Mieko Carey

Hafa A dai!

Xterra World Championship

2016-11-08 13:54:18 | 日記
Wow! What a fun race! This is really addictive! Of course in 11years racing triathlon, I got down side few times like " I don't want to do anymore" But The feeling when I cross the finish line bring me back to training or races.

Not every race I feel I did it, I gave all! Some race, I feel " I could push more" "I lost myself to not push hard" It is hard to physical and mental get together. Someday I said " Push more, faster" to my body but body doesn't want to. Someday My body said " I want to go faster" but I don't have mental to push though.


It was " Perfect" race. My mental and physical got together the race day.
The race condition was the HARDEST in the Xterra World championship history in 21 years!

With Over 6ft waves, rain and muddy bike course. But I never give up at all. I kept push from start to the end.
It was one of tough condition I done but it was same for others.
Specially on the bike I almost lost myself due to too much hike with bike, stop for get muddy out from bike but I kept the advice my coach gave me "Keep moving. All from my mind"
I was not fighting against mother nature but I was fighting against me.

When I crossed the finish line, I didn't have anything left. It was all out from my body and soul.
I am very satisfied how I raced even I was 14th on the World.

Next year I will try to be top10 in the World!

When I feel I gave all, no matter place I feel like I won myself.

" The most important thing is winning but taking part. The essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well"
by Pierre de Coubertin