Mieko Carey

Hafa A dai!

Xterra Saipan& Guam, Asian tour

2015-04-14 13:33:10 | 日記
Therera Asian are 5 races in the Xterra Asian Tour including Xterra Philippines, Saipan, Guam, Australia and Malaysia.
They have been doing point series in Europe and USA but it is the first year they has point series in Asia.\
Many Pro men and female race in Asia to get high point.

I did Xterra Philippine in February. I finished 4th.

Then we came to saipan and Guam for another two races almost back to back.
Since Tagaman, I had 6days off to do Xterra saipan and 2weeks to do Guam.

I finished Xterra saipan and guam championship as 3rd Pro female.

Xterra Guam was another tough day to fight myself. It was third races in three weeks and I had been having hard time to recovery from past races.

I could feel since swim start my body is not 100% to do this race but I had to finish this as many friends were there to cheer for me and Guam is my home!

Since it had been raining, the organizer decided to use alternate bike course which gave me more hard time to racing others as I was practice original course for last two months and I knew all details like comers, decent. I was hoping those local knowledge give me advantage then other off island athletes..

I was third female when I came back to transition to go run. I was struggle and just tried to keep my body forward and think to be finish race. That's all in my mind.

I was exhausted on the run, felt my tights were like jelly. I was racing against me how I can get over this! Finally I could cross finish line and manage to be 3rd.

I was just happy to be done for the day!
Fortunately I am still holding 2nd place for Asian tour and I am going to Malaysia the end of this month for Xterra Asia tour final race.

Thank-you for believing and support me.


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