ルカ 2:7 NIV
[7] 彼女は最初の子、男の子を産んだ。彼女はその子を布にくるんで飼い葉桶に置いた。彼らの泊まる部屋がなかったからである。
Luke 2:7 NIV
[7] and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.
人口調査のため、ベツレヘムの宿屋は帰路につく人々でいっぱいでした。そしてその時が来ると、マリアは彼らが利用できる唯一の場所、馬小屋でイエスを出産しました。彼女はイエスを飼い葉桶、つまり飼葉桶に置きました。なぜなら、それしかなかったからです。 これは確かにマリアが長子のために計画した誕生ではありませんでした。
神は、物語を信じることができることを私たちに示してくださいました。マリアは神の物語を信じなければなりませんでした。ヨセフは神の物語を信じなければなりませんでした。マリアとヨセフが宿屋で自分たちのために部屋を用意するよう要求し、「これはメシアです。みんな! 部屋を空けてください!」と叫んでいたら、物語はどれほど違っていたか想像してみてください。しかし、彼らはそうしませんでした。 彼らは目の前の状況を受け入れ、その状況がどんなに奇妙で望ましくないように見えても、神の物語を信頼しました。そして、その降伏した姿勢と奇妙な状況から、神はまさに計画どおりに御子を誕生させました。神が作者であるため、私たちは物語を信頼することができます。イエスの謙虚な誕生は偶然ではなく、神の王国が本当にどのようなものであるかを私たち全員に伝えるメッセージであり、絵でした。それはまた、私たちの計画や物語がどうあるべきかという私たちの考えを放棄し、私たちの人生における神の信頼できる手を信頼するようにという招待でもあります。私たちは神を信頼することができます。
Trusting God’s Story
Imagine Mary and Joseph getting ready to become parents. They probably asked a lot of the same questions expectant parents do today: Is the baby healthy? Are we prepared to care for this child? Where will we have the baby? Are we ready for the birth?
Near the end of Mary’s pregnancy, Caesar Augustus issued a decree that everyone within the Roman world return to their hometown for a census (Luke 2:1-4). This meant that Mary and Joseph had to leave their home in Nazareth to take the four-day journey to Bethlehem, the city of David, who was Joseph’s ancestor.
Because of the census, Bethlehem’s inns were full of people making the journey home. And so, when the time came, Mary gave birth to Jesus in the only place available to them: a stable. She placed him in a manger—a feeding trough—because that’s all there was. Surely this was not the birth that Mary would have planned for her firstborn child.
And yet, it was exactly what God had ordained. God showed us a lot about His Kingdom through the circumstances around the birth of His Son.
He showed us that Jesus is humble. Jesus was born in a stable and placed in a manger. The King of all Creation, yet such a humble beginning.
He showed us that the Kingdom of God is accessible. This King wasn’t tucked away in a castle or a mansion, separated from His people and surrounded by luxuries—shepherds and wise men alike were able to come visit Him.
He showed us that we can trust the story. Mary had to trust God’s story. Joseph had to trust God’s story. Imagine how the story would have been different if Mary and Joseph had demanded that room be made for them in an inn, shouting, “This is the Messiah, people! Make room!” But they didn’t do that. They accepted the situation in front of them, trusting God’s story regardless of how strange or undesirable the setting seemed.
And from that surrendered posture and strange set of circumstances, God brought forth His Son, exactly as He had planned.
We can trust the story because God is the Author. Jesus’ humble birth was not an accident—it was a message, a picture to all of us of what God’s Kingdom is truly like. It’s also an invitation for us to surrender our plans, our ideas of how the story should be, and trust the trustworthy hand of God in our lives. We can trust God.
A Prayer of Trust
God, thank You that Your ways are different than mine. Sometimes this can be hard to accept but it is a good thing! Thank You for sending Your Son and teaching me so much about Your Kingdom through His birth. Humble. Accessible. You are worthy of all my trust. Today, I choose to trust You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.