

世界の警察官に感謝 【米国 ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン 2018-03-14a 】 私たちの1600 Daily: トランプ大統領が壁を訪れる

2018-03-14 08:21:41 | コーヒータイム:日本の朝


【米国 ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン 2018-03-14a 】

私たちの1600 Daily






「議会は2018年度の資金調達を考慮しているが、その他のウォールプログラム活動は前進している」と米国税関と国境保護局のPaul Koscakは記している。これらの活動には計画と設計、さらに南西部の障壁の強化されていないか古い部分に沿ったアップグレードが含まれます。


大統領の訪問は、今日、ますます多くのアメリカ人が移民改革への4つのアプローチを支持しているようになってきています。 DACAの厳しい国境安全保障と恒久的解決を支持する大多数に加えて、10人の投票者のうち8人以上が、彼らの教育とスキルに基づいて個人を選ぶシステムを望んでいます。アメリカ。











「国防総省からの医療記録を退役軍人政権にシームレスに移すことができなかった理由を理解できませんでした。 「米国は患者データと相互運用性へのより良いアクセスを必要としている」という圧倒的な合意があります。








トランプ大統領は、「本当に世界精神とヒューストン・ストロングのショーだった、本当に適したトリビュートだ」と語った。 "あなたはヒューストン強いです。"


大統領はアストロズがフィールド内外で真のチャンピオンであると説明した。 「ハリケーン・マリアがプエルトリコを数週間後に荒廃させたとき、ヒューストン・アストロズは彼らの援助を倍増させ、彼らの多くはそこに行って助けてくれた」と彼は語った。







ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領と2017年ワールドシリーズチャンピオンのヒューストン・アストロズ| 2018312日(Joyce N. Boghosianによる公式ホワイトハウス写真)












【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-03-14a 】


our 1600 Daily:


President Trump visits the wall
Today, President Donald J. Trump travels from Washington to Southern California, where he will examine eight prototypes for the proposed border wall with Mexico. The samples range in height from 18 to 30 feet.

While Congress considers funding for fiscal year 2018, other wall program activities are moving forward,” Paul Koscak of U.S. Customs and Border Protection writes. Those activities include planning and design, as well as upgrades along less fortified or outdated parts of the southwest barrier.

The President’s visit today comes as more and more Americans express support for his four-pronged approach to immigration reform. In addition to the majorities that support tougher border security and a permanent resolution for DACA, more than 8 in 10 voters want a system that selects individuals based on their education and skills—not one that chooses immigrants based on whether they have relatives already in the United States.

Watch President Trump’s weekly address on immigration and sanctuary cities.

Learn more: New poll shows overwhelming support for President Trump’s immigration priorities.

You should be in charge of your healthcare information
“Interoperability” isn’t a word most Americans hear every day. But when it comes to the future of healthcare in the United States, few technological developments may prove to be more important.

In healthcare, interoperability means being able to share patient data in an instant—regardless of which hospital, pharmacy, or laboratory has the information—and being able to do so with complete reliability and privacy protection. Last week, White House Senior Adviser Jared Kushner laid out the Trump Administration’s plans in this area at the HIMSS18 conference in Las Vegas, Nevada.

I could not understand why medical records from the Department of Defense could not be seamlessly transferred to the Veterans' Administration,” Kushner said. “There is overwhelming consensus: America needs better access to patient data and interoperability now.”

Read more about the Trump Administration’s plan to put you in charge of your health information.

‘You were Houston strong’
In the same year that Houston battled the challenges of rebuilding from a destructive hurricane, the Houston Astros earned the city’s first baseball World Series Championship. The Astros visited the White House yesterday, where President Trump congratulated the team on a hard-fought series win.

It’s a really befitting tribute—what was really a show of world spirit and Houston Strong,” President Trump said. “You were Houston Strong.”

The President explained that the Astros were true champions both on and off the field. “When [Hurricane] Maria ravaged Puerto Rico weeks later, the Houston Astros redoubled their assistance, and many of them went there and helped,” he said.

It really exemplifies what greatness is all about.”

See photos from President Trump’s visit with the Astros yesterday.

Photo of the Day

President Donald J. Trump and the 2017 World Series Champion Houston Astros | March 12, 2018 (Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian)


Today, President Trump travels to San Diego, California, to review Border Wall Prototypes. The President will then deliver remarks to members of the military.

This morning, Vice President Mike Pence will participate in a Senate Republican Policy Lunch. Later, the Vice President will participate in a series of meetings with lawmakers.


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