

新しい日が始まりました It Is A New Day

2025-01-01 11:35:16 | 日記
イザヤ書 43:18-19 NIV [18] 「昔のことを忘れよ。過ぎ去ったことにとらわれてはならない。[19] 見よ、わたしは新しいことをする。今、それは芽生えている。あなたは気づかないのか。わたしは荒野に道を、荒れ地に川を造る。」
Isaiah 43:18-19 NIV [18] “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. [19] See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.

ピリピ人への手紙 3:12-16 NIV [12] わたしは、すでにすべてを得たとか、すでに目標に到達したとかいうのではありません。ただ、キリスト・イエスがわたしを捕らえてくださったように、捕らえようとして努力しているのです。[13] 兄弟たち、わたしは、まだ捕らえたとは思っていません。ただ、この一事に励んでいます。すなわち、後ろのものを忘れ、前のものに向かって努力し、[14] 神がキリスト・イエスにおいて天に召して下さった賞を得るために、目標を目指して一心に走っているのです。[15] ですから、成熟したわたしたちはみな、このような見方をすべきです。もしあなたがたが何かの点で違った考えを持っているなら、それも神があなたがたに明らかにしてくださいます。[16] ただ、すでに得たものにふさわしい生き方をしましょう。
Philippians 3:12-16 NIV [12] Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. [13] Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, [14] I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. [15] All of us, then, who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you. [16] Only let us live up to what we have already attained.

It Is A New Day

It is again the beginning of another January. Most of us have heard that scary ‘resolution’ word thrown around the conversation in our homes, offices, and friendship groups. It’s easy to make a resolution, but as we all know, sticking to the things we resolve to do is another story.

While exploring some incredible UK waterfalls, I was hit with the idea that water is determined to find its destination. I became fascinated by the small trickles eroding paths along the way in hopes of finding the river. Water has the ability to forge a new path, even though it could take years to do so.

Simply stated, a ‘resolution’ is a firm decision to do something. But the action of ‘resolve’ carries with it a deep determination to see that resolution played out. Like those small trickles of water, it may take numerous attempts, but it will find a way to the goal.

The ‘New Year’s Resolution’ fosters this idea of waiting until tomorrow to change something we could push through difficulty to change today. We often put more weight on creating new goals than stirring up a fresh determination to finish what we set out to do the year before.

In Philippians 3:12-16, Paul encourages us saying (my paraphrase), ‘Hey friends, even I have not yet arrived at the place Jesus wants us to go, but I see the goal! Keep pressing on. Stay resolute. Don’t give up!’

The point of resolution: keep going.

今年の 1 月、2 月、3 月、皆さんが過去に立てた決意を振り返ってみてください。失敗したのではないかと心配しているものや、達成するには難しすぎると思うものについては、もう一度挑戦する決意をしてください。神は私たちが毎日決意を実行することを望んでおられます。目標までの小さな一歩は、まったく一歩も踏み出さないよりはましです。
This January, this February, this March, I encourage you to look back on the resolutions you made in the past. For the ones that you fear you’ve failed in, or think are too difficult to finish, resolve to try again. God wants us to practice resolution daily. Smaller steps to the goal are better than no steps at all.

Which person have you given up praying for? Start praying again. What relationship do you know you need to mend? Choose to forgive today. Let this new year be the year you resolve to keep going. Yes, each new year is a new opportunity to start over. But more than that, each new day is a new opportunity to continue.

A Prayer for Newness

神様、あなたは道がなかったところに道を作ってくださいました! あなたはあなたの息子、イエスを遣わし、あなたの中に新しい命への道を作ってくださいました。 ありがとう。 この真実はすべてを変えます。 それは私を変えます。 私は私の人生をあなたに捧げます。 私は新しくなりたいです。 道を作ってくださってありがとうございます! イエスの御名によって、アーメン。
God, You made a way when there was no way! You sent Your Son, Jesus, to make a way to new life in You. Thank You. This truth changes everything. It changes me. I surrender my life to You. I want to be made new. Thank You for making a way! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

