

従う勇気 The Courage to Obey

2024-11-04 20:43:55 | 日記
The Courage to Obey

Will you courageously trust God when He calls you to a task that feels beyond your abilities?

ヨシュア記 1:1-9 1 主のしもべモーセが死んだ後、主はモーセのしもべヌンの子ヨシュアに言われた。 2 「わたしのしもべモーセは死んだ。それゆえ、あなたとこのすべての民は立ってヨルダン川を渡り、わたしがイスラエルの子らに与える土地に行きなさい。 3 「わたしは、あなたがたの足の裏が踏むすべての場所を、モーセに告げたとおり、あなたがたに与える。 4 「荒野とこのレバノンから、大河ユーフラテス川、ヘテ人の全土、そして日の沈む方角の大海に至るまで、あなたがたの領土となる。 ​​5 「あなたがたの一生の間、だれもあなたがたの前に立ちはだかることはできない。わたしはモーセとともにいたように、あなたがたとともにいる。わたしはあなたがたを見捨てたり、あなたがたを見捨てたりはしない。」 6 「強く、雄々しくあれ。わたしが彼らの先祖に与えると誓った土地を、あなたはこの民に所有させるのだ。 7 「ただ強く、雄々しくあれ。わたしのしもべモーセがあなたに命じたすべての律法を守り、右にも左にもそれてはならない。そうすれば、あなたが行く所で成功するだろう。 8 「この律法の書をあなたの口から離さず、昼も夜も口ずさみ、そこに書かれているすべてのことを守り、そのとおりに行いなさい。そうすれば、あなたの道は繁栄し、成功するだろう。 9 「わたしはあなたに命じたではないか。強く、雄々しくあれ。恐れてはならない。おののいてはならない。あなたが行く所で、あなたの神、主があなたとともにおられるからだ。」
Joshua 1:1-9 1 Now it came about after the death of Moses the servant of the LORD, that the LORD spoke to Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' servant, saying, 2 ``Moses My servant is dead; now therefore arise, cross this Jordan, you and all this people, to the land which I am giving to them, to the sons of Israel. 3 ``Every place on which the sole of your foot treads, I have given it to you, just as I spoke to Moses. 4 ``From the wilderness and this Lebanon, even as far as the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and as far as the Great Sea toward the setting of the sun will be your territory. 5 ``No man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I have been with Moses, I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you. 6 ``Be strong and courageous, for you shall give this people possession of the land which I swore to their fathers to give them. 7 ``Only be strong and very courageous; be careful to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, so that you may have success wherever you go. 8 ``This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success. 9 ``Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."

民数記 14:10 10 しかし会衆は皆、彼らを石で打ち殺すよう言った。すると主の栄光が会見の天幕でイスラエルのすべての子らに現れた。
Numbers 14:10 10 But all the congregation said to stone them with stones. Then the glory of the LORD appeared in the tent of meeting to all the sons of Israel.

Most people would be honored to lead a nation. Perhaps Joshua felt that way, too. But there’s no doubt that he knew it would be a daunting task and responsibility. Yet he was determined to obey God no matter what.

ヘブライ人は扱いにくい人々でした。彼らは食べ物、水、安全、規則について不平を言っただけでなく、モーセの指導力に疑問を抱き、神に反抗しました。かつて彼らが石打ちで殺すと脅したヨシュア(民数記 14:10)が、今や彼らを新しい故郷へと導く態勢を整えていました。それはまさに神の御業でした。
The Hebrew people could be difficult. Not only did they grumble about food, water, safety, and rules; they also questioned Moses’ leadership and rebelled against God. Now Joshua—a man they once threatened to stone (Numbers 14:10)—was poised to lead them to their new home. It was a God-sized task indeed.

Ultimately, however, Joshua took up the mantle of leadership with courage, boldness, and resolve. He placed his faith in the Lord, who had never let the people down. Joshua fully expected God to be true to His word again and deliver them to the Promised Land.

