You Are Loved
Shane Taylor was considered one of the most dangerous men in the UK prison system. Originally jailed for attempted murder, he had his sentence extended by four years when he attacked a prison officer with a broken glass, setting off a riot. He was put in a segregation unit inside a maximum-security prison. He was given his food through a hatch. His door was not opened unless there were six officers armed with riot shields waiting outside. Later, he was transferred to Long Lartin maximum-security prison where he was invited on [Alpha](https://www.alpha.org/).
During the course he prayed, ‘Jesus Christ, I know you died on a cross for me. I hate who I am; who I’ve become. Please forgive me and come into my life.’ At that moment he was filled with the Holy Spirit. He went running out onto the wing, telling everyone he could find, ‘Jesus is real!’ His behaviour changed so much that he went from living in total segregation to getting a trusted job in the prison chaplaincy. He prayed for the prison officers and for his enemies and, when he came out of prison, he got involved in a church. He met a young woman called Sam, who had also had a tough life and had been involved with drugs and criminal activity. She also came to faith in Jesus. Now, they are married and have five children.
Talking to Shane now, it is hard to imagine that he is the same person who terrified so many people in the past. He has experienced ‘*the wonder of [God’s] great love’* (Psalm 17:7). He says, ‘Jesus has shown me how to love and how to forgive. He has saved me. He has forgiven me for what I have done. He has turned my life around.’
詩篇 17:6-12 ESV
[6] 神よ、私はあなたに呼びかけます。あなたは私に答えてくださいます。私に耳を傾け、私の言葉をお聞きください。[7] 敵からあなたの右に逃れようとする者たちの救い主よ、あなたの変わらぬ慈しみを驚くべき方法で示してください。[8] あなたの瞳のように私を守ってください。あなたの翼の陰に私を隠してください。[9] 私に暴力を振るう悪人、私を取り囲む私の恐ろしい敵から。[10] 彼らは憐れみを心に閉ざし、口では傲慢に語ります。[11] 彼らは今、私たちの足元を取り囲み、私たちを地面に投げ落とそうと目を凝らしています。[12] 彼は引き裂こうとする獅子のようで、待ち伏せする若い獅子のようです。
Psalm 17:6-12 ESV
[6] I call upon you, for you will answer me, O God; incline your ear to me; hear my words. [7] Wondrously show your steadfast love, O Savior of those who seek refuge from their adversaries at your right hand. [8] Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings, [9] from the wicked who do me violence, my deadly enemies who surround me. [10] They close their hearts to pity; with their mouths they speak arrogantly. [11] They have now surrounded our steps; they set their eyes to cast us to the ground. [12] He is like a lion eager to tear, as a young lion lurking in ambush.
Know that you are loved and treasured by God
God’s love for you is so great because it is so intimate. David calls on God and asks him to ‘show the wonder of your great love’ (v.7). He prays, ‘Keep me as the apple of your eye’ (v.8a). The apple of the eye is the pupil (the opening of the iris in the eye through which light passes to reach the retina), and so signifies the thing most treasured. Meditate today on just how much you are treasured by God.
Then he prays, ‘Hide me in the shadow of your wings’ (v.8b). Again, this tells of God’s love, intimacy and protection. Jesus picked up this image as he looked over the people of Jerusalem in the days leading up to his crucifixion and longed for them to come and hide under his wings (Matthew 23:37).
ダビデは「敵」(詩篇 17:9)に囲まれています。それは「心の鈍い」人々で、ダビデに対して傲慢に語ります(10節)。人生には文字通り「敵」に直面する時があるかもしれませんが、どんな苦難や困難に直面しても、あなたに対する神の深い愛に頼ることができます。
David is surrounded by ‘enemies’ (Psalm 17:9), people with ‘callous hearts’ who speak arrogantly against him (v.10). There may be times in your life when you literally face ‘enemies’, but whatever struggles or difficulties you may face, you can rely on God’s intimate love for you.
Lord, I call on you today. Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings.
