00~12:00 
・「憲法ミュージカル」の開催  5月3日(木) 13:30~記念講演  14:30~ミュージカル  会場 : 県民文化センター

・ローザ招聘 記者発表 6月15日(金)市役所記者クラブ
・広島友の会でカザフの話 6月22日(金) マディナ
・留学生の歓迎会  6/23(土)  PM 留学生会館  14:00~16:00 留学生歓迎会 / 17:00~18:00 ヒロセミPJ総会
期間 : 7月18日~31日(1Fロビー)+8月1日~7日(1Fロビー・B1全スペース)
・ローザ来日 7月26日 広島空港
・ローザ広島知事、市長、表敬訪問、ローザ歓迎会 7月27日(金)
・若者交流会 資料館見学 宮島 7月28日(土)
・ローザ チャリティディナーコンサート 7月29日(日)
・ローザ コンサート 7月30日(月)
・ローザ歌「ザマナイ」の背景を語る、ヒロシマ平和の灯のつどい 7月31日(火)
・せこへい美術館 オープニング 8月1日(水)
・平和記念式典 8月6日
・カザフスタン訪問団出発  8月27日
・若者カザフスタン訪問出発 8月28日

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ゆいぽーと 2012年度連続学習講座「ヒロシマを語りつぐ」第4回

2012-06-05 01:19:54 | Weblog
ゆいぽーと 2012年度連続学習講座「ヒロシマを語りつぐ」第4回
旧ソ連の核実験を止めた歌 ザマナイ(時代よ!)ー歌の背景を語るー
日時:7月31日(月)場所:ゆいぽーと 5階研修室
■場所    730-0051 広島市中区大手町五丁目6番9号
■開館時間 午前9時~午後9時
■休館日   月曜日、祝日法に規定する休日(ただし月曜日の場合は直後の休日でない日)、8月6日、年末年始(12月29日~1月3日)
■TEL    082-248-3320 
■FAX    082-248-4476
■Eメールアドレス  info-y@yui-port.city.hiroshima.jp

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2012-06-05 01:04:51 | Weblog
2012年3月 平和市長会議の事務所をセメイ市に開設

Astana, March 20: Twenty years ago, Kazakhstan impressed the world with its decision to close down the nuclear test site and remove all the nuclear weapons. To present day, the country remains committed to the global process of non-proliferation and reduction of nuclear weapons, using all available platforms, including international organisations, to urge the world do the same.

Forming new alliances and promoting the cooperation within the Mayors for Peace organisation has become Kazakhstan’s most recent step in this direction. On March 17, the centre of the former Semipalatinsk nuclear test site, the town of Kurchatov, hosted an international conference arranged jointly with the Mayors for Peace. As a result, nine more cities in Kazakhstan joined the Organisation and a representative office of the organisation opened in Semey. Also, the government of the East Kazakhstan region and the Secretariat of the Mayors for Peace signed a joint action plan.

The conference, entitled “New Generation for A Nuclear Weapons Free World” was organised by the regional administration, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the newly established scientific, research and educational institution, the Nazarbayev Centre.

To participate in the Conference, the European delegation of Mayors for Peace, including mayors of several cities in Belgium, Croatia, and Norway, paid a three-day visit to the East Kazakhstan region. Akims (mayors) of several cities of Kazakhstan and members of the Nevada-Semipalatinsk movement, youth organisations, and representatives of the diplomatic corps accredited in the country also participated.

President Nursultan Nazarbayev sent a welcoming message to the participants of the Conference, which was read out by Kanat Saudabayev, chair of the Commission on Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) under the President and the Director of the Nazarbayev Centre.

“Since the first days of independence, Kazakhstan has consistently pursued a policy of building a world free from the nuclear weapons. The closure of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site, the renunciation of the world’s fourth largest nuclear and missile arsenal, and active promotion of the idea of a nuclear weapons free world constitute a significant contribution of our state to the process of nuclear disarmament,” the President’s message said.

“We consider nuclear safety as consisting of three integral components. It is not only about the protection of humanity from nuclear weapons, but also about counteracting potential nuclear terrorism and ensuring the safety of nuclear energy. Kazakhstan shares and supports the noble goals of the international organisation Mayors for Peace,” the Kazakh President stated as he pledged stronger cooperation for giving an additional momentum to the process of global nuclear disarmament.

In his remarks to conference participants, Saudabayev outlined Kazakhstan’s achievements in supporting the non-proliferation regime. He stressed the regime must be further enhanced, while the number of WMDs reduced.

“Only a steady decrease in the number of nuclear weapons, a total rejection of horizontal and vertical proliferation by all members of the international community, control over proliferation and non-discriminatory use of nuclear energy and technology for peaceful purposes under the complete supervision of the IAEA is the way ahead. There is no alternative,” Saudabayev said.

Since the closure of the nuclear test site on August 29, 1991, the East Kazakhstan region, including Kurchatov, has undergone dramatic changes. In particular, Kurchatov has begun to use its extensive scientific and technological potential for peaceful purposes and progress.

