Page last updated at 12:29 GMT, Saturday, 10 January 2009
China officials 'lost millions'
1: Officials from China's southern Guangdong province are reported to have gambled away more than $3m (£2m) of public money in recent years.
2: Chinese media reports said more than 50 officials had been investigated and six had been jailed or punished.
3: The officials lost the money gambling at casinos in Macau, on cruise ships off Hong Kong, and betting on football matches, reports said.
4: President Hu Jintao has said battling corruption is a key priority.
Hu Jintao主席は、汚職追放を最重要事項にすると言った。
5: The heaviest sentence was given to Wu Xingkui, the Communist Party of China (CPC) number two in the town of Yunfu.
Yunfuの町の中国共産党ナンバー2のWu Xingkui氏が最重刑を言い渡された。
6: Mr Wu was handed a four-year jail term for embezzling large sums of public money to finance his gambling habit, the state-run China Daily newspaper reported.
7: The paper said he was found guilty of losing 520,000 yuan ($76,000) on soccer bets and 70,000 yuan playing mahjong, in addition to thousands of yuan of public money while on a cruise in Hong Kong on 1 January 2004.
8: Ironically, Mr Wu had carried out several operations against gambling, pornography and drugs.
9: Several other CPC party officials were also handed jail terms, expelled from the party, or put on probation in what should be a "clear warning" to all officials, a spokesman for the discipline commission told the China Daily.
China officials 'lost millions'
1: Officials from China's southern Guangdong province are reported to have gambled away more than $3m (£2m) of public money in recent years.
2: Chinese media reports said more than 50 officials had been investigated and six had been jailed or punished.
3: The officials lost the money gambling at casinos in Macau, on cruise ships off Hong Kong, and betting on football matches, reports said.
4: President Hu Jintao has said battling corruption is a key priority.
Hu Jintao主席は、汚職追放を最重要事項にすると言った。
5: The heaviest sentence was given to Wu Xingkui, the Communist Party of China (CPC) number two in the town of Yunfu.
Yunfuの町の中国共産党ナンバー2のWu Xingkui氏が最重刑を言い渡された。
6: Mr Wu was handed a four-year jail term for embezzling large sums of public money to finance his gambling habit, the state-run China Daily newspaper reported.
7: The paper said he was found guilty of losing 520,000 yuan ($76,000) on soccer bets and 70,000 yuan playing mahjong, in addition to thousands of yuan of public money while on a cruise in Hong Kong on 1 January 2004.
8: Ironically, Mr Wu had carried out several operations against gambling, pornography and drugs.
9: Several other CPC party officials were also handed jail terms, expelled from the party, or put on probation in what should be a "clear warning" to all officials, a spokesman for the discipline commission told the China Daily.