

親密な友情 Intimate Friendship

2025-02-02 22:49:06 | 日記
Intimate Friendship

ニック・ヒルズは私が今まで会った中で最も賢い人の一人です。彼は学者であり知識人です。彼は素晴らしい頭脳を持っています。私たちは学校と大学で一緒に過ごしました。私がイエス・キリストと初めて出会ってから約 3 か月後 (1 年生のとき)、彼もイエスを体験しました。*すぐに*、ニックは膨大な神学の本を読み始めました。何について読んでいるのか尋ねたのを覚えています。彼は、神の「超越性と内在性」について読んでいると答えました。
Nick Hills is one of the cleverest people I have ever met. He is a scholar and an intellectual. He has a brilliant mind. We were at school and university together. About three months after my first encounter with Jesus Christ (as a first-year student), he too had an experience of Jesus. *Immediately*, Nick started reading massive theological books. I remember asking him what he was reading about. He replied that he was reading about the ‘transcendence and immanence’ of God.

I had no idea what he meant. I had to look up both words in the dictionary. ‘Transcendence’ and ‘immanence’ describe the almost paradoxical nature of our relationship with God. The ‘transcendence’ of God means that God exists apart from, and is not subject to the limitations of, the material universe. He is above and beyond, surpassing and excelling, greatly superior to us.

On the other hand, the ‘immanence’ of God means that it is possible to experience his immediate friendship.

今日の旧約聖書の箇所で、ヨブは「神の*親密な友情*」について語っています(ヨブ記 29:4)。神の超越性を理解して初めて、神の内在性がいかに素晴らしいか、そして神との親密な友情を享受できることがいかに大きな特権であるかが分かります。
In our Old Testament passage for today, Job speaks of ‘God’s *intimate friendship*’ (Job 29:4). It is only when you understand the transcendence of God that you see how amazing his immanence is, and what a huge privilege it is to be able to enjoy intimate friendship with God.

詩篇 18:7-15 ESV [7] そのとき、地は揺れ動き、山々の基も震え、震えた。主が怒られたからである。[8] 主の鼻からは煙が立ち上り、口からは燃えさかる火が立ち上り、燃える炭火が主から燃え出た。[9] 主は天をかがめて降り、その足元には暗黒があった。[10] 主はケルビムに乗って飛び、風の翼に乗って素早く来た。[11] 主は暗黒を覆いとし、その周囲に天蓋を置き、水で暗くなった厚い雲を張った。[12] 主のみ前の輝きから、雹と火の炭火が雲を突き破った。[13] 主はまた天に雷鳴をとどろかせ、いと高き者はその声を発せられた。雹と火の炭火である。[14] 主は矢を放って彼らを散らし、いなずまをひらめかせて彼らを打ち破った。 [15] 主よ、あなたの叱責とあなたの鼻の息の吹き荒れによって、海の流れが見え、世界の基が露わになりました。
Psalm 18:7-15 ESV [7] Then the earth reeled and rocked; the foundations also of the mountains trembled and quaked, because he was angry. [8] Smoke went up from his nostrils, and devouring fire from his mouth; glowing coals flamed forth from him. [9] He bowed the heavens and came down; thick darkness was under his feet. [10] He rode on a cherub and flew; he came swiftly on the wings of the wind. [11] He made darkness his covering, his canopy around him, thick clouds dark with water. [12] Out of the brightness before him hailstones and coals of fire broke through his clouds. [13] The Lord also thundered in the heavens, and the Most High uttered his voice, hailstones and coals of fire. [14] And he sent out his arrows and scattered them; he flashed forth lightnings and routed them. [15] Then the channels of the sea were seen, and the foundations of the world were laid bare at your rebuke, O Lord, at the blast of the breath of your nostrils.

Worship the transcendent God and love his awesome presence

David speaks of the awesome presence of God: ‘The earth trembled and quaked, and the foundations of the mountains shook… Out of the brightness of his presence… The Lord thundered from heaven; the voice of the Most High resounded’ (vv.7,12–13).

In this psalm we see both the power and the anger of the transcendent God: ‘They trembled because he was angry’ (v.7). God’s anger (though never malicious) is his personal reaction against sin.

