サンチャゴまでの巡礼道 Pilgrim road to Santiago
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I walked the way of Santiago in Spain in 2009 and 2010.
By reading the diary of the pilgrims who walked this pilgrim road, I was prompted attempt the adventure that the pilgrims in the medieval age had experienced.
I cannot speak Spanish. I've never been to Spain. So, an extensive survey was conducted in advance.
As I'd been to France many times and can speak some French, I walked, as a trial, the short route along the Santiago way in France fro 3 days. As a result, I learned that I can build up the solidarity with the other pilgrims in the way that we can each other. This experience led me to decide on going to Spain for the pilgrimage
The starting point for the pilgrimage to Spain is a French town by the name of San-Jean-Pied-Port. It is a little town of about 1,500 inhabitants, situated at the foot of the western Pyrenees Mountains.
At the right side of the Nive River, there is an old town constructed in the 15th century. At the entrance the old city from the Nive river, you will find the Notredame church, the symbol of this town.
On may 19th, 2009, I arrived at Maslacq, a town on the pigrim route to Santiago de Compostella, via Orthez by taking the train from Bayonne, the biggest city in the French Basque Country. From here, I walked about 80km and arrived on May 23rd, 2009 at Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, the last town on the Santiago route in France. I was to start for the pilgrimage in Spain the next day.
Signboard showing way to citadel of Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port
Old town of San-Jean-Pied-Port
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
1. 城塞の一角に立つ私 Myself at a corner of citadel
2. 城塞の入口 Entrance to citadel
3. 巡礼受付事務所 Pilgrim reception office
4. メイン通路城塞通り Citadel street, town's main street
5. ニヴ川の河畔 Riverside of the Nive
6. 町役場 Municipal office
7. レストランで巡礼仲間と一緒に夕食 Dinner at restaurant with fellow pilgrims
サンチャゴまでの巡礼道 Pilgrim road to Santiago
※図をクリックすると、拡大した画面となります。Click the figure for magnification.
I walked the way of Santiago in Spain in 2009 and 2010.
By reading the diary of the pilgrims who walked this pilgrim road, I was prompted attempt the adventure that the pilgrims in the medieval age had experienced.
I cannot speak Spanish. I've never been to Spain. So, an extensive survey was conducted in advance.
As I'd been to France many times and can speak some French, I walked, as a trial, the short route along the Santiago way in France fro 3 days. As a result, I learned that I can build up the solidarity with the other pilgrims in the way that we can each other. This experience led me to decide on going to Spain for the pilgrimage
The starting point for the pilgrimage to Spain is a French town by the name of San-Jean-Pied-Port. It is a little town of about 1,500 inhabitants, situated at the foot of the western Pyrenees Mountains.
At the right side of the Nive River, there is an old town constructed in the 15th century. At the entrance the old city from the Nive river, you will find the Notredame church, the symbol of this town.
On may 19th, 2009, I arrived at Maslacq, a town on the pigrim route to Santiago de Compostella, via Orthez by taking the train from Bayonne, the biggest city in the French Basque Country. From here, I walked about 80km and arrived on May 23rd, 2009 at Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, the last town on the Santiago route in France. I was to start for the pilgrimage in Spain the next day.
Signboard showing way to citadel of Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port
Old town of San-Jean-Pied-Port
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
1. 城塞の一角に立つ私 Myself at a corner of citadel
2. 城塞の入口 Entrance to citadel
3. 巡礼受付事務所 Pilgrim reception office
4. メイン通路城塞通り Citadel street, town's main street
5. ニヴ川の河畔 Riverside of the Nive
6. 町役場 Municipal office
7. レストランで巡礼仲間と一緒に夕食 Dinner at restaurant with fellow pilgrims