No matter what challenge you are facing, God will enable you to tackle it bravely, calmly, and victoriously. Joshua’s courage was based upon years of seeing God’s faithfulness. Whether you’ve been a Christian for five minutes or 50 years, you can have the same confidence. The Bible promises that the Lord is sufficient to meet your needs and to keep your spirit secure all the way to heaven.

孤独への答え The Answer to Loneliness

2024-11-04 12:32:37 | 日記
The Answer to Loneliness

私は、*The Big Issue* (ホームレスが販売し、ホームレスを支援する雑誌) で「Single Lives」という記事を読んだことを覚えています。その記事では、ロンドンの孤独について、ほとんどの人が抱くイメージは、アパートの 24 階に閉じ込められた虚弱な老婦人であると指摘していました。実際には、混雑したバーで隣に立っている女の子と必死に会話をしようとしている、おしゃれに着飾った若い男性が孤独である可能性もあります。大勢の人々に囲まれていると、孤独感が増すばかりです。
I remember reading an article in *The Big Issue* (the magazine sold by, and in aid of, the homeless) called ‘Single Lives’. It pointed out that most people’s image of loneliness in London is of a frail old lady stuck on the twenty-fourth floor of a block of flats. In reality, it could equally be a young, fashionably dressed guy trying desperately to make conversation with a girl standing next to him in a crowded bar. Being surrounded by so many people only compounds the feeling of isolation.

Mother Teresa said, ‘Loneliness and the feeling of being uncared for and unwanted are the greatest poverty.’ Loneliness is one of the greatest problems facing humanity today. ‘The solitary human being is a contradiction in terms,’ writes Desmond Tutu. He continues, ‘We are made for complementarity. We are created for a delicate network of relationships, of interdependence with our fellow human beings... We belong in one family – God’s family, the human family... the greatest good is communal harmony.’

God does not intend for you to be lonely and isolated. Loneliness has been described as ‘a homesickness for God’. God created you for community – calling you into a loving relationship with him and with other human beings.

詩篇 120:1-7 NIV [1] 苦難の中で私は主に呼びかけ、主は私に答えてくださいます。[2] 主よ、偽りの唇と偽りの舌から私を救ってください。[3] 偽りの舌よ、主はあなたに何をなさるのですか。さらに何をなさるのですか。[4] 主は戦士の鋭い矢と、えにしだの燃える炭火であなたを罰するでしょう。[5] ああ、私はメシェクに住み、ケダルの天幕の中に住んでいます。[6] 平和を憎む者たちの間に長く住んでいました。[7] 私は平和を求めていますが、私が語ると、彼らは戦争を求めます。
Psalms 120:1-7 NIV [1] I call on the Lord in my distress, and he answers me. [2] Save me, Lord, from lying lips and from deceitful tongues. [3] What will he do to you, and what more besides, you deceitful tongue? [4] He will punish you with a warrior’s sharp arrows, with burning coals of the broom bush. [5] Woe to me that I dwell in Meshek, that I live among the tents of Kedar! [6] Too long have I lived among those who hate peace. [7] I am for peace; but when I speak, they are for war.

A peaceful community

We live in a world full of aggression, division and broken relationships.

One of the main reasons for loneliness is ‘quarrelling’ (v.6, MSG), which leads to the breakdown of relationships. We see this wherever we look – broken marriages, family bust-ups, fall-outs between friends, work colleagues and neighbours.

Adam and Eve’s friendship with God was broken. This led to a separation between Adam and Eve themselves. Cain and Abel quarrelled, and the rest is history.

The psalmist is feeling isolated as though living in a foreign land (v.5). Do you ever feel like him? He is surrounded by lying lips and deceitful tongues (v.2). The people he lives among hate peace (v.6) and are for war (v.7). Do you ever feel doomed to live your life among ‘quarrelling neighbours’? (v.6, MSG).

In your distress, call out to the Lord to save you and the Lord will answer you (v.1). In contrast to those around you, be a person of peace (v.7). This is the characteristic of the people of God: Jesus said, ‘Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God’ (Matthew 5:9).

Lord, help me to avoid unnecessary quarrelling and to be a peacemaker in my family, workplace and community.