マタイ 20:1-19 ESV
[1] 「天の御国は、ある家の主人が自分のぶどう園で働く労働者を雇うために朝早くから出かけたようなものである。[2] 主人は労働者たちと一日一デナリオンの約束をして、彼らをぶどう園に送り出した。[3] 九時ごろに出て行って、ほかの人々が市場に立って何もしていないのを見たので、[4] 彼らに言った。『あなたたちもぶどう園に行きなさい。その値段に見合うものをあげよう。』[5] そこで彼らは出かけた。イエスは、また六時ごろと九時ごろに出て行って、同じようにした。[6] 十一時ごろに出て行って、ほかの人々が立っているのを見た。 そこで主人は彼らに言った。「なぜ一日中何もせずにここに立っているのか。」 [7] 彼らは言った。「だれも雇ってくれないからです。」主人は彼らに言った。「あなたがたもぶどう園に行きなさい。」 [8] 夕方になったので、ぶどう園の主人は監督に言った。「労働者たちを呼んで、最後に来た者から始めて最初に来た者まで、賃金を払いなさい。」 [9] 十一時ごろに雇われた者たちが来ると、彼らはおのおの1デナリオンずつ受け取った。 [10] 最初に雇われた者たちが来たとき、もっともらえると思っていたが、彼らもおのおの1デナリオンずつ受け取った。 [11] 彼らはそれを受け取ると、家の主人に不平を言って言った。 [12] 「この最後に来た者たちは、たった1時間しか働かなかったのに、あなたは一日中、酷暑に耐えてきた私たちと同じ扱いをされたのだ。」 [13] しかし主人は、そのひとりに言った。「友よ、私はあなたに何も悪いことをしていません。 あなたたちはデナリオン一枚で私と契約したではないか。[14] 自分の分を持って行きなさい。私は、あなたに与えるのと同じように、この最後の働き人に与えようと思う。[15] 自分の分を好きなように使ってはいけないのか。それとも、私の寛大さを惜しむのか。[16] だから、最後の者が最初になり、最初の者が最後になるのだ。」[17] イエスはエルサレムに上って行かれるとき、十二弟子を呼び、その途中で彼らに言われた。[18] 「見よ、わたしたちはエルサレムに上って行く。そして、人の子は祭司長、律法学者たちに引き渡され、彼らは死刑を宣告し、[19] 異邦人に引き渡して、嘲られ、鞭打たれ、十字架につけられる。そして三日目によみがえる。」
Matthew 20:1-19 ESV
[1] “For the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. [2] After agreeing with the laborers for a denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard. [3] And going out about the third hour he saw others standing idle in the marketplace, [4] and to them he said, ‘You go into the vineyard too, and whatever is right I will give you.’ [5] So they went. Going out again about the sixth hour and the ninth hour, he did the same. [6] And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing. And he said to them, ‘Why do you stand here idle all day?’ [7] They said to him, ‘Because no one has hired us.’ He said to them, ‘You go into the vineyard too.’ [8] And when evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, ‘Call the laborers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last, up to the first.’ [9] And when those hired about the eleventh hour came, each of them received a denarius. [10] Now when those hired first came, they thought they would receive more, but each of them also received a denarius. [11] And on receiving it they grumbled at the master of the house, [12] saying, ‘These last worked only one hour, and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the day and the scorching heat.’ [13] But he replied to one of them, ‘Friend, I am doing you no wrong. Did you not agree with me for a denarius? [14] Take what belongs to you and go. I choose to give to this last worker as I give to you. [15] Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or do you begrudge my generosity?’ [16] So the last will be first, and the first last.” [17] And as Jesus was going up to Jerusalem, he took the twelve disciples aside, and on the way he said to them, [18] “See, we are going up to Jerusalem. And the Son of Man will be delivered over to the chief priests and scribes, and they will condemn him to death [19] and deliver him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and flogged and crucified, and he will be raised on the third day.”
Experience God’s love, generosity and grace
Jesus tells a parable that demonstrates again the wonder of his great love. The parable of the workers in the vineyard shows the extraordinary generosity and grace of God, who gives to those who enter the kingdom last the same blessings that he gives to everybody else. This sometimes makes us ‘envious’ (v.15b). We are happy with our situation until we hear of someone else doing even better. Then, we are tempted to envy them.
The landowner in this parable overturns all the normal commercial practices. He does this, not to make extra profit for himself, but for the very opposite reason. He wants to be generous and pay more than justice demands. God is like that landowner, and his blessings and forgiveness are always more than we could ever deserve.
We sometimes hear testimonies from people like Shane Taylor who have lived terrible lives. Then, at the ‘eleventh hour’ (v.9), they repent and believe in Jesus. They are totally forgiven and receive all the benefits of Jesus’ death and resurrection (v.19). Some people complain that this is unfair, or that those like Shane are given too high a profile. Yet God uses their testimonies greatly, often seemingly more than those who have borne ‘the heat of the day’ (v.12b).
