イザヤ書 9:1-4 NIV
[1] しかし、苦難に遭った人々には、もはや暗闇はない。昔、彼はゼブルンの地とナフタリの地を辱めたが、将来、彼は海の道、ヨルダンの向こうの国々のガリラヤを尊ぶ。[2] 暗闇の中を歩む民は、大いなる光を見、深い闇の地に住む人々に光が差し込んだ。[3] あなたは国を広げ、彼らの喜びを増し加えられた。彼らは、収穫を喜ぶ民のように、戦利品を分ける戦士のように、あなたの前に喜ぶ。[4] ミディアン人が敗北した日のように、あなたは彼らに負わせたくびき、彼らの肩にかかる棒、彼らを圧迫する者のむちを打ち砕かれた。
Isaiah 9:1-4 NIV
[1] Nevertheless, there will be no more gloom for those who were in distress. In the past he humbled the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, but in the future he will honor Galilee of the nations, by the Way of the Sea, beyond the Jordan— [2] The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned. [3] You have enlarged the nation and increased their joy; they rejoice before you as people rejoice at the harvest, as warriors rejoice when dividing the plunder. [4] For as in the day of Midian’s defeat, you have shattered the yoke that burdens them, the bar across their shoulders, the rod of their oppressor.
Christmas before the War Years
「あなたは国民を増やし、彼らの喜びを増されました。」 - イザヤ書 9:3
“You have enlarged the nation and increased their joy." - Isaiah 9:3
12 月はベッツィーとコリー テン ブームにとっていつもとても忙しい月でした。二人は本当のチームのように協力し、クリスマスのお祝いに 10 回ほど出席してスピーチをしなければなりませんでした。招待され、機会があれば、二人は青少年クラブ、日曜学校、病院、軍隊のグループ、教会などでスピーチをしました。
December always was a very busy month for Betsie and Corrie ten Boom. Together they worked like a real team and often had to speak at about ten different Christmas celebrations. Whenever they were invited and got the chance, they spoke at youth clubs, Sunday schools, hospitals, military groups and churches.
彼らはいつも、ルカによる福音書第 2 章のクリスマス ストーリーと、「マーティン神父」というクリスマス ストーリー (「パパ パノフ」としても知られています) を話しました。最初のお祝いでは、コリーがルカによる福音書第 2 章を、ベッツィがマーティン神父のストーリーを話しました。次のお祝いでは、2 人が交代し、ベッツィがルカによる福音書第 2 章を話し、コリーがマーティン神父のストーリーを話しました。出席したすべての子供にオレンジが配られました。可能な場合はいつでも、美しい花や鳥で飾られたキリスト教の小冊子とブックマーク、または聖書の一節が書かれた小さなポスターが配られました。そしてもちろん、古き良きオランダの伝統として、すべての訪問者にチョコレート ミルクが用意されました。
They always told the Christmas story from Luke 2 and a Christmas Story called “Father Martin” also known as the story of “Papa Panov”. The first celebration Corrie did Luke 2 and Betsie did the story of Father Martin and the next time they swapped and Betsie would speak about Luke 2 and Corrie would do Father Martin. Every attending child received an orange. Whenever possible a Christian booklet and a bookmark or a small poster with a Bible verse on it, decorated with beautiful flowers and birds was given. And of course, as a good old Dutch tradition, there was chocolate milk for every visitor.
December was also a very busy month for the watchmakers shop. And Corrie was often very tired after a full day of working. She once went to one of the Christmas feasts, counting for herself: “This is number four, five more to go, and then we’re through Christmas!” She suddenly realized that this was a wrong attitude and prayed: “Lord, give me the miracle that I won’t get tired but enjoy every Christmas celebration, even if it is number ten. Because so many people walk in darkness and night and should receive gladness and light and experience the great joy of You coming to this world to save us. So will You please give us your joy for every celebration so that we can pass this joy on to others?”
God in His sufficiency answered that prayer, and all those years Betsie and Corrie shared with great joy the miracle that God became man to reconcile a lost people to Himself by dying on the cross for their sins.
Do you recognize that the hustle and bustle of organizing your Christmas can take away the real joy?
主イエス様、イザヤ書 9:3 に書かれているように、あなたは私たちの喜びを増し加えてくださるお方です。私たちはその喜びを必要としており、あなたが地上に来られたことを祝いたいのです。あなたが誰であるか、なぜ来られたかを喜ぶ代わりに、クリスマスのお祝いをただやり過ごすほど忙しくなりたくはありません。
Dear Lord Jesus, You are the One that will increase our joy as it is written in Isaiah 9:3. We need that joy and we want to celebrate Your coming to the earth and not get so busy that we kind of just want to get through the Christmas celebrations instead of rejoicing in Who You are and why You came.