ヘブル人への手紙 8:1-13 NIV [1] さて、私たちが言っていることの要点は、私たちにはこのような大祭司がおられ、天の御座の右に座しておられるということです。[2] 彼は聖所で奉仕しています。聖所とは、人間ではなく、主によって建てられた真の幕屋です。[3] 大祭司はみな、供え物といけにえをささげるために任命されています。ですから、この大祭司も、ささげる物を持っておられる必要がありました。[4] もし彼が地上にいたなら、彼は祭司ではなかったでしょう。律法で定められた供え物をささげる祭司がすでにいるからです。[5] 彼らは、天にあるものの写しであり影である聖所で奉仕しています。モーセが幕屋を建てようとしていたとき、こう警告されたのはそのためです。「あなたは、山で示された型どおりに、すべてのものを造るように注意しなさい。」 [6] しかし、実際、イエスが受けた奉仕は彼らの奉仕より優れています。それは、イエスが仲介する契約が古い契約より優れているのと同じです。新しい契約は、さらにすぐれた約束に基づいて立てられているからです。[7] もし最初の契約に何の問題もなかったなら、別の契約を求める必要はなかったでしょう。[8] しかし、神は民を責めてこう言われました。「主の御告げ。わたしがイスラエルの人々、ユダの人々と新しい契約を結ぶ日が来る。[9] それは、わたしが彼らの先祖の手を取ってエジプトから導き出したとき、彼らと結んだ契約のようなものではない。彼らがわたしの契約に忠実でなかったので、わたしは彼らから離れたからである、と主は言われる。[10] その時の後、わたしがイスラエルの人々と立てる契約はこれである、と主は言われる。わたしはわたしの律法を彼らの思いに入れ、それを彼らの心に書きつける。わたしは彼らの神となり、彼らはわたしの民となる。」 [11] 彼らはもはや隣人に教えず、互いに『主を知れ』とは言わない。なぜなら、彼らはみな、小さい者から大きい者まで、わたしを知るようになるからだ。[12] わたしは彼らの悪を赦し、彼らの罪を二度と思い出さないからである。」[13] この契約を「新しい」と呼ぶことによって、彼は最初の契約を時代遅れにした。そして、時代遅れで時代遅れのものはすぐに消え去る。
Hebrews 8:1-13 NIV [1] Now the main point of what we are saying is this: We do have such a high priest, who sat down at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven, [2] and who serves in the sanctuary, the true tabernacle set up by the Lord, not by a mere human being. [3] Every high priest is appointed to offer both gifts and sacrifices, and so it was necessary for this one also to have something to offer. [4] If he were on earth, he would not be a priest, for there are already priests who offer the gifts prescribed by the law. [5] They serve at a sanctuary that is a copy and shadow of what is in heaven. This is why Moses was warned when he was about to build the tabernacle: “See to it that you make everything according to the pattern shown you on the mountain.” [6] But in fact the ministry Jesus has received is as superior to theirs as the covenant of which he is mediator is superior to the old one, since the new covenant is established on better promises. [7] For if there had been nothing wrong with that first covenant, no place would have been sought for another. [8] But God found fault with the people and said: “The days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah. [9] It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they did not remain faithful to my covenant, and I turned away from them, declares the Lord. [10] This is the covenant I will establish with the people of Israel after that time, declares the Lord. I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. [11] No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord,’ because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest. [12] For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.” [13] By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.

A ‘new’ community

The local church is ‘the world’s hope’. The church in the New Testament is described as ‘the people of God’. The people of God gather in local churches all over the world. The writer of Hebrews quotes the book of Jeremiah saying, ‘I will be their God, and they will be my people’ (v.10). No longer isolated and alone, you are part of the most amazing community.

In the Old Testament, God made a covenant with his people. However, the people did not ‘keep their part of the bargain’ (v.9, MSG). God promised that one day he would make a new covenant whereby he would have a new relationship with his people: ‘I will be their God, and they will be my people’ (v.10).

You are far better off now than they were under the old covenant. The writer goes on to say, ‘The ministry Jesus has received is as superior to theirs as the covenant of which he is mediator is superior to the old one, and it is founded on better promises’ (v.6).

