イザヤ書 26:3-4 NIV
[3] あなたは、心を定めてあなたに頼る者たちを、完全な平和のうちに守られます。[4] 永遠に主に頼りなさい。主、主ご自身が永遠の岩だからです。
Isaiah 26:3-4 NIV
[3] You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. [4] Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal.
ピリピ人への手紙 3:10 NIV
[10] 私はキリストを知りたいのです。そうです、キリストの復活の力を知り、キリストの苦しみにあずかり、キリストの死に似た者になりたいのです。
Philippians 3:10 NIV
[10] I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death,
Perfect Peace
God made an amazing promise through the Prophet Isaiah: "You will keep him in perfect peace." What a promise – perfect peace! God promises that we can have perfect peace, and can even be kept in a place of perfect peace.
ヘブライ語の原文では、完全な平和という言葉は実際には「シャローム シャローム」です。ヘブライ語では、繰り返しは強さを伝えます。それは単なる「シャローム」ではなく、「シャローム シャローム」、完全な平和です。それはあたかも、神が私たちに平和の扉を一つ与えるだけでは満足せず、平和の二重扉を開いて「シャローム シャローム」と言ったかのようです。もし私たちにとって平和の保証が一つだけでは十分でないなら、神はそれに続いて二つ目の保証を与え、そして私たちをそこに留めておくという約束を加えます。
In the original Hebrew text, the term perfect peace is actually "shalom shalom." In the Hebrew language, repetition communicates intensity. It isn’t just "shalom;" it is "shalom shalom," perfect peace. It is as if God wasn’t satisfied to give us one door of peace to walk through; He opened up the double doors of peace and said, “shalom shalom.” If one assurance of peace is not enough for us, He will follow it with a second, and then will add the promise to keep us there.
Some can have this perfect peace, but it is fleeting; they are never kept there. Others can be kept in peace, but it is not a perfect peace; it is the peace of the wicked, the peace of spiritual sleep and ultimate destruction. But there is a perfect peace in which the Lord will keep us.
Who are the people who enjoy this peace? Isaiah tells us: "Those whose mind is stayed on You." This is the place of perfect peace and even the source of it. When we keep our minds stayed - settled upon, established upon - the Lord Himself, then we can be kept in this perfect peace.
To be kept in this perfect peace, our mind must be stayed. So, what sustains your mind? What do you lay your mind upon? What upholds your mind? What does your mind stand fast upon? What is your mind established upon? What does your mind lean upon? To have this perfect peace, your mind cannot occasionally come to the Lord; it must be stayed on Him.
To be kept in this perfect peace, our mind must be stayed on the Lord. If our mind is stayed on ourselves, or our problems, or the problem people in our lives, or on anything else, we can’t have this perfect peace. This is the heart that says with the Apostle Paul, “that I may know Him” (Philippians 3:10). Satan loves to get our minds on anything except God and His love to us!
To emphasize the point, Isaiah wrote: "Because He trusts in You." This is another way of expressing the idea of keeping our minds stayed on Him. Almost always, we keep our mind stayed on whatever we are trusting. When we trust the Lord, we keep our mind stayed on Him. It all means that the battle for trust in our lives begins in our minds. If we trust the Lord, it will show in our actions, but it will begin in our mind.
この 2 つのすばらしい聖句は、次のように終わります。「主なる神には、永遠の力がある。」主が私たちに、心から完全に主に頼るよう呼びかけるなら、合理的な理由をもって私たちの心に訴えかけます。なぜ私たちは主を信頼すべきでしょうか。それは、主が永遠の力であるからです。主には永遠の力があるというだけでなく、主が永遠の力なのです。
These two wonderful verses end like this: "For in Yah, the Lord, is everlasting strength." If the Lord calls us to rely on Him completely with our mind, He appeals to our mind with a rational reason. Why should we trust the Lord? Because He is everlasting strength. It isn’t just that the Lord has everlasting strength, He is everlasting strength.
That should put your mind at peace – perfect peace indeed!