If we look at racism, human trafficking, the abuse of children, institutional torture or some other terrible injustice without feeling any anger, we are failing to love. Indignation against evil is an essential element of goodness. In this psalm we see that God’s anger is the reverse side of his love.

Yet, this is a psalm in which David expresses his intimate friendship with God. It begins, ‘I love you, O Lord, my strength’ (v.1). David did not take it for granted. He understood the immense privilege of having an intimate friendship with the transcendent God.

Lord, thank you that I can have an intimate friendship with the one who created the entire universe. I love you, O Lord, my strength.

マタイ 21:33-46 ESV [33] 「また別のたとえを聞きなさい。ある家の主人がぶどう園を作り、周囲に垣根を巡らし、その中に酒ぶねを掘り、やぐらを建てて農夫たちに貸し、外国へ出かけて行った。[34] 収穫の季節が近づいたので、農夫たちは収穫を取りに僕たちを農夫たちのところへ遣わした。[35] 農夫たちは僕たちを捕まえて、一人は殴り、一人は殺し、一人は石で打ち殺した。[36] 彼はまた、最初の僕たちよりも多くの僕たちを遣わしたが、彼らも同じように彼らにした。[37] ついに彼は息子を彼らのところへ遣わして言った。『彼らは私の息子なら敬ってくれるだろう』。[38] ところが農夫たちはその息子を見て、心の中で言った。『これが跡継ぎだ。さあ、あの子を殺して、その財産を奪い取ろう』。[39] そこで彼らはその子を捕らえてぶどう園の外に追い出し、殺した。 [40] それで、ぶどう園の主人が帰ってきたら、その農夫たちをどうするのでしょうか。」 [41] 彼らは言った。「主人は、その悪党どもを惨めな死に至らしめて、季節ごとに収穫を納めるほかの農夫たちに、ぶどう園を貸し出すでしょう。」 [42] イエスは彼らに言われた。「あなたたちは聖書で読んだことがないのか。『家を建てる者たちの捨てた石が、隅の親石となった。これは主のなされたことであって、わたしたちの目には不思議なことである。』 [43] だから、わたしはあなたたちに言う。神の国はあなたたちから取り去られて、実を結ぶ民に与えられる。 [44] この石の上に落ちる者は打ち砕かれ、その石がだれかの上に落ちれば、その人を踏みつぶすであろう。」 [45] 祭司長たちやパリサイ人たちは、イエスのたとえ話を聞いて、自分たちについて語られているのだと悟った。 [46] 彼らはイエスを捕えようとしたが、群​​衆を恐れた。群衆はイエスを預言者だと思っていたからである。
Matthew 21:33-46 ESV [33] “Hear another parable. There was a master of a house who planted a vineyard and put a fence around it and dug a winepress in it and built a tower and leased it to tenants, and went into another country. [34] When the season for fruit drew near, he sent his servants to the tenants to get his fruit. [35] And the tenants took his servants and beat one, killed another, and stoned another. [36] Again he sent other servants, more than the first. And they did the same to them. [37] Finally he sent his son to them, saying, ‘They will respect my son.’ [38] But when the tenants saw the son, they said to themselves, ‘This is the heir. Come, let us kill him and have his inheritance.’ [39] And they took him and threw him out of the vineyard and killed him. [40] When therefore the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants?” [41] They said to him, “He will put those wretches to a miserable death and let out the vineyard to other tenants who will give him the fruits in their seasons.” [42] Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures: “‘The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; this was the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes’? [43] Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people producing its fruits. [44] And the one who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; and when it falls on anyone, it will crush him.” [45] When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard his parables, they perceived that he was speaking about them. [46] And although they were seeking to arrest him, they feared the crowds, because they held him to be a prophet.