There was a problem with the old covenant, for ‘if there had been nothing wrong with that first covenant, no place would have been sought for another’ (v.7). The problem with the old covenant was that the people were unable to keep the law. They ‘did not remain faithful’ (v.9).

神は、古い契約よりも優れ、より良い約束に基づいた新しい契約を約束されました。著者はエレミヤ書(ヘブル人への手紙 31:31–34)からその約束を引用しています。
God promised a new covenant that would be superior to the old one and founded on better promises. The writer quotes the promises from the book of Jeremiah (Hebrews 31:31–34).

これらの約束とは何でしょうか? それは 4 つあります:
What are these promises? They are fourfold:


神は、神の律法をあなたの心に植え付けると約束しています。これは、律法を単に記憶に刻み込むという意味ではありません(申命記 6:6–9 参照)。それは、心を新たにし、「わたしはわたしの律法を彼らの思いの中に置き、彼らの心にそれを書きつける」(ヘブル人への手紙 8:10b)という意味です。
New thinking

God promises to implant his laws in your heart. This does not mean simply committing the law to memory (as per Deuteronomy 6:6–9). It means having a renewed heart, ‘I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts’ (Hebrews 8:10b).


First-hand knowledge

He promises that the knowledge of God will be a matter of personal experience. ‘No longer will they teach their neighbours, or say to one another, “Know the Lord,” because they will all know me’ (v.11). It is possible for you to know God in the way that Jeremiah knew God: ‘They’ll all get to know me firsthand’ (v.11, MSG).


Universal scope

‘They will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest’ (v.11b). This was a fulfilment of the promise in the Old Testament that the promise would no longer be confined to Israel and Judah but would extend to all nations (Isaiah 42:6; 49:6; 19:24).


「わたしは彼らの悪を赦し、彼らの罪をもう思い出さない」(ヘブル人への手紙 8:12)。ヘブル人にとって、「思い出す」という言葉は、単なる精神的な努力以上の意味を持っていました。それは、思い出した人の利益になるか不利益になるかの何かをするという意味を伴っていました。あなたの罪が思い出されないなら、それは神が赦すと決心し、あなたの罪の「石版」が「永遠に拭い去られる」ことを意味します(12節、MSG)。これらすべては、イエスがあなたのために命を捧げたからこそ可能なのです(13節)。
Total forgiveness

‘For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more’ (Hebrews 8:12). For the Hebrews, the word ‘remembering’ meant more than mental effort; it carried with it the sense of doing something to the advantage or disadvantage of the person who remembered. If your sins are not remembered, it means that God is determined to forgive and that the ‘slate’ of your sins is ‘forever wiped clean’ (v.12, MSG). All this is possible because Jesus offered his life for you (v.13).

This new covenant is far superior and ‘has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and ageing will soon disappear’ (v.13).

The new covenant is the basis of the new community into which God calls you. This new covenant is the answer to loneliness. The covenant is with God’s people together and not solely with each individual person. The promises are all in the plural. You have the immense privilege of belonging to the new community of God’s people. You know God personally. Your sins are forgiven. The Holy Spirit has come to live within you and given you a renewed heart. You are never alone.

Father, thank you that I am never alone. Thank you that I can experience a personal relationship with you and be part of the most wonderful community of the people of God.

エゼキエル 13:1-15:8
Ezekiel 13:1-15:8
エゼキエル書 13:1 新共同訳 [1] 主の言葉がわたしに臨んだ。

A faithful community

The great idols of our age are money, sex and power. But an idol can be anything we worship by giving it more attention and treating it as more important than God in our lives. It could be your home, car or possessions but it could also be your work or ministry. When we make an idol out of any of these things, it takes us away from God (14:14).

神は、神に忠実な人々を求めておられます。旧約聖書における問題は、「彼らが忠実でなかった」ことでした(ヘブル人への手紙 8:9)。神はエゼキエルを通して、「不忠実な者となってわたしに対して罪を犯した国について語りました。彼らは不忠実であった、と主なる神は言われる」(エゼキエル書 14:13、15:8)。
God is looking for people who are faithful to him. The problem under the old covenant was that ‘they did not remain faithful’ (Hebrews 8:9). God spoke through Ezekiel about a country that ‘sins against me by being unfaithful… they have been unfaithful, declares the Sovereign Lord’ (Ezekiel 14:13; 15:8).

