


2017-06-09 06:24:28 | 世界の皆さんへメール







 日本は不法就労する外国人と、彼ら雇用した者を平等に厳しく処分する法律になっていますが、警察官らが、彼らを雇用する経営者と癒着して外国人だけを刑事処分しています。これは、日本法だけでなく国際法違反です。私は、2010年「入管法違反幇助事件」日本政府から受けた不法な扱いに対して、国連のOHCHRに「個人通報制度」で提訴したいが、日本は「個人通報制度」の批准をしていません。提出書類は下記にあります。http://www.miraico.jp/?????/ 日本へ「個人通報制度」の批准勧告と国際刑事裁判所への提訴を支援してください。大統領に、幸多かれと祈る!敬具、





2017-06-09: To the media of the international community News from Japan tips: Please think together not only as President Trump, but as the media of each country! . The following is the e-mail sent today to President Trump, embassy to Japan, OHCHR, parliamentarians and so on.

                                                                                           Common delivery to media

2017-06-09: E-mail to President Trump: If America does not resolve the trade deficit with China, you should be prepared for what will happen. I think that the criminal is the Japanese government that should be punished first for 'terrorist preparatory crime' (conspiracy).

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president.
In the morning of June 7, terrorist attacks occurred in Tehran 's Parliament House, there were reports that 12 people died and 42 people were injured. Sunni IS is hostile to Shiite Iran, IS announced the crime. The world is being disturbed by "rogue". We must make rogue understand the value of "human rights". How should I do?

I am curious that the Chinese army is making moves to increase military base outside the country. It seems that Djibouti in northeastern Africa began to build the first foreign military construction. It almost finished the reclamation of the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea, and since 16 years has been devoted to the construction of runways and hangars.
I am very anxious. Chinese arms extension funds earned by trade transactions from the United States. If America does not resolve the trade deficit with China, you should be prepared for what will happen.

Many of North Korea's nuclear weapons and missile development funds are funded from "pachinko sales" by Koreans in Japan. When the North Korean bank fails due to excessive remittance to North Korea, the Japanese government supports funds from 1 trillion yen. The Japanese government should abolish Japan's unique gambling "pachinko" and cut off North Korea's financial resources. I think that the Japanese government should apply "preparatory crimes such as terrorism" first.
The international community needs the leadership of President Trump. President Gambare!

Japan has become a law to dispose illegally working foreigners and those employed harshly and severely, but police officers have been affixed to management employing them and criminalized only foreigners . This is not only Japanese law but also international law violation. I would like to file a lawsuit against the United Nations OHCHR under the "personal reporting system" against the illegal treatment received from the Japanese government in 2010, but Japan ratified the "personal reporting system" not. Documents to be submitted are below. http://www.miraico.jp/?????/ Please support Japan to recommend "ratification of personal notification system" and appeal to the International Criminal Court. I pray the president for happiness! Best regards,

Yasuhiro Nagano


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2017-06-09 06:21:52 | 政治家などへのメール





 日本は不法就労する外国人と、彼ら雇用した者を平等に厳しく処分する法律になっていますが、警察官らが、彼らを雇用する経営者と癒着して外国人だけを刑事処分しています。これは、日本法だけでなく国際法違反です。私は、2010年「入管法違反幇助事件」日本政府から受けた不法な扱いに対して、国連のOHCHRに「個人通報制度」で提訴したいが、日本は「個人通報制度」の批准をしていません。提出書類は下記にあります。http://www.miraico.jp/?????/ 日本へ「個人通報制度」の批准勧告と国際刑事裁判所への提訴を支援してください。大統領に、幸多かれと祈る!敬具、




2017-06-09: E-mail to President Trump: If America does not resolve the trade deficit with China, you should be prepared for what will happen. I think that the criminal is the Japanese government that should be punished first for 'terrorist preparatory crime' (conspiracy).

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president.
In the morning of June 7, terrorist attacks occurred in Tehran 's Parliament House, there were reports that 12 people died and 42 people were injured. Sunni IS is hostile to Shiite Iran, IS announced the crime. The world is being disturbed by "rogue". We must make rogue understand the value of "human rights". How should I do?

I am curious that the Chinese army is making moves to increase military base outside the country. It seems that Djibouti in northeastern Africa began to build the first foreign military construction. It almost finished the reclamation of the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea, and since 16 years has been devoted to the construction of runways and hangars.
I am very anxious. Chinese arms extension funds earned by trade transactions from the United States. If America does not resolve the trade deficit with China, you should be prepared for what will happen.

Many of North Korea's nuclear weapons and missile development funds are funded from "pachinko sales" by Koreans in Japan. When the North Korean bank fails due to excessive remittance to North Korea, the Japanese government supports funds from 1 trillion yen. The Japanese government should abolish Japan's unique gambling "pachinko" and cut off North Korea's financial resources. I think that the Japanese government should apply "preparatory crimes such as terrorism" first.
The international community needs the leadership of President Trump. President Gambare!

