人権高等弁務官 ナヴァネセム・ピレー 殿
日本は不法就労する外国人と、彼ら雇用した者を平等に厳しく処分する法律になっていますが、警察官らが、彼らを雇用する経営者と癒着して外国人だけを刑事処分しています。これは、日本法だけでなく国際法違反です。私は、2010年「入管法違反幇助事件」日本政府から受けた不法な扱いに対して、国連のOHCHRに「個人通報制度」で提訴したいが、日本は「個人通報制度」の批准をしていません。提出書類は下記にあります。http://www.miraico.jp/?????/ 日本へ「個人通報制度」の批准勧告と国際刑事裁判所への提訴を支援してください。大統領に、幸多かれと祈る!敬具、、
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
High Commissioner for Human Rights Navanezem Pirey
2017-06-03: Think of OHCHR as well as President Trump!
Respecting human rights in Japan 's prime minister in Afghanistan, "Governing under the law, do judicial administration in line with international law"
Please send a letter pointing out to ratify the "personal reporting system".
The following is the e-mail sent today to President Trump, World Embassy of Medicine, Diet members etc.
2017-06-03: E-mail to President Trump: decide policy to withdraw from Paris agreement! China should also reduce China, the world's largest emitter of greenhouse gases. It is crazy for Japan and other developed countries to recognize inequity. What are the leaders of developed countries thinking? Crazy!
Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president.
President Trump said, "I will keep promises with the people," announced that he decided on a policy to withdraw from the Paris Agreement. The President referred to China, the world's largest emitter of greenhouse gases, and complained that "China is permitted to increase greenhouse gas emissions under the Paris Agreement, which is very unfair for the US" If it becomes fair content to American workers and companies, I showed a posture to negotiate again.
I think the president's assertion is correct. China was forgiven for reasons that industrialization was delayed,
There are too many handicaps that America can not be tolerated. China, the world's largest emitter of greenhouse gases, should be cut equally. It is crazy for Japan and other developed countries to recognize inequity. What are the leaders of developed countries thinking? Crazy!
America should use electricity such as coal and petroleum resources of the Appalachian Mountains effectively to generate electricity, give work to American workers, and strengthen the American economy. And this is an opportunity to develop technology to reduce the generation of greenhouse gases, which is a weak point of coal and oil. you can do it if you try! Always be able to overcome!
Japan and the international community need the leadership of President Trump who will not succumb to China. President Gambare!
Japan has become a law to dispose illegally working foreigners and those employed harshly and severely, but police officers have been affixed to management employing them and criminalized only foreigners . This is a violation of international law as well as Japanese law. I would like to file a lawsuit against the United Nations OHCHR under the "personal reporting system" against the illegal treatment received from the Japanese government in 2010, but Japan ratified the "personal reporting system" not. Documents to be submitted are below. http://www.miraico.jp/?????/ Please support Japan to recommend "ratification of personal notification system" and appeal to the International Criminal Court. I pray the president for happiness! Best regards,
Yasuhiro Nagano