Ezekiel, the prophet, saw ahead to what we have read about in our New Testament passage for today. He foresaw a time when the people ‘will not defile themselves any more with all their sins. They will be my people, and I will be their God, declares the Sovereign Lord’ (14:11).

神の民は嘘の罠にかけられました。詩篇に「偽りの唇」について書かれているように(詩篇 120:2)、ここでは「自分の思いのままに預言する」偽りの預言者について書かれています(エゼキエル 13:2)。「彼らの夢は偽り、彼らの占いは偽りである」(6節)。彼らは「呪文」を使って「人々を罠にかけ」(18、20節)。彼らは「偽りに耳を傾ける私の民に」嘘をつきます(19節)。彼らは嘘で義人を落胆させます(22節)。
God’s people were ensnared by lies. As we read in the psalm about ‘lying lips’ (Psalm 120:2), so we read here about lying prophets ‘who prophesy out of their own imagination’ (Ezekiel 13:2). ‘Their visions are false and their divinations a lie’ (v.6). Using ‘magic charms’ they ‘ensnare people’ (vv.18,20). They lie ‘to my people, who listen to lies’ (v.19). They dishearten the righteous with their lies (v.22).

How had they been unfaithful? The Lord said that they ‘set up idols in their hearts and put wicked stumbling-blocks before their faces’ (14:3). Even in the Old Testament, the Lord was not concerned only about physical idols – but also about the idols in people’s hearts. God’s longing is for us to be a faithful vine bearing good fruit (chapter 15; see also Isaiah 5:1–7).

あなたは神を知り、神を愛する忠実なコミュニティの一員となるよう召されています。「最も小さい者から最も大きな者まで」すべての人を歓迎してください(ヘブル人への手紙 8:11)。私たちは孤独で孤立した多くの人々が愛と許しを見いだせるコミュニティ、つまり神の民のコミュニティ、主を知り、愛し、あらゆる点で主に忠実な平和の民となるよう召されています。これが孤独に対する答えです。
You are called to be part of a faithful community who know and love God. Welcome everyone ‘from the least of them to the greatest’ (Hebrews 8:11). We are called to be a community where many lonely, isolated people find love and forgiveness – a community of the people of God – a people of peace who know and love the Lord and are faithful to him in every way. This is the answer to loneliness.

Lord, help me to be faithful to you. Help us to be a loving, peaceful and faithful community where many isolated and lonely people come to know you and find, in the community of God’s people, the answer to loneliness.

旧約聖書の一節(エゼキエル書 14 章)は裁きについてです。ありがたいことに、神は「新しい契約」を結んでくださいました(ヘブル人への手紙 8:8-12 に記されているように)。希望が回復しました。
Pippa Adds
The Old Testament passage (Ezekiel 14) is all about judgment. Thank goodness God made a ‘new covenant’ (as we see in Hebrews 8:8-12)! Hope is restored.

考えてみてくださいThink About It

2024-11-04 07:51:25 | 日記
ピリピ人への手紙 4:8 NIV [8] 最後に、兄弟たち、何が真実なこと、何が高潔なこと、何が正しいこと、何が清いこと、何が愛すべきこと、何が称賛に値すること、すなわち、何が徳高く、賞賛に値することならば、そのようなことに心を留めなさい。
Philippians 4:8 NIV [8] Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.


あなたは自分が何を考えているのか考えたことがありますか? あるいは、自分の考えには力があることを認識していますか? あるいは、時間が経つにつれて、自分が考えている通りの人間になる方法について考えたことがありますか?

ローマの牢獄からギリシャの都市フィリピの信者に手紙を書いた使徒パウロは、困難なことに真の考えで立ち向かうことの重要性を身をもって知っていました。 彼は反対、弱さ、困難、迫害に常に対処していました。



ピリピ人への手紙 4:8 NIV






Think About It

Do you ever think about what you think about? Or recognize that your thoughts have power? Or consider how, over time, you’ll become what you think?