マタイ 22:1-14 ESV [1] また、イエスは彼らにたとえで話して言われた、 [2] 「天の御国は、ある王がその息子のために結婚の宴を催したのに似ています。 [3] 王は、結婚の宴に招いておいた人々を呼びに家来を遣わしたが、彼らは来ようとしなかった。 [4] 王は、また別の家来を遣わして言った、『招いておいた人々にこう言いなさい。『ごらんなさい。わたしは食事の用意をしました。牛や肥えた子牛も屠って、すべて用意ができました。結婚の宴においでください。』 [5] しかし、彼らは気に留めず、ある者は畑へ、ある者は商売へ出かけてしまった。 [6] 残りの者たちは家来たちを捕らえ、辱め、殺してしまった。 [7] 王は怒り、軍隊を遣わして、人殺しどもを滅ぼし、その町を焼き払った。 [8] そこで、王は家来たちに言った、『結婚の宴の用意はできたが、招いておいた人々はそれにふさわしくなかった。 [9] だから、大通りに出て行って、出会った人を皆、結婚の宴に招きなさい。』[10] そこで召使たちは大通りに出て行って、出会った人を、悪い人も良い人も、皆集めた。こうして、婚礼の場は客でいっぱいになった。[11] 「ところが、王が客を見に来たとき、そこに婚礼の衣を着ていない人がいた。[12] 王は彼に言った。『友よ、どうして婚礼の衣も着ないでここに入って来たのか』。彼は何も言えなかった。[13] そこで王は侍従たちに言った。『彼の手足を縛って、外の暗闇に放り出せ。そこでは泣き叫び、歯ぎしりするであろう。』[14] 招かれる者は多いが、選ばれる者は少ない。」
Matthew 22:1-14 ESV [1] And again Jesus spoke to them in parables, saying, [2] “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a wedding feast for his son, [3] and sent his servants to call those who were invited to the wedding feast, but they would not come. [4] Again he sent other servants, saying, ‘Tell those who are invited, “See, I have prepared my dinner, my oxen and my fat calves have been slaughtered, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding feast.”’ [5] But they paid no attention and went off, one to his farm, another to his business, [6] while the rest seized his servants, treated them shamefully, and killed them. [7] The king was angry, and he sent his troops and destroyed those murderers and burned their city. [8] Then he said to his servants, ‘The wedding feast is ready, but those invited were not worthy. [9] Go therefore to the main roads and invite to the wedding feast as many as you find.’ [10] And those servants went out into the roads and gathered all whom they found, both bad and good. So the wedding hall was filled with guests. [11] “But when the king came in to look at the guests, he saw there a man who had no wedding garment. [12] And he said to him, ‘Friend, how did you get in here without a wedding garment?’ And he was speechless. [13] Then the king said to the attendants, ‘Bind him hand and foot and cast him into the outer darkness. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ [14] For many are called, but few are chosen.”

In the last few years, we have celebrated two major Royal Weddings in the UK: Prince William to Catherine Middleton and Prince Harry to Meghan Markle. Imagine what it would have been like if you had opened your post and found a personal invitation to their wedding. Jesus says that all of us receive an invitation to the greatest royal wedding of all time.

Jesus describes the kingdom of God as being like a vineyard and like a wedding banquet. Both of these pictures speak again of God’s generosity and his amazing love for you.

But God’s love is not sentimental. Again, we see the reverse side of God’s love and mercy, which is his judgment on those who reject his love and do evil (21:35 onwards). When the tenants ‘seized his servants… beat one, killed another, and stoned a third’ (v.35), and in a final act of rebellion, when they took his son ‘and threw him out of the vineyard and killed him’ (v.39), there was a judgment (v.41).

Jesus is prophesying about his own death. He is the ‘son’ and ‘heir’ (vv.37–38) whom God sent. Yet, they ‘killed him’ (v.39). He is the stone ‘the builders rejected [who] has become the capstone’ (v.42). He is the one who executes judgment (v.44). The judgment was to come about because of their rejection of Jesus (they were looking for a way to arrest Jesus, v.46).

Likewise, in the case of the wedding banquet, God issues an open invitation for an intimate friendship with him. It is such a great privilege to be invited to this royal wedding. It is a costly invitation (v.4) and an open invitation (vv.9–10). Everyone is invited. The invitation is repeated over and over again (vv.1–4).

I find it fascinating that Jesus compares the kingdom of God to a party. This is the opposite of how many people think about God, church and faith. They think it is something sombre, dull and boring. But Jesus says the kingdom of God is a party. It is a celebration with lots of laughter, joy and feasting.

However, there were some who, when reminded of their invitation, ‘only shrugged their shoulders and went off, one to weed his garden, another to work in his shop’ (22:5, MSG). Their possessions and their jobs were higher priorities than a relationship with Jesus. Some were extraordinarily rude and hostile – they ‘seized his servants, ill-treated them and killed them’ (v.6). Jesus says, ‘The king was enraged’ (v.7).