As we saw yesterday, God’s kingdom is an upside-down kingdom: ‘So the last will be first, and the first will be last’ (v.16). Jesus is saying this is not a reason to be envious. Rather, it is a reason to marvel at the generosity of God. In his great love, he is generous to all. It is all grace. It is all undeserved. It is all a result of what Jesus foretold (vv.17–20).
The reality is that it is not just other people like Shane to whom God is generous. He is generous to you and me. If God gave us only what we earned, we would be far worse off. Yet if you accept the generosity that God showers on you, the result is staggering.
Through his death and resurrection (vv.18–19), Jesus made it possible for you and me to be forgiven and to enjoy his great love into eternity.
Lord, thank you for your extraordinary generosity to me. May I never be envious of those you seem to be blessing even more than me. Thank you that I can know that I am loved now and into eternity.
ヨブ記 11:1–14:22
Job 11:1–14:22
ヨブ記 11:1 新共同訳
[1] ナアマ人ツォファルは話し始めた。
Hold on to his wonderful love through the difficult days
Job, in the middle of a long period of intense suffering, holds on to God’s wonderful love. He says, ‘Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him’ (13:15).
Although Job had lived a blameless and upright life, fearing God and shunning evil (1:1), he was not perfect. He speaks here of ‘the sins of my youth’ (13:26) and says, ‘My offences will be sealed up in a bag; you will cover over my sin’ (14:17).
The mistake that Job’s friends made was to think that his suffering was linked to his sin. In this passage we see Job’s increasing frustration with his friends. They go on about ‘sin’ (11:6,14) and effectively heap condemnation on Job (v.5). They talk in platitudes, which do not offer any real comfort.
Eventually Job turns around and replies, ‘But I have a mind as well as you; I am not inferior to you. Who does not know all these things?’ (12:3). ‘What you know, I also know’ (13:2). He points out to them that their best policy would be to say nothing: ‘If only you would be altogether silent! For you, that would be wisdom’ (v.5).
We need such wisdom when people are suffering, not to speak in glib platitudes but to ensure we demonstrate God’s wonderful love by our actions and are very careful in what we say.
Job has a far healthier attitude than his friends. In his intense suffering he experiences that awful feeling of aloneness and cries out to God, ‘Why do you hide your face?’ (v.24). After C.S. Lewis’ wife died, he wrote A Grief Observed, likening this kind of experience to ‘a door slammed in your face’.
Yet, in the midst of all this, Job is able to say to God, ‘Even if he killed me, I’d keep on hoping’ (v.15, MSG). He knows God and trusts him enough, even in the very depth of despair.
Know and trust that the length of your life is ultimately determined by God and that ‘the number of [your] months is wholly in [God’s] control’ and that no one can ‘pass the bounds of his allotted time’ (14:5, AMP).
At the same time, Job seems to get a glimpse of life beyond the grave – that nothing, not even death, can separate you from God’s great love: ‘If we humans die, will we live again? That’s my question. All through these difficult days I keep hoping, waiting for the final change – for resurrection!’ (v.14, MSG; see also 19:25 onwards).
You and I are so much better off than Job because we know about the cross and resurrection of Jesus and we have the sure hope of eternity in the presence of God – wondering at his great love forever.
ヨブの物語が展開するにつれ、彼が神を信頼し続けるのは正しいことだと分かります。神はヨブになぜこれほどの苦しみを味わわせたのかを決して説明しませんが、神の愛に対するヨブの信頼は立証されます。苦しみの真っ只中、私たちはどうにかして「神の大いなる愛の不思議」(詩篇 17:7)にすがらなければなりません。
As the story of Job unfolds, we see that he is right to keep trusting in God. God never explains to Job why he allowed him to go through so much, but Job’s confidence in God’s love is vindicated. In the midst of suffering, somehow we have to hold on to ‘the wonders of [God’s] great love’ (Psalm 17:7).
Lord, thank you that although there is so much that I do not understand in this world, I can trust in your wonderful love. Help me today, and every day, to continue to wonder at your great love for me.
マタイ伝 20 章 16 節には、「だから、最後の者が最初になり、最初の者が最後になる」とあります。
Pippa Adds
In Matthew 20:16 it says, ‘So the last will be first, and the first will be last.’
I have taken this verse out of context many times. When our children were young and lost running races, or didn’t do well in an exam or competition, I would recite, ‘The first shall be last and the last, first.’ It was a sort of joke, but also a reminder that what we value in life – success, achievement, getting to the top – will not be valued in the same way in the kingdom of heaven.