Japan has become a law to dispose illegally working foreigners and those employed harshly and severely, but police officers have been affixed to management employing them and criminalized only foreigners . This is not only Japanese law but also international law violation. I would like to file a lawsuit against the United Nations OHCHR under the "personal reporting system" against the illegal treatment received from the Japanese government in 2010, but Japan ratified the "personal reporting system" not. Documents to be submitted are below. http://www.miraico.jp/?????/ Please support Japan to recommend "ratification of personal notification system" and appeal to the International Criminal Court. I pray the president for happiness! Best regards,

Yasuhiro Nagano


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ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン:すべてのホワイトハウスのために6/8/2017。 |Everything White House for 6/8/2017. |

2017-06-09 06:06:01 | ホワイトハウスからのメール

ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン:すべてのホワイトハウスのために6/8/2017|Everything White House for 6/8/2017. |






12:00 PM:サラ・サンダース副長官


12:20 PM:ポンス副大統領がインフラサミットワーキングランチのために交通部長官、ミック・ムルバニー財務管理部長に就任


12:35 PM:大統領トランプ大統領は信仰と自由連合の多数決会議への発言を見る - 見る


2:00 PMPence副大統領がキプロスのNicos Anastasiades大統領との二国間会合に参加


3:30 PM:トランプ大統領が知事と市長とのインフラサミットを開催



Donald J. Trump大統領がインフラストラクチャーイニシアチブを発表| 201767日(Shealah Craigheadによる公式ホワイトハウス写真)



昨日、トランプ大統領は、アメリカの崩壊するインフラストラクチャーを再建するためのイニシアチブを発表しました。 「アメリカ人は世界のどこにいても最高のインフラストラクチャーに値します。











当時、上院の承認を待っていた63人の候補者が39人に加えて、トランプ氏が102人をトップポストにノミネートしたことを意味している」とシュルマン上院議員は公式統計を混乱させた。 - フォックスニュース


「トランプ政権は、米国が宇宙探査につながることを確実にし、世界は驚嘆するだろう」とマイク・ペンス副大統領は、水曜日の宇宙飛行士候補者のグループに語った。 - Politico


"トランプ大統領は水曜日にシンシナティを訪れ、オバマケアの「災害」と法律を取り戻すための政府の努力について語った...トランプ大統領と一緒に現れた「犠牲者」の2...ビジネスオーナーのダンとミンディー・ウィロー、大統領が目標を達成しようとしているという自信がある」と述べた。 - フォックスニュース


Everything White House for 6/8/2017. |

President Donald J. Trump is following through on his promise to rebuild the country's infrastructure. Yesterday in Cincinnati, Ohio, the President announced his infrastructure initiative that gives states and localities the ability to address their own critical infrastructure needs and to collaborate with private enterprises where it makes sense. It is time to recapture our legacy as a nation of builders — and to create new lanes of travel, commerce, and discovery that will take us into the future.

Today's Events

12:00 PM: Press Gaggle with Principal Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Sanders

12:20 PM: Vice President Pence joins Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao and Director of the Office of Management and Budget Mick Mulvaney for an Infrastructure Summit Working Luncheon

12:35 PM: President Trump gives remarks at Faith and Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority Conference - Watch

2:00 PM: Vice President Pence participates in a bilateral meeting with President Nicos Anastasiades of Cyprus

3:30 PM: President Trump hosts an Infrastructure Summit with Governors and Mayors

Photo of the Day

President Donald J. Trump announces his infrastructure initiative | June 7, 2017 (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)


Yesterday, President Trump announced his initiative to rebuild America's crumbling infrastructure. "Americans deserve the best infrastructure anywhere in the world."

President Trump met with two families who have been negatively impacted by Obamacare and delivered remarks calling for action from the Senate to save Americans from the disaster known as Obamacare.

President Trump announced he will nominate Christopher Asher Wray as the new Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Yesterday, President Trump sent twelve additional nominations to the Senate.

As President Trump moves forward with his infrastructure initiative, here is a look back at six infrastructure projects from the Department of Interior that benefit Americans every day.

What We Are Reading

"[Senator Schumer] had confused the official statistics. At the time, the 63 nominees awaiting Senate approval were in addition to the 39 confirmed – meaning that Trump had nominated 102 people to top posts overall." - Fox News

"The Trump administration will ensure that America leads in space exploration, and the 'world will marvel,' Vice President Mike Pence told a group of new astronaut candidates Wednesday." - Politico

"President Trump traveled to Cincinnati on Wednesday, where he spoke about the ObamaCare 'disaster' and the administration's efforts to replace the law ... Two of the 'victims' who appeared alongside President Trump ... Business owners Dan and Mindy Withrow, parents of four children, said they have confidence that the president is going to accomplish his goal." - Fox News


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