神の驚くべきすばらしい招待は、軽く受け止めたり軽々しく受け止めたりすべきものではありません。超越的な神が、神との親密な友情を築くようあなたを招待することは、大きな特権です。しかし、単に従うだけでは十分ではありません。あなたには適切な結婚式の衣装が必要です (11-13 節)。あなたは自分の条件で天国に入ることはできません。イエスの条件でのみ入ることが可能です。ありがたいことに、イエスは死と復活、そして聖霊の賜物を通して、あなたが必要とする衣装を用意してくださいました。
God’s amazing and wonderful invitation is not something you should take lightly or flippantly. It is a huge privilege that a transcendent God invites you to have an intimate friendship with him. However, it is not enough simply to go along. You need the right wedding clothes (vv.11–13). You cannot enter the kingdom of heaven on your own terms – only on Jesus’ terms. Thankfully, through his death and resurrection and the gift of the Holy Spirit, Jesus has provided the clothes you need.

Lord, thank you that in your love, you lay on a banquet for me. Lord, I accept your invitation and come to you today to enjoy your intimate friendship.

ヨブ記 25:1–29:25
Job 25:1–29:25
ヨブ記 25:1 新共同訳 [1] シュア人ビルダドは答えた。

Understand the transcendence of God and know his immanence

直面している問題や困難に圧倒されていると感じることはありますか? 神があなたを助ける力や意志を持っているかどうか疑ったことがありますか?
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the problems and difficulties you are facing? Do you doubt whether God has the power or the desire to help you?

Job understood the transcendence of God. He says, ‘I will teach you about the power of God’ (27:11a). He points out that everything we see of God’s power in the natural world around is only ‘the outer fringe of his works’ (26:14).


God is powerful enough to help you.

God is not only powerful enough to help you; he also loves you enough to do so. Job knew all about the immanence of God. He had experienced ‘God’s intimate friendship’ (29:4) where true wisdom is to be found.

‘Fear-of-the-Lord – that’s Wisdom, and Insight means shunning evil’ (v.28, MSG). The ‘fear-of-the-Lord’ means respect for God. It is in this respectful relationship with God that you find wisdom. Now we know that Jesus Christ is the wisdom of God. It is in an intimate friendship with Jesus that you find true wisdom.

Job describes the immense value of this wisdom: ‘Where can wisdom be found? … It cannot be bought with the finest gold, nor can its price be weighed in silver… God understands the way to it and he alone knows where it dwells… “The fear of the Lord – that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding”’ (28:12,15–28).

What kind of life does this lead to? It will lead to shunning evil (v.28) and serving the poor (29:12). Job describes a truly righteous life as helping ‘the poor… the fatherless… [the] dying… the widow… the blind… the lame… the needy… the stranger’ (vv.12–16). Job was concerned not only with poverty but also with justice: ‘I put on righteousness as my clothing; justice was my robe and my turban… I broke the fangs of the wicked and snatched the victims from their teeth’ (vv.14,17).

As you draw close to God in intimate friendship, his concerns become your concerns. Like Job, you will desire to help the poor, the fatherless, the homeless and the widows. You will want to rescue victims of injustice and speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. You will seek to look after the blind, the lame, the needy and the refugees in your land.

Job had not actually lost his intimate friendship with God. But he had lost any tangible feeling of it. He was going through the most appalling suffering. It seemed to him that God was miles away. You may be experiencing something like this at the moment. If you are, be encouraged by the story of Job.

When we come to the end of the book of Job, we understand that God had never left him. God was going to bless him more than he could ever ask or even imagine. God would restore to him the sense of his intimate friendship.

Now, through Jesus, all of us can experience an intimate friendship with the transcendent God and know his ultimate blessing on our lives.

Lord, thank you for Job’s example. In times of suffering, may I hold on to the promise of your intimate friendship and blessing on my life.

Pippa Adds
We all want to comfort our friends when they are in need, and at least Job’s friends went to him. Sometimes, in our desperation to try and understand their suffering or to help, we say things that aren’t helpful at all! It is very difficult to know how to help someone when they are facing something really terrible. Some people get it absolutely right, but often the best thing we can do is to just listen, be there and pray.