Writing from a Roman prison to the believers in the Greek city of Philippi, the apostle Paul knew firsthand the importance of battling hard things with true thoughts. He regularly dealt with opposition, weakness, hardship, and persecution.

But Paul also knew that Jesus-followers were called to a different way of thinking…

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:8‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Even in a broken world, God has created good things, and He’s empowered us to notice and to praise Him for it.

The apostle James also reminds us that every good and perfect gift is from God, and Jesus tells us that He is the way, the truth, and the life. So when we focus on what is good and truth-filled, our thoughts shift toward God—the giver of good things and the author of all that is true.

Focusing on what is good might look like reflecting on Jesus’ sacrifice for you. It could mean remembering a time when you felt God protect, provide, or prepare you. Or it could look like thanking God for the promises He’s kept, and the love He’s shown you.

Following Paul’s advice isn’t about practicing positive thinking—it’s about fixing our thoughts on God in order to cultivate the mind of Christ in our everyday lives.

So today, think about what you think about. Search for a rhythm of gratefulness and worship. Thank God for opportunities to shine light into a dark world. And look for what is good, pure, and true wherever you go.

A Prayer to Focus My Mind on God

God, sometimes it’s hard to focus my mind on good things. But I know You are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy—and I am grateful I can focus my mind on You at all times. When I go through challenging situations, please remind me of Your goodness. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

あなたは誰を信頼しますか? Who Do You Trust?

2024-11-04 07:42:44 | 日記
ヘブル人への手紙 11:6 NIV [6] 信仰がなければ、神を喜ばせることはできません。なぜなら、神のもとに来る者は、神が存在することと、神を熱心に求める者に報いてくださることを信じなければならないからです。
Hebrews 11:6 NIV [6] And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

Who Do You Trust?

One unknown author wrote, "Has it ever struck you that we trust the word of our fellow man more easily than we trust God's Word?" Too often, this is true. We take at face value the statements of our friends, co-workers, family members, doctor, news announcers...we even believe the weather forecaster! How is it, then, that we fail to believe the words of our God?

ヘブル人への手紙 11 章には、旧約聖書の英雄たちの多くについて記録されています。そこには、ノア、アブラハム、サラ、モーセ、ラハブ、ダビデなどの男女が挙げられています。しかし、これらの英雄たちが神のために成し遂げた偉業はすべて「信仰によって」成し遂げられたことを思い起こさせます。これらの人々は超自然的な能力や特別な才能を持っていたわけではありません。彼らは偉大な神を信じる普通の男女でした。彼らはただ神の言葉を信じ、神の命令に従って行動したのです。
Hebrews 11 records many of the heroes of the Old Testament. It lists men and women such as Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Moses, Rahab, David, and others. But it reminds us that the great exploits for God by these heroes were all accomplished "by faith." These people did not have supernatural abilities or special giftedness. They were ordinary men and women who had faith in their great God. They simply took God at His Word, and they acted in obedience to His commands.

結果が怖くて、神に従えなくなってしまったことはありませんか? 心に留めておいてください。神の約束は信頼できます。神を信頼してください。1800 年代に中国に宣教師として赴いたハドソン テイラーはかつてこう言いました。「神は偉大な信仰を持つ人を求めているのではなく、あなたや私のように神の偉大な忠実さを信頼する普通の人を求めているのです。」
Do you find yourself paralyzed and seemingly unable to obey God because you are afraid of the outcome? Mark it down, you can count on God's promises. Trust Him. Hudson Taylor, a missionary to China in the 1800s, once said, "God is not looking for men of great faith, only some common souls like you or me who are willing to trust in His great faithfulness."

Faith is simply trusting God. It is believing that He is who He has revealed Himself to be in His Word-faithful, unchanging, One who keeps His promises. The Christian who walks in faith is not necessarily talented or gifted-just someone willing to trust God.

成長の原則: 神の言葉に従うことで神への信仰を示します。
Growth Principle: Demonstrate faith in God by obeying His Word.