Prior to the conference, the participants visited the National Nuclear Centre, where they were shown the thermonuclear material studying reactor Tokamak KTM and the research and experimental facility EAGLE, all placed in Kurchatov. The delegation also visited the Park of Nuclear Technologies.

“Holding a conference of a high level like this in the science town of Kurchatov, which uses the atomic energy for peaceful purposes only, will be an important step in promoting non-nuclear initiatives. Today, we can confidently say that we have gone from a national tragedy to the national pride,” Governor of the East Kazakhstan region Berdibek Saparbayev said at the conference.

“The present-day Kurchatov is engaged in the development of nuclear industry, also addressing the issues of energy security and protection of public health and environment,” Saparbayev said. “We plan to create a Centre for complex dosimetry to conduct comprehensive analyses and to provide objective assessment of the impact of the testing on the region’s population,” he said.

Mayor of Hiroshima and President of the Mayors for Peace Organisation Matsui Kazumi also sent his welcoming message to the participants of the conference. The address was read out by the Mayor of Belgian city of Ypres, Luc Dehaene.

“It is highly symbolic that several cities in Kazakhstan will join “Mayors for Peace” during the special ceremony to be held at the epicenter of nuclear testing,” Dehaene read.

“I believe that the time has come to learn from all the hibakusha [the surviving victims of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki] what they experienced and their desire for peace. Then, we must communicate what we learn to future generations and to each and every person around the world,” Kazumi wrote in his message. “Beyond doubt, the opening of a “Mayors for Peace” office in Semey would enhance our joint efforts to achieve genuine global security.”

The opening of the Mayors for Peace Office in Semey took place on March 16. In addition, the European delegation held a ceremony of laying flowers to the “Stronger than Death” monument, dedicated to the victims of Semipalatinsk testing. Also, the memorial stone of Mayors for Peace, which unites 5,136 cities in 153 countries and regions, was unveiled on the same day. The events took place at the Polkovnichiy Island in Semey, which gathered several thousand people, mostly youth. Afterwards, the delegation visited the Semey Medical University, the Institute of Radiation Medicine and Ecology, and the Regional Oncology Clinic.

“Yesterday, our Mayors for Peace delegation from Europe witnessed first-hand the intense desire of the people of Semey, of Kazakhstan, of Central Asia, indeed of the entire world for the elimination of the nuclear threat to humanity,” Luc Dehaene said during the conference in Kurchatov.

“As the location of the Mayors for Peace commemoration stone so well symbolised and the welcome from your youth so enthusiastically expressed, we feel we have been taken into your hearts,” he said.

He called upon the participants of the conference to continue to promote the unity of purpose and “cooperate in good faith and with real dedication.”

“We must strive together to determine what each of us can contribute to this great cause and how we can most effectively work in concert to realize it,” Luc Dehaene said.

Young people of East Kazakhstan actively participate in all events promoting ideals of peace and harmony. Speaking before the conference participants, the leader of a regional youth association “Salauat” (Forgiveness) Bakhyt Toptayeva thanked the delegation of the Mayors for Peace organization for the 2020 Vision Campaign to eliminate nuclear weapons by 2020 globally and, in particular, for the “Cities Are Not Targets” (CANT) project.

The CANT Project collects signature petition forms from citizens around the world demanding assurances from nuclear weapon states that no cities are targeted for nuclear attack. The Salauat association shares the noble goals of this project, and in support of it has collected 5,500 signed petitions from young people around the region, Toptayeva said. Asking Luc Dehaene, who acts as a Chairman of the 2020 Vision Campaign, to accept the collected signatures as East Kazakhstan’s contribution to the CANT, Toptayeva said the number of signed petitions is consistently growing, as young activists are actively engaged in raising people’s awareness about the threat nuclear weapons pose to cities.

Closing the conference, Luc Dehaene presented membership certificates to the mayors of nine cities in Kazakhstan. The East Kazakhstan regional administration and the Secretariat of Mayors for Peace signed a joint action plan.

In Semey, the mayors of Semey and Ypres also signed a Memorandum on cooperation and the establishment of twin city relations, since the cities experienced similar tragic events in the past. During World War I, the city of Ypres saw the first use of chemical weapons of mass destruction. Now it hosts the Secretariat of the Mayors for Peace organisation.

“Ypres and Semey have the full and moral right to be the leaders in the movement against weapons of mass destruction. The tragic history of our cities and the memory of our victims oblige us to do so,” Akim of Semey Aibek Karimov said at the meeting with the European delegation.

“With its history, Semey sets an example for us in the struggle for a nuclear weapons free world. We place great hopes on it in the international movement for nuclear disarmament and in engaging the public, especially the youth,” Luc Dehaene said after signing the Memorandum.

As part of the programme, the European delegation also traveled to the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk, the capital of East Kazakhstan, where they visited the exhibition and information centre of the Ulba Metallurgical Plant, Kazakhstan’s flagship plant in uranium and tantalum production.

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