

強力な愛 A Powerful Love

2025-02-22 00:26:26 | 日記
A Powerful Love

Even when our instinct is to rescue those we love, our wisest course is to trust God and obey His direction.

ルカ 15:11-32 11 イエスは言われた、「ある人に二人の息子がいた。 12 弟が父に言った、『お父さん、わたしの財産の分け前をください』。父は財産を二人に分けた。 13 それから数日後、弟はすべての財産をかき集めて遠い地方へ旅立ち、放蕩な暮らしで財産を浪費した。 14 すべてを使い果たしたころ、その地方にひどい飢きんが起こり、彼は貧しくなった。 15 そこで彼はその地方の住民の一人のところに雇われ、その人は彼を畑に遣わして豚の世話をさせた。 16 彼は豚の食べる豆で腹を満たしたいと思ったが、彼に与える者はいなかった。 17 しかし、彼は我に返って言った。『父の雇い人の中には、パンを十分に持っている人が何人もいるのに、私はここで飢え死にしそうだ。 18 『起きて父のところへ行き、こう言おう。『父よ、私は天に対しても、あなたに対しても罪を犯しました。 19 私はもう、あなたの息子と呼ばれる資格はありません。私を雇い人の一人にしてください。』」 20 『そこで彼は起きて父のところへ行った。しかし、彼がまだ遠く離れていたのに、父は彼を見て哀れに思い、走り寄って抱きしめ、口づけした。 21 『息子は父に言った。『父よ、私は天に対しても、あなたに対しても罪を犯しました。もう、あなたの息子と呼ばれる資格はありません。』 22 「しかし父親は奴隷たちに言った。『急いで一番良い上着を持って来て、彼に着せ、指輪を手にはめ、足には履物を履かせなさい。 23 そして肥えた子牛を連れて来て、それをほふり、食事をして祝おう。 24 この私の息子は死んでいたのに生き返り、いなくなっていたのに見つかったのだ。』そして彼らは祝宴を始めた。 25 「さて、兄は畑にいたが、家に着くと、音楽と踊りの音が聞こえた。 26 「そこで、召使いの一人を呼び、これは一体何事かと尋ね始めた。 27 「召使いは彼に言った。『あなたの弟が帰って来たので、あなたの父上は、弟が無事に帰ってきたので、肥えた子牛をほふりました。』」 28 しかし彼は怒り、家に入ることを望まなかった。そこで父親が出て来て、彼に懇願し始めた。 29 しかし彼は答えて父親に言った。『ごらんなさい。私は長年あなたに仕え、あなたの命令を一度も怠ったことはありません。それなのに、友人たちと祝うために子やぎを一頭もくださらなかったのです。 30 ところが、あなたのこの息子が娼婦たちとあなたの財産を食いつぶして帰ってきたとき、あなたは彼のために肥えた子牛をほふったのです。』 31 そこで彼は彼に言った。『子よ、あなたはいつも私と一緒にいた。私のものはすべてあなたのものだ。 32 しかし私たちは祝って喜ばなければならない。あなたのこの兄弟は死んでいたのに生き返り、いなくなっていたのに見つかったのだ。』」
Luke 15:11-32 11 And He said, ``A man had two sons. 12 ``The younger of them said to his father, `Father, give me the share of the estate that falls to me.' So he divided his wealth between them. 13 ``And not many days later, the younger son gathered everything together and went on a journey into a distant country, and there he squandered his estate with loose living. 14 ``Now when he had spent everything, a severe famine occurred in that country, and he began to be impoverished. 15 ``So he went and hired himself out to one of the citizens of that country, and he sent him into his fields to feed swine. 16 ``And he would have gladly filled his stomach with the pods that the swine were eating, and no one was giving anything to him. 17 ``But when he came to his senses, he said, `How many of my father's hired men have more than enough bread, but I am dying here with hunger! 18 `I will get up and go to my father, and will say to him, ``Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in your sight; 19 I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me as one of your hired men."' 20 ``So he got up and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion for him, and ran and embraced him and kissed him. 21 ``And the son said to him, `Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight; I am no longer worthy to be called your son.' 22 ``But the father said to his slaves, `Quickly bring out the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet; 23 and bring the fattened calf, kill it, and let us eat and celebrate; 24 for this son of mine was dead and has come to life again; he was lost and has been found.' And they began to celebrate. 25 ``Now his older son was in the field, and when he came and approached the house, he heard music and dancing. 26 ``And he summoned one of the servants and began inquiring what these things could be. 27 ``And he said to him, `Your brother has come, and your father has killed the fattened calf because he has received him back safe and sound.' 28 ``But he became angry and was not willing to go in; and his father came out and began pleading with him. 29 ``But he answered and said to his father, `Look! For so many years I have been serving you and I have never neglected a command of yours; and yet you have never given me a young goat, so that I might celebrate with my friends; 30 but when this son of yours came, who has devoured your wealth with prostitutes, you killed the fattened calf for him.' 31 ``And he said to him, `Son, you have always been with me, and all that is mine is yours. 32 `But we had to celebrate and rejoice, for this brother of yours was dead and has begun to live, and was lost and has been found.'"

詩篇 56:3-4 3 恐れるとき、私はあなたに信頼します。 4 神の御言葉を私は讃えます。私は神に信頼します。私は恐れません。人間が私に何ができるでしょうか。
Psalm 56:3-4 3 When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You. 4 In God, whose word I praise, In God I have put my trust; I shall not be afraid. What can mere man do to me?

When we read about the Prodigal Son, our focus is usually on God’s amazing love, demonstrated by the father. We delight in knowing that He responds to us the same way when we stray from Him. But today, let’s look at the parable to see what it teaches about our responsibility to love others.

Let go. The father had every right to refuse his second son’s foolish request, but he understood that the young man had already left home in his heart. There may be times when the most loving thing we can do is also the most difficult—to let a loved one go. When we try to control the outcome, we may actually get in God’s way.

Wait. Once we’ve let go, we must then wait patiently for God to do His work in that person’s life. Did you notice the father didn’t go to search for his son? He chose to trust God instead of trying to fix the situation and prevent the inevitable hard consequences of the prodigal’s unwise behavior.

このように応答できる唯一の方法は、主のよい計画に信頼を置くことです (詩篇 56:3-4)。主はあなたが知る以上に相手を愛し、相手に近づく最善の方法をご存知です。あなたの仕事は、神が放蕩息子を家に連れて帰るまで見守り、祈ることです。
The only way you can respond like this is to have confidence in the Lord’s good plans (Psalms 56:3-4). He loves the other person more than you can know and understands the best way to reach him or her. Your job is to watch and pray until God brings the prodigal home.

